Dairy Calves and Weaned Heifers for sale good quality Dairy and Beef Cattle.Bottle Fed Calves (Male and Female), Open Hiefers, Bulls, Steers and Springers in breeds like the Holsteins, Angus (Black & Red) Jerseys, Brahmans and many other breeds for Sale;...
Thanks for looking. These heifers weigh around 550 pounds and are 10 months old.There are two brindle F1 Brahman/Hereford crosses and a yellow baldie and a red baldie out of tigerstripe cows- 1/4 Brahman.
Two brindle F1 Brahman\Hereford cross and a yellow baldie and a red baldie out of tigerstripe cows- 1/4 Brahman. Please call or text for more information. I have four heifers. $1,100 each for the brindles and $1,000 each for the red and yellow baldies.
They have all been vaccinated, worked, bucket fed and handled a lot so they will be easy mammas. These 20 month old girls average 950 and are all 3-4 months bred to certified LBW McKellar black angus bulls.
Will make excellent Mama Cows. Bred to a red Brangus and Black Brangus, low birth weight. 57 Home raised Brahman cross heifers, 7 calves at side one week old. I have Tiger Stripes,Grays, Blacks, Reds, Yellows, and ring eyed.
25 HD - Brahman X Replacement Heifers, out of 1/4-1/2 Brahman Cows & Brahman Bulls; Heifers are aged heifers & been weaned & let run on oats that didn't come up & just dry grass w/ cubes! Had shots & make a great set of cows! We would sell with contract...
Dorset, Katahdin, and East Freisian dairy sheep. Holstein / Jersey, herford and angus heifers for sale We have livestock in stock for sale, ranging from bottle calves, weaned and pregnant cows, pair of cows and calves available.
Heff is a 3 yo brahman cross out of a angus - Hereford cross cow and full blooded brahman sire. The tan ( aka "buck") is a bull calf. This dob is 5/19/15. Bucks mother is a brahman - Simmental cross.
We can show them to you pretty much anytime and can deliver if needed! Just give us a call! (903)453-7466 Braford / Tigerstripe (2) 2 year old bred heifers and (13) 3-5 year old bred cows! They are big and stout and are definitely “the kind”! They...
Holstein and jersey bottle calves and weaned heifers available too.call ask for Greg (706)412-5896 Angus calves for sale Jersey bottle calves and weaned heifers hostein heifers and nursing cows jersey & Angus heifers available Brahman x Jersey heifers...
Ship from: Marietta, OK # for sale: 10 head Breed: F2 Brahman Cross Est. Weight: 650 lbs Frame: Large Condition: Fleshy Vaccinations: Clostridium chauvoei, septicum, novyi, sordellii, perfringens Types C & D and Moraxella bovis Presponse SQ (Mannheimia...
Heifers average 650lbs. Out of Triple Son Farms, Golden Certified F1s (Registered Brahman x Registered Hereford). Calves have been vaccinated with: Pyramid 5 MLV, Calvary 9, Cydectin injectable, Bangs as well as Multimin90.
If you sort through them, they could be more or less just depending on the ones you pick. Here's an outstanding herd of Braford heifers that are almost all striped! They have a lot of bone and are thick built.
There is one steer that weighs aprx. Total of 10 bred cows, 9 calves, 1 bull. He just turned 3 this past September. Registered hereford bull was put in with cows June 3rd(ish) asking $3,000 for him.
Here's a small herd of really nice big boned large framed bred cows with a good temperament! They are 3-6 years old and a few of them have calves on their side. Bred cows $1400 Pairs $1650 Delivery Available Circle-D-Ranch.com
Here's 25 of the fanciest Brahman F1 heifers you'll find! They are 8-10 months old and are gaining weight and filling out quickly!! These girls are the "Cow Making Kind"!! They are $1150 each and we can provide delivery if needed.
400 Brangus and Brangus type heifers priced at $1550 50 Brafords priced at $1900 20 Super Baldies priced at $1800 90 Red Motts priced at $1550 200 spring pairs with cows born in 2013 and 2014 priced at $2600