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Bulbs Seeds For Sale In Las Vegas

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Venice Blue Morning Glory
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / approx. 10 seeds per pkt.

It can also be grown as a ground cover. It's a great choice for attracting pollinators, adding color or hiding unsightly items in the landscape. To encourage continuous blooms for months, remove the faded flowers.
  • Depth: 1/4 inch
  • Spread: Vining.
  • Spacing: 6-12 inches.
  • Flower Form: Typical morning glory shaped flowers.
  • Seed Count: Approximately 10 seeds per packet.
  • Soil Requirements: Fertile, well-drained soil.
Las Vegas
Niobe Weeping Willow
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 1 bareroot plant

Soil adaptable. Both leaves and bark turn gold in fall. Graceful branches sweep the ground. Grows 40-50 ft. NOTE: We are unable to ship our trees to PO Boxes at this time. One of the few weeping trees that thrive in Northern regions.
  • Flower Form: Not showy (catkins).
  • Foliage: Soft green foliage. Both leaves and bark turn gold in Fall.
  • Growth Rate: Fast growth rate, uo to 3 to 4 feet per year.
  • Light Required: Full sun.
  • Fruit: Not showy.
  • Spacing: 40 - 60 feet.
Las Vegas
Seed Starting Grow Light
Prices start at : 84.99 USD / 24" x 30"-1 grow light

System includes sturdy metal stand, light fixture and one full-spectrum fluorescent bulb. Growing area is perfect for use with Gurney's Seed Starting Kit. Light source can be adjusted from 4-in.
Las Vegas
Geisha Girl Japanese Iris
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / 1 Bareroot Plant

Plant in an area that receives full sun to partial shade. Blooms in early summer. For best results, plant in humus-enriched, moisture-retentive, slightly acidic soil. Adds color and movement to the edges of streams and ponds, and other sunny areas that...
  • Comments: Beardless, lavender blooms flutter like butterflies in early summer above attractive, sword-like foliage. Flowers have a gorgeous mottled veining of lavender and purple. Plant near the water's edge or add color to an area of the landscape that tends to hold water. When not in bloom, the vertical foliage remains attractive. Enjoy in a fresh bouquet.
  • Foliage: Sword-shaped, green leaves grow to 24 inches long.
  • Depth: Plant the rhizomes 1-2 inches below the soil line.
  • Botanical Name: Iris ensata 'Geisha Girl'
  • Pruning: Remove spent blooms to keep the plant attractive. Allow leaves to turn brown before removing them. Remove dead leaves in spring, before new growth emerges.
  • Flower Form: Beardless flowers with mottled veining of lavender and purple.
Las Vegas
Samdal & Samyl Elderberry
Price : CALL

Plant two varieties for improved pollination Both Samyl and Samdal produce large fruit clusters, with Samyl being higher-yielding. The nutritious berries have high anthocyanin content and are excellent made into jams, jellies, juices and cordials.
  • Form: Upright, rounded, spreading.
  • Zone: 3-7
  • Botanical Name: Sambucus nigra 'Samdal'
  • Foliage: Green leaves
  • Light Required: Morning sun with afternoon shade is best.
  • Spacing: 3 - 6 feet between plants. 10 - 12 fet between rows.
Las Vegas
Bon Bon Hybrid Winter Squash
Prices start at : 6.99 USD / approx. 15 seeds per packet

Larger, 4- to 5-lb. Vigorous 8- to 12-ft. Fruits than standard buttercups. Deep orange flesh is smooth and deliciously sweet at harvest and after storage.
  • Zone: 3 - 9 annual.
  • Light Required: Full sun.
  • Spacing: 3 seeds per hill in hills 6 - 8 feet apart.
  • Botanical Name: Cucurbita maxima 'Bon Bon'
  • Germination: 9 - 12 days.
  • Depth: 1 inch.
Las Vegas
Red La Soda Potatoes
Prices start at : 12.99 USD / 2 lbs

