Call or email for additional information. The 2 year olds are by Leachman Right Time out of a daughter of the 601 cow owned by Lagrand/Patton's. Asking $4,000.00 for the 3 year-old (pictured) and $3,500.00 each for the 2 year-olds.
Several lots of calves born Jan-Feb 2016 to heifers bred to these bulls sold in the Noble Foundation's Integrity Beef Alliance preconditioned sale in Dec, 2016 at El Reno OKC West.
He's showing alot of interest; ready to breed. 18 month old bull out of a purebred black angus bull who consistently throws good calves with low birth weights (sire pictured here).
Call for information and details. Well cared for and routinely vet checked every 4-6 weeks. FOR SALE: five (5) Black Angus Cows (4 registered) & one (1) registered Red Angus Cow, all 2-5 years old.
Fertility and soundness checked vaccinated and poured. Been selling registered black angus cattle over 50 years and pride ourselves on selling bulls that will be ready to go to work to get your cows bred at turn out time.
These bulls are deep and thick they have big growth number and really good carcass. Meier Blue Chip 165 Reg. Great feet and legs. # 18546204 Meier Angus Farm Altamont, IL 2 Registered Black Angus Virgin Bulls born 3-1-2016 out of EXAR Blue Chip and Quaker...
Open Heifer ready to breed! T A F Legacy 377 (AAA 18828046) is a daughter of Deer Valley All In out of Three Arrows top donor and pathfinder cow 797 (AAA#15664294)
They were raised on Buffalo grass pasture until Dec 19th...then we weaned them for a month on rumanaid calf creep. They are grand sired by Schaff Angus Valley Thunderbird 9061 (sire D 9061 Thunderbird A3350) 2 of them are Connealy Final Product on the...
Establishing Aschenbach farms as a Purebred Angus Bull breeder throughout the Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania area. Our second year bringing new genetics into the area, We're confident you will pleased.
Black Angus-calvin ease Not registered 14 month old $1100 wt 1100 Black angus- calvin ease Not registered-out of registered cattle $1000 wt 1000 Black angus- calvin ease Not registered-out of registered cattle $1000 wt 1000 lack Angus Registered $2500...
We have black Angus and many other breeds call Kevin at 229-392-4683 location enigma ga They range between 700 to 850 lbs . We have replacement heifers for sale. They are 12 month s old .
This is a very good set of high bred cows. Bred to top quality angus bulls, start calving in 30 days but majority will be spring calving. Selling 90 fancy young bred cows from 2nd calf to 6th.
Artificially bred to Sitz Investment (CED +9 and top 5% for YW +139, $W+85.10), clean up with calving ease Sitz bulls Calving date: March 1 - April 15 Delivery: November 1 - December 1
Registered Black Angus Bull 3 1/2 years old (DOB 4/29/13) Registry Number: AAA17544555 Has produced very nice calves for us 2016 calves on premises $2000
Nice calves from solid bloodlines that will bring Low BW genetics to any herd. They are 6 months old, 500-600 lbs and ready to wean. These are AI calves out of Mytty In Focus. They have been wormed and vaccinated.
(some of their 2016 calves, sired by Prometheus II, are pictured below) Individual prices range from $850 to $1,800, - OR - Secure the group of 8 for just $10,950! 5 of the 6 cows are under 5 years old and are in excellent condition.