Available anytime, call for current pricing. Have had great success with these bulls in the past. They were AI bred to Connealy Stingray to begin calving March 1. They were then exposed to low birth weight calving ease bulls purchased from the the midland...
These are very nice Montana origin heifers that have been run on pasture all summer and are now out on cornstalks with corn silage and hay. Bred to SS incentive and cleaned up with low birth weight calving ease bulls all bought from the Midland bull test.Their...
They are 4&5 year old cows. Call 563-451-8865 $2550 each Weighing 1200-1400. Good bags and no vices. 18 black and black white face cows for sale , all are bred to a black angus bull with a low birth weight epd.
These are nice big cows averaging over 1400 lbs each with a western origin. Please email with any questions. All cows have been preg checked and poured. They will calve March 15-May 15.
The third picture is two of his March calves (#20 and #21-1)$1800. Located in Southern Iowa (New Virginia). Easy calving bull with an average of 75 pound calves. He is 3 years old.
Located in Eastern Iowa. Have had grass only so far...no grain. Very nice calves...500-600 pounds. Also some calves from Devon bull crossed with Murray Grey and British White Park.
Bred to lbw black bulls, we have 2 crops of calves from theses bulls and they are currently on some fall cows, 12-26-17 poured for internal and external parasites,ultrasound,individual weights.
100% Ohlde cattle genetics, heavily influenced by Emblazon, Paxton, and Picture Perfect. Call or text 515-238-3508. Visit ohldecattle.com for more information on the program our cattle have been on for 20 years.
Bull Stock Broker. Due to calve on 1-29-16 to Lautners 1/2 blood Sim. Vet verifies A-I date but cannot quarantee it. Price $2000.00 Black 1/2 blood Simmental cow born on 3-1-12. Reg # RF707003 Due to calve to Angus bull early May 2016 Price:$1500.00 Black...
All bulls are semen checked and performance tested on our farm. Free delivery within 100 miles. At Streets Cattle Farms we've artificially bred our herd for over 30 years to easy calving, fast gaining bulls that have high carcass ratings and excellent...