A tall lily, Claude Shride grows up to 72” and blooms early to mid-summer. Photo C shows how beautifully almost any lily works in a mixed garden or with other flowers in a vase. The Martagon Lily is a must for any wild plant collector's garden.
Perfect for bouquets. The sunny colored downward facing flowers fit neatly between other plants and also make a great addition to patio pots. Martagon Lily Sunny Morning has up to 50 flowers per stem that are golden-orange with dark spots.
This group is led by the famous old orange wild lily, which used to be called Lilium tigrinum. Today's favorites are no more work than growing a tulip or daffodil. All are incredibly fragrant, and wonderful for cutting.
Excellent for cut flower. This lily is perfect for patio pots, growing in between shrubs, and makes a colorful border. Martagon Lily Bulbs Manitoba Morning produces up to 50 blooms per stem with flowers that are reddish-pink with light creamy yellow centers...
Sometimes the clumps grow 36' high. This makes callas 'tender bulbs' in most of the country, and they'll have to be lifted out of the ground and stored indoors come fall. Growing Callas: Callas are native to South Africa, and today they're not only easy...
Sometimes the clumps grow 36' high. This makes callas 'tender bulbs' in most of the country, and they'll have to be lifted out of the ground and stored indoors come fall. Growing Callas: Callas are native to South Africa, and today they're not only easy...
Light Requirements: Full Sun
Plant Type / Life Cycle: Annual
Flower Color: Purple
Patent Number: PP#15282
Additional Information: Perennial in zones 8-10. Annual in zones 3-7.
This makes callas 'tender bulbs' in most of the country, and they'll have to be lifted out of the ground and stored indoors come fall. Most all callas have pointed or heart-shaped foliage that's dark green, spattered with white spots.
✓ Rabbit Resistant
✓ Neonicotinoid-Free
Mature Height: 14-18" tall
Planting Depth: Bulbs/Tubers should be planted 3-4" below the soil line.
Flower Size: 3-5" flowers
Poisonous or Toxic to Animals: All parts of plant are poisonous if ingested. Toxic to dog and cats.
This makes callas 'tender bulbs' in most of the country, and they'll have to be lifted out of the ground and stored indoors come fall. Most all callas have pointed or heart-shaped foliage that's dark green, spattered with white spots.
Sometimes the clumps grow 36' high. If you haven't grown callas, you may be surprised that these bulbs create a sizable plant. Zantedeschia aethiopica prefers moist soil and can even thrive when sited along stream banks and water features.
Sometimes the clumps grow 36' high. If you haven't grown callas, you may be surprised that these bulbs create a sizable plant. Zantedeschia aethiopica prefers moist soil and can even thrive when sited along stream banks and water features.
Sometimes the clumps grow 36' high. This makes callas 'tender bulbs' in most of the country, and they'll have to be lifted out of the ground and stored indoors come fall. Growing Callas: Callas are native to South Africa, and today they're not only easy...
Most all callas have pointed or heart-shaped foliage that's dark green, spattered with white spots. The bulbs are irregular, sort of like ginger roots, and several can be planted in the same pot.
✓ Containers
✓ Rabbit Resistant
✓ Deer Resistant
Foliage: Green upright foliage with white specks.
Foliage Color: Green
Planting Depth: Bulbs/Tubers should be planted 3-4" below the soil line.
This makes callas 'tender bulbs' in most of the country, and they'll have to be lifted out of the ground and stored indoors come fall. Most all callas have pointed or heart-shaped foliage that's dark green, spattered with white spots.
Days to Bloom: Blooms in 70-112 days. (10-16 weeks)
(Nerine bowdenii) Lily Langtry, who was born in Jersey.. Also known as Guernsey Lily, it's both deer resistant and fragrant. Nerines like plenty of sun and not much (if any) fertilizer.
Callas are native to South Africa, and today they're not only easy to grow, but available in a literal rainbow of colors. Salsa Calla Lily Mix is a colorful combination or pink, yellow, and white callas all set against mix and match green foliage.
Their fluted blooms and refined foliage make them a favorite for floral arrangements, but they also lend a sense of elegance to the landscape. If you plant your bulbs in spring, you'll have flowers in about 70-112 days.
Days to Bloom: Blooms in 70-112 days. (10-16 weeks)
Sometimes the clumps grow 36' high. This makes callas 'tender bulbs' in most of the country, and they'll have to be lifted out of the ground and stored indoors come fall. Plant this gorgeous Calla Lily either in a garden bed or container – It will thrive...
✓ Easy to Grow
✓ Full Sun
Additional Information: Perennial in zones 8-10. Annual in zones 3-7.
(Zephyranthes robusta) Their clear pink blooms resemble miniature versions of their close cousin, the Amaryllis. Popping out of the ground after summer rains, these tender perennial bulbs are pollinator friendly and as adorable as can be.
Advantages: Deer Resistant, Easy to Grow, Containers, Native
Please, take contact for prices, conditions and more information. Our bulbs are Dutch bred and acclimatized to colder environements so they are easier to stand colder weather.(-10C max).
More than 500 varieties of Lily Bulbs (Asiatic, Oriental, LA, LO hybrids, Trumpet Lilies, Double Lilies, Twinkle) from Dutch producers. Please visit our website for more information
Around 600 varieties of Tulip Bulbs (Fringed, Parrot, Lilyflowering, Darwin, Kaufmannia, Triumph, Fosteriana, Greigii, Viridiflora, Double etc.) from Dutch producers. Please visit our website for more information
We Guarantee all our bulbs to grow with the condition that we are shipping them at the appropriate time. We are now accepting orders with shipping to begin in the Spring of 2011. Check out our Early Bird Bonuses
Plant these foot long bulbs horizontally in a hole that is 3\" deep and cover with 2\" of soil. Enjoy bright red, butterfly and humming bird attracting blooms all summer and fall long.
I want to sell bulbs of them in European market but I need some professional help to do it. If there is anybody, who is willing to cooperate as partner or in another way, please contact me.
There are enough of the Yellow King Humbert type of canna rhizomes to plant a whole subdivision! I send the biggest and best quality rhizomes packed in clean dry potting mix, shipped quickly & directly to you.
Breeding Rhodohypoxis, xRhodoxis and Tulbaghia. Also sending bulbs all over Europe. A small nursery with all year round lots of flowering bulbs on pots. Lots of new plants, see flowers on website.