Of snow, Fleet Farm sent me the name of the manufacturer and the number of the part, and they sent me a replacement for free! I Had great expections for this feeder. The birds love it! And when I lost a bolt in 4 ft.
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 14.5 x 9.8 x 9.8 inches.
✓ Includes feeder only - seed log sold separately
✓ Ready to hang or can be pole mounted (pole sold separately)
Kaytee Wild Bird Food is ideal for any bird feeder! This bird mix includes a number of different grains (blackoil sunflower, cracked corn, millet, milo) to attract a large variety of birds year-round.
For use with 12, 30 and 40 lb feeder tubes. Prevents roosting and helps keep feed dry. Hanging bird Feeder Cover Hanging feeder cover for use with 12#, 30#, and 40# feeder tubes. Size: 11.5" diameter, 2 1/4" high
I suspect raccoons tried to get to the hanging feeder. I built a wooden one. The hanging wire was stripped out of the center and would not reinsert, the clear portion was in about 5 pieces.
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ Asian inspired styling
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 11 x 11 x 9 inches.
Bird Feeder Brush Bird Feeder Brush is an excellent product we know our customers will love. Overall, the brush is 24 Inches long to Reach Into Most Tube Feeders. Color: Black Size: 24"
Kaytee Wild Bird Food is ideal for any bird feeder! This bird mix includes a number of different grains (blackoil sunflower, cracked corn, millet, milo) to attract a large variety of birds year-round.
I got my first Pileated 2 days after hanging it on my deck. And, the price is GREAT! Thanks for having this product at Fleet Farm. I have multiple suet feeders but the woodpeckers took to this suet feeder almost immediately.
✓ Item measures 11.75 in L x 7.87 in W x 3 in D
✓ Stainless steel wire mesh
✓ Ideal for all suet feeding birds
✓ Vinyl coated steel hanging cable
✓ Skerfs provide additional gripping surface for birds to cling
UV-stabilized polycarbonate won?t crack or yellow with age, Clear construction allows for better viewing, Can also be used to protect Droll Yankees?Window Hummer 3 (WH-3) or any similar-sized window feeder Size: 1.25X7.5"
Hanging bird Feeder With Feed Pan 30 lb. Little giant hanging feeders are constructed of heavy gauge galvanized steel with rolled edges for safety. Ingredients: Galvanized Steel. Hanging feeder tube with 14 feeder pan.
I have 2 types of Finch also Doves eat off ground under feeder. This double sock Finch Station is well made and holds several pounds of seed for the hearty appetite. Very pleased with purchase, I really like the feeder as do the chickadees.
✓ Includes 2 socks for initial use & 2 replacements
✓ This product cannot be shipped to: CA
✓ Simple-to-use & easy-to-clean
✓ Weather-resistant dome reservoir holds extra seed
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 9.25 x 9.25 x 5 inches.
Lid and base are made from heavy duty metal and are powder coated to resist weather. Screen tube allows birds to feed from all sides of the feeder. Screen is powder coated to resist weather.
Baffle Squirrel Wrap Around Fits 1/2In To 1 3/8In Poles The Squirrel Baffle 18-inch Wrap Around is the ultimate squirrel deterrent. Its patented design is made of durable metal. It can easily be applied to most round or square poles from -inch to 1 3/8...
No assembly required. Designed specifically for nuggets plus. Nugget bird Feeder Makes nugget feeding easy. Feeder holds 24 ounces. Holds up to 24 oz of nuggets. Size: 3in x 3in x 11 1/4in high.
No/No The Seed Ball Wild Bird Feeder No/No The Seed Ball Wild Bird Feeder is an excellent product we know our customers will love. The Seed Ball Wild Bird Feeder
The blue plate I take out and use for water it is two bad it does not come with its own chains for hanging. Highly recommend! I had one of those pine and acrilico feeders but only small birds could use effectively.
✓ Functional water tray is removable for easy filling and cleaning
✓ Model # 100506553
✓ Includes a rust-resistant chain hanger
✓ Shipping Dimensions: Approximately 12.5 x 11 x 2 inches.
5oz dish is perfect for orange halves jelly or mealworms. Birds grip petal rim while feeding. Color: Clear/Orange Size: 5" Dish removes easily for cleaning. Orioles love oranges mockingbirds tanagers and catbirds do too.