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Bulbs Seeds For Sale In Chula Vista

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Drippin\' Honeytm Reachablestm Pear Tree
Prices start at : 49.99 USD / Reachables™ 2-4'-1 Tree

Why Buy Gurney's Deluxe Fruit Trees? Huge juicy pears are honey-sweet and delightfully crisp. Produces in Less Than 2 Years! Our Reachablestm trees bear a small fruit crop in under two years—and larger crops in the subsequent years.
  • Pruning: Annual pruning needed.
  • Depth: The top of the Ellepot container should be even with the soil level.
  • Zone: 5 - 8
  • Fruit: Round golden russet fruits can reach up to a pound. Very crisp, super sweet.
  • Form: Deciduous. Upright and spreading.
  • Botanical Name: Pyrus serotina hybrid 'Drippin' Honey PPAF
Chula Vista
Sugar Baby Watermelon
Prices start at : 2.99 USD / approx. 30 seeds per packet

The only thing oversized is the flavor—rich and incredibly sweet. Fruits packed with sweet red-orange flesh. Compact vines produce plenty of 6- to 10-lb. Saves space in the garden and in the refrigerator.
  • Foliage: Green foliage.
  • Depth: 1 - 1 1/2 inches.
  • Flower Form: Small yellow flowers.
  • Fruit: Thin, hard, tough rind with distinct stripes when immature, becoming almost black when ripe.
  • Soil Requirements: Well-drained, light, fertile, sandy loam soil.
  • Comments: Firm, sweet red-orange flesh. Small dark-brown apple like seeds. Early producer of small melons. Ideal size for storing in refrigerator. Drought resistant. Heavy producer.
Chula Vista
Pickin\' & Grinnin\' Bush Bean
Prices start at : 16.99 USD

Sow Pickin' & Grinnin' Bush Bean seed after all danger of frost has passed and the soil is at least 68 degrees F. Growing just 18-24 in. Long! The tasty beans are a top choice for fresh eating and processing.
  • Form: herbaceous perennial
  • Seed Count: 2 oz. packet is approximately 150 seeds, 1/2 lb. is approximately 600 seeds.
  • Germination: 6 - 10 days.
  • Blooms: Midsummer for 4-5 weeks then intermittently through to the late summer
  • Height: 8 - 12 inches
  • Depth: Place in a hole 2 times as wide and deep as the pot; plant top of root ball at soil surface.
Chula Vista
Sensation Lilac
Prices start at : 14.99 USD / 1 potted

Enjoy the classic lilac fragrance as it perfumes the entire area, while the gorgeous flower panicles delight butterflies and hummingbirds alike. Drought tolerant. As its deep green foliage remains attractive all season, use as a border, hedge or mass...
  • Form: Deciduous woody shrub.
  • Depth: Plant at the same depth it is in the pot.
  • Spacing: 10 - 12 feet.
  • Zone: 4 - 7
  • Light Required: Partial Shade/Full Sun
  • Foliage: Slightly bluish-green, glabrous, heart-shaped leaves 4 - 5 inches long.
Chula Vista
White Delight Creeping Phlox
Prices start at : 12.99 USD / 2 Bareroot

Plant in full sun to partial shade. Blooms in late spring. Tall with a 12-18 in. This carefree wonder quickly blankets even tough problem areas with dense evergreen foliage and thousands of white blooms.
  • Depth: Plant so that the crown of the plant (where the stems meet the roots) is at the soil level.
  • Color: shades of white
  • Foliage: Semi-evergreen needle-like dark green leaves, 1" long; brighter green in spring.
  • Comments: Mounds of snowy drifts appear to canvas the ground with a brilliant blanket of white. This stunning ground cover grows just about anywhere with very little effort. Bright, cheery colour appears quickly in late spring amid the needle-like semie-vergreen leaves to create a lush carpet, even in poor, dry, sandy soil.When contrasting colours are planted together they create a patchwork of glorious hues that flood your landscape for a breathtaking effect.
  • Pruning: Occasional shearing to stimulate growth. After flowering or late summer.
  • Light Required: Partial Shade, Full Sun
Chula Vista
Jazz Me Blue German Iris
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / 1 iris rhizome

