8810 Bourgault cultivator bar. 55 @ 10 spacing Dual spring (66 new springs) Single shoot Ag master points and boots Poly gang style packers Setup to suit TBH aircart Tynes rebushed 2018...
Crescent Forge and Shovel has been in business since 1902 manufacturing traditional tillage parts. Visit our website. Crescent Forge manufactures blade shares, moldboards, shins, landsides, conventional plow shares, lister shares, furrowers, corn planter...
This 22 1/2' genesis tillage aerator is the best vertical tillage unit on the market. Genesis tillage is here to help you make the first step, and provide you with a gentill ii aerator.
A pull type 22 1/2' Genesis Tillage Aerator with heavy duty axle, tires, and tongue. With sizes from 4' to 45' and options such as customizable color, add-on harrow or coulter system, and 3pt or pull type specifications a gentill aerator gives you the...