Always reliable, it withstands cold, heat and drought. Tasty boiled, baked or fried, La Soda keeps well and has been adapted to a wide range of soils and climates, especially for southern gardeners.
  • Zone: 3 - 9 annual.
  • Growth Rate: Medium growth rate.
  • Form: Annual. Vining.
  • Fruit: Bright red 1 - 2 lb. tubers, slightly waxy white flesh.
  • Comments: Adapted to a wide range of soils & climates. Great choice for Southern gardeners. Good keeper.
  • Days To Maturity: 80 - 100 days. Main season variety.
Las Vegas
Surecrop (Junebearer) Strawberry
Prices start at : 12.99 USD / 25 plants

Widely adapted in Zones 6–8. Stands up to drought and disease also. A favorite of Southern home gardeners because it will produce good crops in almost any soil type, including poor soils.
  • Fruit: Medium to large berries with excellent flavor.
  • Form: Spreading.
  • Spread: 8 - 12 inches.
  • Comments: Medium to large berries with excellent flavor. A favorite of Southern home gardeners because it will produce good crops in almost any soil type, including poor soils. Stands up to drought and disease also. Widely adapted in Zones 6-8.
  • Color: Red
  • Light Required: Full sun.
Las Vegas
Celebration Hybrid Tomato
Prices start at : 5.99 USD / 1 plant

Boasting all the great traits of the old favorite, Celebrity, including attractive 8-oz. Performed better than Celebrity in our 2014 tomato trials, and is adaptable to most areas of the country.
  • Flower Form: Small yellow flowers.
  • Growth Rate: Moderate growth rate.
  • Spread: 18 - 24 inches.
  • Zone: 3 - 9 annual
  • Days To Maturity: 72 days from day of transplant.
  • Botanical Name: Lycopersicon lycopersicum 'Celebration' Hybrid
Las Vegas
Hazelnut Jefferson
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 1 potted plant

A full-sun to part-shade site should be chosen for optimal results. Huge yields of large, high-quality hazelnuts! Bigger than other varieties, Jefferson and Theta Hazelnuts have a delicious buttery flavor that is perfect for both savory and sweet recipes.
  • Spacing: 8 - 10 feet
  • Comments: HUge yields of large, high-quality hazelnuts! Bigger than other varieties, Jefferson and Theta Hazelnuts have a delicious buttery flavor that is perfect for both savory and sweet recipes. Exhibits good resistance to pests and exceptional resistance to Eastern Filbert Blight. Plant in very moist, fertile, well-drained soil for best results. A full sun to partial shade site should be chosen for optimal results. Choose two varieties for pollination.
  • Soil Requirements: Very moist, fertile, well-drained soil.
  • Blooms: February
  • Form: Rounded shrub
  • Botanical Name: Corylus avellana 'Jefferson' 'Theta'
Las Vegas
Wilson Delicious Apricot Tree
Price : CALL

Grows best in full sun. The firm, sweet stone fruits are excellent for eating fresh, canning, freezing and drying—and removing the flesh from the pit is easy with this freestone variety.
  • Comments: This reliable apricot produces impressive crops of large, golden-orange fruit every year! Firm, sweet fruit has a unique flavor that is a special treat to enjoy fresh, canned, frozen, or dried. Freestone-flesh is easy to remove from the pit. Wilson Delicious is self-pollinating.
  • Soil Requirements: Well-drained, moist, organic loam soil.
  • Form: Upright tree
  • Spread: 8-10 feet
  • Botanical Name: Prunus armeniaca 'Wilson Delicious'
  • Fruit: Large, firm, golden-orange fruit with a Freestone.
Las Vegas
Chocolate Vine
Price : CALL

This 15- to 20-ft. Large, edible seedpods ripen in early autumn and taste like tapioca pudding! Prefers full sun to partial shade. Can be used as a climber on arbors, trellises and fences or as a lush ground cover.
  • Pruning: Prune in Spring after flowering if needed. Can be cut back to ground level at the end of growing season.
  • Foliage: Large bright green foliage that remains evergreen in warm climates.
  • Spread: 15 feet
  • Size: Small 3 petaled blossoms. The female flowers are significantly larger than the male flowers, about twice as large. The calyx on female flowers is about 2cm, male flowers calices are approximately 1 cm.
  • Comments: Very fragrant blooms. Sweet smell likened to chocolate. Fruit has a white gelantinous pulp with a unique tapioca-like flavor.
  • Light Required: Full sun to partial shade.
Las Vegas
Austrian Pine
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / 3 trees per offer