Create fresh arrangements with just a few stems. Plus, iris borers, aphids and wood lice steer clear of it in the garden. You can plant Jazz Me Blue virtually anywhere in the landscape.
  • Growth Rate: Moderate growth rate.
  • Pruning: Remove spent flower stems after blooming. In late fall, cut back foliage to 6 inch fans. Clean plant debris before winter to prevent borers overwintering.
  • Zone: 4 - 9
  • Flower Form: Flowers are fan-shaped, with three drooping petals called falls and three upright petals called standards. Ruffled.
  • Blooms: Mid season.
  • Depth: Set rhizome so bottom half is below ground level. Firm well and water thoroughly.
Chula Vista
Lemon Drop Miniature Rose
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / #1 bareroot plant

U.S. Patent No. 14555. The clear lemon yellow blossoms come in showy clusters. This sweet piece of lemony eye-candy looks much like its parent, Gingerbread Man—loads of old-fashioned formed flowers, lots of bright green clean leaves, long-lasting color,...
  • Spacing: 12 - 18 inches
  • Blooms: Summer
  • Depth: Plant at the same level as the soil so the crown of the plant is even with the soil level. Do not bury the crown. Full sun is best for quicker flowering and higher quality plants.
  • Spread: 12-18 inches.
  • Soil Requirements: Well-drained.
  • Color: Pure lemonade-yellow blossoms.
Chula Vista
Pixwell Gooseberry
Prices start at : 17.99 USD / 1 potted plant

No. 1, 2-year plants. Big green berries ripen to pale pink for tempting pies and preserves. A year at maturity. Self-pollinating. Easy to pick; withstands drought. Bears the second year, yields 4-6 qts.
  • Growth Rate: Medium growth rate.
  • Spread: 4 feet.
  • Pollinator: Self-pollinating.
  • Depth: Plant so the roots are below soil level.
  • Height: 4 - 5 feet.
  • Soil Requirements: Well-drained, rich, moist soil.
Chula Vista
Bulbs Alive!tm
Prices start at : 12.99 USD / 3 lbs

At time of planting. Apply 5 to 7 lbs. Use at planting time. When planting bulbs individually, use ½ cup per bulb and mix thoroughly with soil around planting hole before placing bulb in.
Chula Vista
Duganski Hardneck Garlic
Prices start at : 8.99 USD / 1 garlic bulb

Striped violet wrappers house purpletinged cloves that explode with a fiery flavor that mellows out nicely to a rich garlic aftertaste. 7-10 cloves per bulb.
  • Form: Bulb, Garlic
  • Foliage: Onion-like green foliage.
  • Spacing: 2 - 4 inches apart, in rows 6 inches apart.
  • Zone: 3 - 9.
  • Color: Purple striped wrappers and purple tinged cloves.
  • Botanical Name: Allium sativum ssp ophioscorodon 'Duganski'
Chula Vista
2-in-1 Asian Pear Tree
Price : CALL

That's right! You can grow two completely different varieties on one tree! Chojuro, a delightful, butterscotch-flavored type hangs alongside Drippin' Honeytm, a crisp, sweet variety.Harvest time is extended due to the differing maturity dates.
  • Flower Form: White blossoms.
  • Color: Chojuro Fruit is orange-brown russet when fully mature. Drippin Honey - golden russet.
  • Comments: Chojuro has a crisp texture and rich butterscotch flavor. Drippin Honey is delightfully crisp and honey sweet. Fruit has long storage; 6 months in common refrigeration. Tree has excellent resistance to disease and many insects. Extend your harvest season and get 2 tasty pears on 1 tree! RESTRICTED STATES, AE, AK, GU, HI, PR.
  • Blooms: Early-mid season.
  • Spread: 20 feet.
  • Pollinator: Self pollinating.
Chula Vista
Illusion (sy) Synergistic Hybrid Sweet Corn
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / approx 250 seeds per packet

