John Blue ground drive pump, 11Lx15SL tires, and 2" quick fill. Used Blu-Jet SD liquid sidedress applicator. Unit has been through our shop and everything is operational to our knowledge.
2014 Blu-Jet Legacy 16R30 NH3 Applicator Max Pac Row Units Sealers with wavy blades and down pressure springs Coulters with Great Plains Turbo Blades Sunco Residue Managers Raven Vortex, 2 Section Hiniker Nitro-Lert System 385 Tires on Center, 295 Tires...
*Located in Reinbeck, IA* 2012 Blu-Jet Legacy 16R30 StripTill Applicator 2012 Montag 9 Ton 16R High Output Cart 6"x6" Main Frame Sunco 18" Spring Loaded Residue Managers 20" Turbo Coulter Blades Max Pack Row Units Sealers with Wavy Blades and Down Pressure...