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My Farm Truck
« More La Dolce Vita » I don't really have a farm, just an obsession with my Italian-style vegetable garden, and as much as I once loved my various cowboy trucks and cool sports cars, I don't even own a car or truck anymore.
My Waterfall and My Truck
One of the things I really like about living here in Liguria, Italy , is having lots of water features near my garden. I don't even know how many different creeks there are in Rapallo.
Community Gardens Boom in New Jersey
The research for “Harvest Report: Summer 2009” was conducted in partnership with the Camden City Garden Club, Inc. Tags community gardens , food security , produce , study By visiting a varied sampling of 44 gardens, interviewing 100 gardeners and...
Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
As long as it's reliable and ready to handle all your tasks, you'll soon find it to be an integral and irreplaceable part of your farming operations. A farm truck doesn't have to be a truck, but any automobile you use in a wide variety of ways to help...
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
The U.S. Senate recently passed an amendment to S.1813, the transportation or Highway Bill that would exempt farm trucks from the restrictions of commercially licensed truck drivers.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
Automatic transmissions are also more reliable than manual. Adjustable rear air shocks also serve to keep your vehicle level. Connecting the trailer to a receiver hitch is quick and easy and, depending on the rating, can haul as much as 6 tons.
Growing Hops For Profit
Alternatively, a food dehydrator or oven can be used, but temperatures should be kept below 140 degrees F. Harvesting a small crop of hops can be done by cutting the bines when the majority of the cones are ready, or by hand-picking the cones.
Organic Farm Business: The Natural Trading Company
His produce lineup includes a drool-worthy list of fruits and vegetables, including five varieties of kale, 30 varieties of tomatoes and persimmons from 50-plus-year-old trees, which he makes available to the community via farmers' markets and a year-round...
Cash in on Agritourism
Think out of the box when choosing agritourism activities, especially at this critical but flexible test stage. They picked about 4,000 pounds at $10 per gallon from the young field.
Take Advantage of Free Compost
While a certified organic farmer can't use this type of compost because the sources of the ingredients and the composting process are not tracked, it's a great deal for a home gardener.
Traveling with Livestock
« More Mondays with Martok » Tags livestock carriers Adding bedding is important because dog- crate floors are slippery. Reinforce latches with strong bungee cords or rope ties. It's important to protect animals hauled in trucks from wind, cold and...
I recommend this method the first time you taste them, so you can appreciate their fine, unique flavour. The crown will send out up to 7 shoots, only take 3 or 4, leaving the rest for the plant to rejuvenate itself.
El Segundo
Tornado Time!
They occur mainly during the spring and summer months, most frequently east of the Rocky Mountains. We don't want to be hurt or to blow away! « More Mondays with Martok » Tags tornadoes
Their puddings were either savory (cheese, meat, pepper, etc.) or sweet (honey, nuts, cinnamon). My least favorite is cherry with brandy. Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding would have been fit fare for the middle classes and the wealthy.All this history...
El Segundo
A Moveable Feast - Urban Farm Online
You don't have to wake up early on Saturday mornings to buy locally grown foods. “We wanted to address the need for midweek access to farm-fresh food and make it convenient for people to find locally grown products.” Shoppers can place online orders...
The tete-a-tete daffodil - enjoy it twice, once in a pot and forever in your garden!
But if you have an opportunity to pick up a lot of these once-flowered beauties on the cheap, do it! I'm planning to stalk the halls of my father's assisted living center and see if any other dutiful daughters said it with daffodils this winter.
El Segundo
Rotating Houseplants – How Often Should I Turn A Houseplant
This should keep your plant growing evenly and healthily.An alternative to rotating houseplants is setting upon the shady side of the plant, causing auxins on both sides to grow sturdily and the plant to grow straight.Similarly, a light source directly...
Recycled Building Projects, How to build a deck for $150
You've wanted to build that new deck in the backyard for some time now, but with lumber prices sky high it has never gotten done. Once dry it ready to enjoy for many years to come.My 14x34 deck cost about $150 to build, not including my time.
El Segundo
Green Pheasants
I'm sorry the photograph is so lousy, but when I had my camera the bird was busy eating something on the ground and only raised his head a few times. The most spectacular have to be the kingfishers.
Leatherjacket Pests: Controlling Leatherjacket Larvae In Your Lawn
The nematodes, which are available at garden centers by a number of more pronounceable product names, are generally applied as a preventive measure in autumn.– Water the area well (or wait for a good rain) and cover the affected area with black plastic.
How do I Calculate Transport Costs?
Mistakes are expensive.Calculate the cost of ground transportation. There are other methods of transport such as air and sea. Include the number and cost of containers to be transported (if paying a set fee per container or paying per weight), driver...
Santa Monica
What Are The Different Types Of Bird Of Paradise Plants
Once established in the proper soil and lighting situation, both types of bird of paradise plants will flower and grow with little intervention for decades. These bird of paradise plant types do well in warm, humid regions.Caesalpinia, on the other hand,...
Ultimate Engineering
Time to go do some stretches … << More Shop Talk >> Tags Jim Ruen , tools The more he described, the more I realized how similar the study of engineering is to the study of anatomy.
A quick stroll around Hong-Kong
After a good night's sleep I will take you on a greener journey, just wait and enjoy your food for now! Make sure you click on the images to get enlarged ones!Basically, HK is divided into several distinct areas such as HK itself which is an island, just...
El Segundo
Can I Replant My Ponytail Palm – How And When To Move Ponytail Palms
Place the root ball in the new hole at about the same depth as in the prior hole. If you are trying to grow it as a bonsai, repotting may not be a good idea since ponytail palm replanting encourages the plant to grow bigger.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Trailers: To Hitch or to Haul
Types of Trailer Hitches There are two basic types of trailers: The tag-along (or bumper pull), which connects to a hitch receiver that is mounted to the truck's bumper or chassis.
How to Sell Pine Straw
Landowners growing pine trees to sell for timber may not realize they have an annual cash crop when the trees shed their needles every autumn. Pine straw is a popular mulch in the southern United States.Contact your county extension office to find pine...
Santa Monica