When planting, isolate from super-sweet (sh2) and normal or high-sugar (su) hybrids. Apart in rows 36 in. Sweet, bright white kernels with a tender-crisp texture grow on 7½-8 in. For adequate pollination, plant in blocks of at least four rows.
  • Light Required: Full sun.
  • Height: 6-7 feet.
  • Germination: 6 - 10 days
  • Foliage: Attractive, dark green husks. Long, attractive flag leaves.
  • Yield: Good yields
  • Spread: 1-1 1/2 feet.
Chula Vista
Prices start at : 12.99 USD / 1 12-18" bareroot

In fall the leaves turn bright yellow for another season of beauty. Tall with an equal spread. Great for naturalizing. Tolerates clay soils, droughts, dense shade and deer. Grows to 8-12 ft.
  • Fruit: Female shrubs produce small red drupes (berries) in the fall which are loved by birds. However, must have male plant present to produce fruit.
  • Spacing: 8 - 12 feet.
  • Pruning: Requires no extensive pruning, but a light annual trimming keeps the plants looking tidy. Eliminate dead and damaged growth as well as limbs that rub together after all the blooms have faded in the spring.
  • Foliage: Ovate, 3.5 - 5 inch long light green leaves in summer turn to a brilliant yellow in the fall and have a delicious spicy scent when crushed.
  • Zone: 5 - 9.
  • Depth: Plant so stain on the trunk is at the same level as previously planted.
Chula Vista
Red Onion Sets
Prices start at : 6.99 USD / approx. 80 sets.

Onions are affected by the amount of light they receive. This variety is vigorous, productive and adaptable. Long-day onions begin forming bulbs when daylight lasts 14-16 hours. They are usually pungent and often store well for many months.
  • Light Required: Full sun.
  • Growth Rate: Moderate growth rate.
  • Foliage: Green strap-like foliage.
  • Pruning: None needed
  • Yield: 100 lbs. per 100 foot row.
  • Comments: Enjoy fresh, delicious onions all year round by growing your own from our quality onion sets. Plant as soon as the ground is workable in the spring, in nitrogen-rich, well-drained soil. Onions are ready to harvest when the tops turn brown and begin to fall over. Store in a cool, dry place. Medium keeper. Vigorous, productive, and adaptable. Long day.
Chula Vista
Early Sunrise Coreopsis
Prices start at : 7.99 USD / 1 bareroot

Being one of the earliest Coreopsis to bloom and one of the easiest perennials to grow, it's no wonder this butterfly favorite was an All-American Award Winner! Wonderful for fresh bouquets, plant with Echinacea, Hummingbird Mint and Salvia for a beautiful...
  • Color: Golden yellow.
  • Growth Rate: Moderate growth rate.
  • Soil Requirements: Well-drained soil is important. If too rich, stems will flop over.
  • Spread: 10 inches
  • Pruning: Dead-head. Cut stems back once blooms have finished.
  • Depth: Plant the crown(where roots meet together) 1 inch below soil surface.
Chula Vista
Jade Cross Hybrid Brussels Sprouts
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / approx. 50 seeds per pkt.

Produces solid, "bite-sized cabbages." All-America winner is widely adapted, listed on Agricultural Extension Service of eight Southern states. Extra-early maturity makes planting for fall harvest possible later in the summer than with any other Brussels...
  • Light Required: full sun
  • Spread: 18-24 inches
  • Botanical Name: Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera 'Jade Cross'; Family: Brassicaceae (Mustard Family);
  • Height: 24-30 inches
  • Days To Maturity: 95 days from transplant
  • Seed Count: 200 seeds per pkt.
Chula Vista
Concord Grape
Prices start at : 29.99 USD / 1 gallon pot.

