Registred Gray Brahman Bull. Makes great calves especially F1's. Was halter broke as a calf .Extremely gentle and calm. Calves he sired on site . Located in Land O Lakes , Florida 10 minutes North of Tampa.
12 head of Purebred (but not registered) Brahman Heifers-Greys, Whites & Reds, all under 18 months. All have been Vaccinated, Multimin90 and Wormed. Call 863-608-0465 or 863-559-2769.
Please call or text for more info and more pics. Very nice bull, and would be a great add to your herd. Lots of growing to do. He is out with a herd now. He can be seen at M&M Cattle co.
14 months old, going to be a big one! Huge bone, easy to get along with, and handle. Call or text for more info 352-615-0977. Beautiful grey brahma bull. Out of purebred stock, but don't have any papers on him.
Sired by Mr. V8 329/7. V8 SIRED ABBA registered Brahman bull calf. Email for more information. Low birth weight. Located near Starke, Fl. Trailer going to Houston, Tx area in a month.
He is 18 months old. A dark brown cow (pregnant) and a brown and white cow also pregnant. A dark brown bull calf. $3,000 for all of them or I can sell separately. A young black bull.
6 Red females/4 Gray females and all have been exposed to gray bull. Also for sale 2 Registered Gray Bulls. For sale: 10 head of Registered Brahman Cattle.
He is very docile with me since I have handled him as a babe. Trust me he wouldn't go anywhere if I had the room for him. I am selling him because I have lost my land lease and I do not have the room for him since I have kept some of his heifers from...
$3,800 for.the pair. Brahman cow/calf pair Was bred to Red Brahman bull and has been exposed to same Cow is 4 yrs old and bull calf born on Easter Sunday 2018.
Moderate frame, dehorned, very docile. 58# Act BW, estimated 1,700# after spending 120 days on herd. 3 1/2 year old Registered Brahman Bull. $2,800 Negotiable.
25-30 Cow calf pairs, Angus and Brahma cattle. You are buying out of the field, not market cattle. Cattle are located just outside of Ocala FL. Call Mike at 352-789-0977 or Cindy 352-615-0977
2 purebred 3yr old angus bulls,from Deer Valley Farms, epd's and papers avail. 1 purebred 3yr old brahma bull from “Partin Ranch” ,registered, all paperwork avail. Contact; Gary @ 863-381-0559
All are 15-16 months old, and average 700 lbs. Ready to add to your herd. Contact for more info, and pics 352-615-0977 Good group of breeding age heifers. These heifers are in good flesh, all come to calling, and cubes.
Have a few hererords/Angus /brangus cross cows. Top genetics and pedigrees. Registered polled/horned Herefords, 25 breed cows, will start calving in November, replacement and show quality heifers 6 months weaned to yearling bred heifers, also 1 herd bull...