At the commanding height of 50-60 ft. When fully mature, this hardy pine works well for providing windbreaks and creates the perfect shelter (and seed!) for birds, squirrels and owls.
  • Light Required: Full Sun
  • Comments: Evergreen. Resists drought, pollution, salt air and high pH. Large specimen tree. Very tolerant to urban environments.
  • Form: Broad Pyramidal
  • Foliage: Dark Green, sharp, 4-6 inch, needle existing in pairs.
  • Fruit: Cones 2-3 inch long, new buds are oblong 1/2 - 1 inch long.
  • Botanical Name: Pinus nigra
Las Vegas
Sugarsnax Hybrid Carrot
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / Pkt-approx. 750 seeds per packet

Long roots are easy to cut for cooking or freezing/canning. Smooth, 9- to 11-in. High levels of beta carotene and a super-sweet flavor make this an ideal carrot to eat right from the garden.
  • Days To Maturity: 68 days.
  • Form: Annual. Root
  • Spread: 10 - 12 inches.
  • Light Required: Full sun.
  • Germination: 10 - 15 days.
  • Size: 9 - 11 inch long roots.
Las Vegas
Ouachita Blackberry
Prices start at : 9.99 USD / 1 plant

Enjoy consistent yields of large, extra-sweet berries, easily harvested from thornless, fully erect canes. U.S. Patent No. 17162. No 1, 1-yr plants. Ripens in mid to late June and fruiting extends for five weeks, giving you more time to enjoy delicious...
  • Fruit: Firm, high quality, 1 X 3/4 inch/6-6.5 grams, glossy black berries, ripens early.
  • Soil Requirements: Well-drained, rich, slightly acidic moist soil, 5.5- 6.8 pH.
  • Spread: 4 - 5 feet
  • Pruning: In late Winter, early Spring, prune and thin your blackberry plants. Any time of the year, you can prune out dead or diseased canes.
  • Botanical Name: Rubus x 'Ouachita'
  • Zone: 5 - 9
Las Vegas
Double Knock Out Rose
Prices start at : 34.99 USD / one 1 gallon potted plant

Rosa 'radtko' PP16202 This item is ready to ship! Double Knock Out Rose ships established in its own 1 gallon container. Ideal for borders and hedges because of its compact size. This double-petal rose has the longest blooming cycle of any rose! Free-flowering,...
Las Vegas
Venus Sweetshrub
Prices start at : 24.99 USD / 1 potted plant

Best in partial sun to full shade. Similar to a magnolia bloom in form and fragrance, this sweet specimen truly lives up to its name! Pure white blooms open in early summer to reveal deep purple centers and an extremely powerful fragrance with hints of...
  • Botanical Name: Calycanthus 'Venus'
  • Color: Pure white with purple centers.
  • Foliage: Glossy-green, opposite leaves.
  • Depth: Plant at same depth as in pot.
  • Light Required: Full to partial shade.
  • Height: 8 - 10 feet
Las Vegas
Perpetual Chard
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / approx. 200 seeds per pkt.

Because it is slow to bolt, it extends the harvest season. Its smooth, dark green leaves are flavorful and rich in antioxidants. Slower to bolt than spinach, Perpetual is a great choice for Southern gardens.
  • Form: Upright
  • Soil Requirements: Well-drained, fertile soil; pH 6.0 - 6.8.
  • Light Required: Full Sun
  • Growth Rate: Moderate growth rate.
  • Spread: 12-15 inches.
  • Zone: 3-9 (Annual)
Las Vegas
Inchelium Red Garlic
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / 1 garlic bulb

12-20 cloves per bulb. With its pleasing rich flavor and medium pungency, it's not hard to see why it won the prize. Discovered on an Indian reservation in Washington, this midseason, artichoke-type variety is a national taste test winner.
  • Botanical Name: Allium sativum 'Inchelium Red'; Family: Liliaceae (Lily Family)
  • Soil Requirements: Well-drained, loose, organic soil.
  • Zone: 3 - 9 (-30° F.)
  • Height: 18 inches.
  • Comments: Discovered on an Indian reservation in Washington, this mid-season, artichoke-type variety is a national taste test winner. With its pleasing rich flavor and medium pungency, it's not hard to see why it won the prize. Very large cloves. White wrappers and cloves. Stores well for 6 - 9 months.
  • Size: Produces bulbs typically over 2 1/2 inches in diameter.
Las Vegas
Pampas Grass
Price : CALL