Grows best in full sun. This product is shipping now. The vigorous vines also have an ornamental value and can be grown on fences, walls, trellises and arbors. Concord Grape vine produces clusters of blue-black grapes that are favorites for making into...
  • Pruning: For best fruit production, prune in winter when the plant is dormant, but before the temperatures become too cold. Follow the instructions in the planting guide.
  • Form: Vining, spreading
  • Depth: Dig a hole twice as deep and twice as wide as the container. Place the plant at the same level it is growing in the pot. Firm soil around the base of the plant and water thoroughly.
  • Light Required: Full Sun
  • Zone: 4 - 8
  • Spacing: 6 - 8 feet
Chula Vista
Diablo Hybrid Brussels Sprouts
Prices start at : 3.99 USD / approx. 30 seeds per packet

Main-season variety with hybrid vigor produces heavy crops of smooth, solid sprouts. Exceptional cold tolerance extends harvest season to hard freezes. Holds well in the field for late fall and early winter harvest.
  • Botanical Name: Brassica oleracea
  • Height: 24 - 30 inches
  • Spread: 18 inches
  • Depth: 1/4 - 1/2 inch deep. Start seeds indoors 6 to 8 weeks before setting out plants into the cool garden.
  • Light Required: Full sun
  • Comments: Main-season variety with hybrid vigor produces heavy crops of smooth, solid sprouts. Holds well in the field for late fall and early winter harvest. Exceptional cold tolerance extends harvest season to hard freezes.
Chula Vista
Goji Berry
Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 1 potted plant

Berries have a slightly sweet, mildly tangy flavor. In full sun to partial shade, with emerald foliage on graceful, vine-like branches. It will continue to fruit and flower until heavy frost.
  • Pruning: Heavy pruning will help keep the plant looking nice, and increase berry production. Can also be trained to a support. The older the plant, the more upright it can be trained.
  • Botanical Name: Lycium barbarum
  • Growth Rate: Moderate growth rate.
  • Comments: Absolutely packed with crucial vitamins and antioxidants, it's easy to see why many call the Goji Berry a super fruit! This wondrous little gem offers incredible immune-boosting qualities in a convenient, bright red berry. Popular in China for centuries, the large 1/2 to 1" berries have a sweet flavor that falls between a cherry and a cranberry. Eat them raw, dried, in smoothies, salads or in a variety of dishes-just make sure you eat them! This berry's one nutritional powerhouse you don't want to miss! Often referred to in health stores as the Tibetan or Himalayan Goji Berry. Extremely nutritionally dense, high antioxidant properties. Can be eaten raw, dried, made into juice, wine, herbal tea. When dried they can be eaten as a healthy snack similar to raisins. They have a taste which has been described as having an accent of tomato, similar to dates, dried cranberries or raisins, but drier, more tart, less sweet and with an herbal scent. Fresh berries are juicy and sweet.
  • Color: White to lilac to purple colored blooms.
  • Light Required: Full sun 8-10 hours of sun per day.
Chula Vista
Sassy Hybrid Cucumbers
Prices start at : 2.99 USD / approx. 35 seeds per pkt

Green, crisp and plump fruits. Or pick early at 3-5in. Harvest forslicing when 6-10 in. For delicious dill pickles! 57 DAYS.

18 - 24 inches.

    • Days To Maturity: 57 days.
    • Height: 18 - 24 inches.
    • Zone: 3 - 9.
    • Spread: 9 - 12 inches.
    • Spacing: 18 - 24 inches.
    • Foliage: Green foliage.
    Chula Vista
    Consort Black Currant
    Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 1 12-15" bareroot

    In late summer, Consort produces medium-sized black berries that are high in vitamin C and good for fresh eating, baking, jams and jellies. Grows 3- to 6-ft. Enjoy a delightfully sweet-tart, flavorful black currant—without having to worry about white...
    • Spacing: 6 feet.
    • Blooms: Mid Spring to early Summer.
    • Depth: Plant so the roots are below soil level. Firm soil and water well.
    • Growth Rate: Moderate growth rate.
    • Soil Requirements: Well-drained humus enriched soil.
    • Flower Form: White flowers.
    Chula Vista
    Great White Trillium
    Prices start at : 8.99 USD / 1 bareroot

    Blooms mid spring to midsummer. Tall and spreads to 18 in. Beautiful for naturalizing and stunning in a shady spot. Great White grows 12-18 in.
    • Size: 3 inch flowers.
    • Color: White - turning to pink with age.
    • Spacing: 12 - 18 inches.
    • Soil Requirements: Humus enriched, moist soil.
    • Spread: 18 inches.
    • Zone: 3 - 8 (-30° F.).
    Chula Vista
    Theta Hazelnut
    Prices start at : 19.99 USD / 1 Potted Plant

