Finance Rates are subject to credit approval. Financing Available We accept wire transfers, certified checks or we can arrange for financing on your behalf with approved credit.
Im looking for 600, 700 and 800 series dezel only. Wanted used bobcat, i dont care about the hours runing condition or not, as lon as it has all the part in it, and it has to be not burned.
Double 3,000 gal milk tanks. Calf barn houses 38 ... Calf barn houses 38 with smaller silo, plus outside hutches 50. 863 milk/dry cow dairy, double 13 herringbone with newer takeoffs, close to Hwy 99 includes 105 row crop or pastureland for lease.
Ten years experienced predator trapper in new mexico free estimates on location i trap offending coyotes bobcats and other large predators working for the landowner to stop/prevent loss, proffesional service not just a fur trapper will provide strong...