Big, puffy plumes and stately foliage. Best in full sun. A favorite for drying—adds grace, texture and height to indoor arrangements. Tall and blooms mid to late summer to form an outstanding screen.
  • Depth: Plant the crown at soil surface.
  • Growth Rate: Slow growth rate while establishing, fast thereafter.
  • Color: Light pink
  • Pruning: Cut to the ground in Spring as new growth will start from the ground.
  • Zone: 7 - 10
  • Height: 5 - 7 feet
Las Vegas
Garden Netting
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 3' x 50' netting -1 net

Durable, reusable netting with 5/8 x 3/4 in. Size can also be attached to stakes for use around garden or as a pea trellis. Use largest size to cover trees; long, narrow sizes to cover berry rows.
Las Vegas
Kirinmaru Peony
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / 1 2-3 Eye Bareroot Plant

Grows 24-36 in. Plant in full sun to partial shade. Or plant as a specimen plant in the sunny mixed perennial bed. Kirinmaru's large, 5-7 in. Tall with a similar spread. Plant several in a row to create a low-growing, low-maintenance hedge that never...
  • Foliage: Glossy, deep green leaves that are very ornamental throughout the growing season.
  • Blooms: Mid to late spring for about 2-3 weeks.
  • Flower Form: Large 5-7 inches ball-shaped, crowded petaled flowers.
  • Comments: Rare blooms of white streaked with raspberry red, Peonies have long been garden favorites. Enjoy the large fluffy blooms each spring and nice mounds of attractive foliage for the rest of the season in your landscape or garden.
  • Size: 5-7 inch blossoms.
  • Spacing: 24-36 inches
Las Vegas
Zahara Improved Zinnia Mixture
Prices start at : 4.99 USD / approx. 25 seeds per pkt.

Tall, they create a beautiful display in borders, mass plantings, containers and cut-flower arrangements. Growing 12-18 in. Big, bold blooms are 20% larger than similar varieties—and butterflies love them.
  • Spread: 8 - 12 inches.
  • Light Required: Full sun.
  • Soil Requirements: Well-drained fertile soil.
  • Form: Upright, annual.
  • Botanical Name: Zinnia marylandica 'Zahara'
  • Zone: 3 - 10. Annual.
Las Vegas
Dappled Willow
Prices start at : 24.99 USD / one 1 gallon potted plant

Dappled Willow ships established in its own container. Often mistaken for its cousin, the Pussy Willow, Dappled Willow has yellow catkins and long clusters of pink and green variegated leaves that come springtime.
Las Vegas
Apollodorus Classic German Iris
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / 1 iris rhizome

Its copper and maroon petals are highlighted with bright gold beards. A big, bold and unusually colored iris that's a standout in the garden.
  • Depth: Set rhizome so bottom half is below ground level. Firm well and water thoroughly.
  • Pruning: Remove spent flower stems after blooming. In late fall, cut back foliage to 6" fans. Clean plant debris before winter to prevent borers overwintering.
  • Form: Upright
  • Zone: 4 - 9
  • Color: Copper and maroon petals are highlighted with bright gold beards.
  • Light Required: Full sun to partial shade.
Las Vegas
Vegetable OOZE TUBEtm
Prices start at : 29.99 USD / 1 tube

This unique drip emission system supplies plants with the proper amount of water for up to two weeks between refills! Effective for a wide variety of vegetables—and can increase crop production.
Las Vegas
Belle of Georgia Peach Tree
Price : CALL

Self-pollinating. Combines good yields, hardiness and disease resistance. Sets rosy freestone peaches with super-sweet, juicy white flesh. Planting Tip: Plant semi-dwarf peach trees about 12-14 feet apart, standards 20 feet apart.
  • Height: 20 feet for Standard, 12 feet for Semi-dwarf.
  • Botanical Name: Prunus persica 'Belle of Georgia'
  • Spread: 15 feet for Standard, 10 feet for Semi-dwarf.
  • Pruning: Prune after most of freezing weather has past, but before tree leafs out - late winter to very early spring.
  • Color: Pink
  • Foliage: Medium green foliage.
Las Vegas