I can't say enough about this herd of Brangus cows! They are big and stout! We sorted off any that were not absolutely perfect (confirmation and temperament)! What you have left is a herd of young cows that are deep bodied and have a lot of bone and are...
They are priced at $1,750! This is a nice set of brangus and brangus type heifers. They will do good in any environment they are put in. This set of heifers weigh from 500lbs.
Great Disposition Easy Keeper I have a set of 30 fall bred Front Pasture Heifers! They will average 1100 ponds . They are bred to LBW ( Registered Angus ). There will be a few Black White Face Heifers.
2 Cows have got calves on the ground now!! Cattle will be Guaranteed on Age & Pregnancy Check Licensed Vet!! They have been worked , wormed, ear tagged and are updated on their vaccinations!! Gentle, Quality, Cattle Located in Hayden Alabama.
Cattle average between 1100-1250 in weight. Sold as a set of 40 at $2250 each and delivered to you within up to 1000 miles anything over that is $3 a mile trucking. All are up to date on all shots, vaccines, and wormings.
They have been running with low-birthweight, registered Angus bulls since January 1st. They are out on coastal pasture and are grain fed everyday. 100 hd of really nice Brangus/Brangus X heifers weighing 800-850 lbs.
Have more pictures and video upon request, could not get them to load to site, text 903-390-0449. I have 9 Brangus cross heifers for sale; they are 14-16 months old, weigh 650 to 700lbs, they have been with an Angus bull 60 days.
Located in Okeechobee, FL. We are a preconditioning operation and have other cattle available. They have been weaned and on feed for 60 days, and have had two rounds of vaccinations.
17 to 19 months old, average 1100lbs, gentle and hand fed daily. Exposed to Star 5 Gert/Hereford Tinney Farms bull since 4/5/18. Vaccinated with Vision 8, Virashield 6 and Dectomax.
Are raised in a low stress environment and appropriate vaccinations have been given. Open heifer and bull calfs are about 5-10 months of age. Looking for approximately $2/lb. Calves are very friendly and hand fed.
Please call 903-886-6922 or 903-450-5524. 47 head of Black Angus, Brangus and Red Angus Cows. Can deliver for a fee. All have been vet checked, aged, palpated, safeguard wormed and updated on all vaccinations.
Call us at (813)498-8489 or visit our website @Lakesidebrangus.com to learn more about our operation. We are offering some of our Brangus females for sale, out of our 2 main Herd sires Cruise 889Z28 and Sure Nuff 192Y3.
25 heifers sired by black SimAngus bulls. The damns are Brangus, Braford, and Simbrah cows that are good milking, functional cattle. $1300--5 or more head. They have been pre-weaned vaccinated with triangle 4+ PHK and Vision 8 w/spur.
1500.00 each Call 281-543-3961 Jeff Ford Or 903-739-3805 Brian Brumley. 13 heavy bred heifers calving September October Bred to low birth weight registered Angus bull.
Brangus calf's red and black bulls and heifers out of registered stock. 6-8 month old $680- $850. 15 month old black bull $1250. Also bred cows 4-6 years old $950- $1300.
Asking $3000 and delivery can be negotiated. Registered 4 year old Brangus bull. He has bred our cows/heifers and we are looking at switching up our breeding program. Great disposition and will be an asset to anyone's breeding program.
16-18 months, avg 900 lbs, medium frame, fleshy., polled. Contact by cell at 979.220.5898 Calving period Nov - Feb, confirmed by ultrasound. Bred to low birthweight Angus bull. Current on all vaccinations.
Also, 62 commercial Angus spring calving cows, bred by Angus and Brangus bulls, average 5 years old. 1 Angus bull, & 2 Brangus bulls for sale @ $1,500 each. Located 5 miles SE Little Rock Airport.
25 Brangus bred heifers (4 already have calves) that will weigh approx. $1525 each will include pairs for the same price if you take all 25. Delivery available. The have a very good disposition and are in great condition.
We will sell each bull or we will consider trade for brangus heifers Reg or commercial Will post photos of him and will send more of him and the black bull if you request them . We one young Reg black brangus , he is ready to start on a young small heard...