    Theta's nuts have a delicious buttery flavor that is perfect for both sweet and savory recipes—and the tree bears huge yields of large, high-quality hazelnuts! Exhibits good resistance to pests and exceptional resistance to Eastern Filbert Blight.
    • Yield: Heavy yields, 20+ lbs. at maturity.
    • Spread: 8 - 10 feet
    • Pollinator: Choose two varieties for pollination.
    • Soil Requirements: Very moist, fertile, well-drained soil.
    • Fruit: Large tasty hazelnuts that consistently fill-out their shells.
    • Depth: Plant at the same depth as it is in the pot.
    Chula Vista
    White Icicle Summer Radish
    Prices start at : 2.99 USD / approx. 250 seeds per packet.

    250 seeds per pkt. Once temperatures regularly reach 80 degrees or higher, it is time to stop sowing seed. For best flavor, do not let the soil dry out when growing radishes. The delicious roots hold their quality well and state crisp and mild.
    • Size: 5 inches X .5 - 1 inch
    • Botanical Name: Raphanus sativus 'White Icicle'; Family - Brassicaceae
    • Light Required: full sun
    • Spread: 4 inches
    • Seed Count: 500 per pkt, and 1 oz is about 2400 seeds.
    • Zone: 3 - 9 annual
    Chula Vista
    Price : CALL

    Plant in full sun to partial shade. For berry production, a male pollinator (Southern Gentleman) must be planted near a female winterberry (Winter Red). Low-maintenance shrub produces red berries in late summer that attract birds.

    8 - 9 feet

      • Flower Form: Clusters of small flowers
      • Spread: 8 - 9 feet
      • Foliage: Dark green summer foliage turns yellow-green to purple-bronze in fall
      • Height: 8 - 9 feet
      • Growth Rate: Moderate
      • Depth: Set at the same level as in the shipping container; firm well and water thoroughly
      Chula Vista
      Pixie Crunch
      Price : CALL

      Li'l-BIGtm Deluxe fruit trees also include our innovative tree support, recommended for all Li'l-BIG trees. This sweet beauty is absolutely unparalleled for fresh eating. Delectable sweetness works wonders in no-sugar pie recipes and baked goods—cooks...
      • Blooms: Early to mid season.
      • Height: 22 - 25 feet for standard, 6 feet for Li'l BIG.
      • Fruit: Medium red colored, medium size fruit, (with proper thinning), elongated round in shape. Flavor is super sweet, incredibly crisp and very juicy.
      • Depth: The top of the Ellepot container should be even with the soil level.
      • Form: Deciduous. Spreading, twiggy.
      • Pruning: There are normally two goals when pruning an apple tree: 1. Initially on young trees to encourage a strong, solid framework. 2. On mature trees, to maintain shape and encourage fruit production. The best time to prune apple trees is in late Winter or very early Spring before any new growth starts.
      Chula Vista
      Canterbury Bells
      Prices start at : 12.99 USD / 3 bareroot

      Showy spikes grow up to 3' tall, and are liberally covered in big clusters of the multicolored flowers. Hardy in Zones 4-9. Canterbury Bells require only well-drained soil to thrive in the landscape.
      • Spacing: 4-18 inches
      • Spread: 12-15 inches
      • Soil Requirements: Moist, well drained, of average fertility
      • Flower Form: Bell-Shaped
      • Comments: Water deeply twice a week when weather is hot and dry. Remove some flowering stalks as flowers fade to encourage more blooming. Aways leave some flowers to seed as this is a biennial and reseeds itself to return year after year. Provides Blooming between the spring and summer flowering plants. Useful as a border or accent plant. Unique cup and saucer shaped blooms. *Also referred to as campanula medium in other offers..* Plant with: other tall perennials;delphiniums, or hollyhocks.
      • Blooms: June - July
      Chula Vista