He is out of a predestined son and the dam is a retail product daughter. 23 month old registered angus bull. He is a low birth weight bull that can be used on heifers. He looks much better in person.
Hello everyone we have 20 to 25 young Wagyu beef cows and young steers for sale. If you're buying one cow , the price is firm .If you would like to add great genetics to your existing herd ,we also can arrange two different , Wagyu bull genetics To your...
Price - $950.00 per head. Off of pure bred Hereford Cows and Angus bull. 11 black baldie F-1 heifers. Approximate weight 550 to 600 lbs. Selling as a group.
4 -- 1st calf Angus X Beefmaster heifers bred to Angus bull. 15 --- 2nd calf Angus X Beefmaster cow bred to Angus bull. Due to start calving early fall 2015. Price is $2,750.00 per head.
1100-1300 lbs, 2 mo. Old and 2 calf-crops - heifers are at peak performance and the best selection for breeding herd. Bred to Gardiner Pure Black Angus x Braford Cross LBW Bull. Black Baldies, F1 Angus x Braford cross - 20 Fancy hand picked heifers for...
Can send additional photos and video via text. Would make a great herd bull. Please text to phone number listed. Sire full blood Angus, Dam 50% Angus and 50% Hereford. 18 month old, 3/4 Angus and 1/4 virgin bull.
All from one sourse hbar angus bred to hbar angus bulls. 55 bred angus heifers with a touch of ear. Coming 2 yr old start calving in jan 1000 a piece. Located in dubach la Easy keepers follow a truck horse or 4 wheeler.
Black Angus Bull 14months old- Very Gental, 4-H shown; won Grand Champion in the Parish and District Shows. (full parents)$2500.00(morphology 85%) Black Angus Bull 14 months old, (very gental) 4-H shown; same parents with the banjo bull.
The sire is out of a garden prime time bull. The older bull dam was reserve champion angus heifer and the dam of the younger bull is also a reseve champion angus heifer. These calves have show potential, but we didn't have the time to break them for this...
7 pairs of braford cows with January calves at their side 1850/pair 5 sets of 3 in 1's Brafords 2500/set All cattle follow American Grassfed Guidelines and are AGA certified 15 6-8 year old Braford cows confirmed bred to braford and Charolias Bulls 1750/hd.