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Yes, Joyce, there is a Money Tree (Pachira)
Ugh, tax time! Are you wishing that you had a magic money tree? A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without...
El Segundo
Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
Let the two outside cords from each side lay loose for the moment. The left side cord is then brought behind the carrier cords and pulled through the loop that the right side cord has made.
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Bad luck with houseplants? Try lucky bamboo
Keep the water level fairly constant in the container. The architectural look of the stems and the simplicity of the few leaves invites creativity. Is your Spider plant perpetually spindly?
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A Grapevine Christmas Tree
It was so secure that I could easily pick it up and move it.Next came the task of adding twinkle lights. After considerable thought, an old tomato cage sprang to mind.I turned it upside down and wired the three prongs together to form a cone.
El Segundo
Warm and Cozy Buckwheat Seeds?
June had sent me a small miracle.She ordered the buckwheat seeds, she said, and I found several sources online. I began my Google search and this is what I found:is a summer annual, and can be grown as a cover crop.
El Segundo
My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
A note for when I applied fertlizer, and a reminder to apply more in two weeks? I need never buy a plant without a second opinion from a fellow gardener.The internet doesn't stop at Dave's Garden.
El Segundo
Botanical Garden Plant Sales ~ A Shopping Frenzy for Gardeners!
Plant Sales at Botanical Gardens are fantastic opportunities to find exciting new plants, trees and shrubs being offered every spring. The gardens are usually flourishing with a marvelous display of spring blooming plants, trees and shrubs and fall plantings...
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Hummers at your window - a great gift idea!
Logic, schmogic, I wanted to be able to see them!The fuchsia did its job. So next season I will buy one with the suction cups below the section with the feeding ports. All the hummingbirds seem to require is that you keep the feeder filled, regardless...
El Segundo
Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
The combustible material explodes into flames and creates a wonderfully varied glaze surface on the pot. As a senior, I didn't have much extra time, but I did have a bee in my bonnet about this new project.
El Segundo
Gardening Gifts A to Z
Annual flower seed choices include black-eyed Susan, marigold, nasturtium, pansies or sunflowers. Find them at outdoor-sports stores.are a growing part of the plant industry and some gardeners rely on them exclusively.
El Segundo
Diana\'s Anise Biscotti
Biscotti can be made in a variety of ways, using almonds, pistachios or dried fruits. For this recipe, you don't have to use seeds at all, but they sure enhance the texture and flavor.iscotti is a treat your family will love and is very rewarding to make.
El Segundo
What the Gardener Gets for Christmas
I've even gotten interesting metal ones. Non-gardeners don't know that apples aren't herbs or that the scent of harvest is dependent upon what you're harvesting. The plaques may be made of wood or cross-stitched, and they're usually lovely.
El Segundo
Plant Profiles For New Gardeners: Sempervirens tectorum, Hens and Chicks
They may wither a bit, but if given a drink, they'll bounce right back with no ill effects. Many new gardeners are starting to plan their first adventure into our crazy, wonderful world.
El Segundo
Gifts from and for Gardeners: How to Make a Discharge Printed Vest
If you really feel artistic, you can highlight areas with fabric paints, beads, metallic crayons, or other embellishments. The rest will bleach to a much lighter shade.Prepare plant material for the back side, and have it ready by your second plastic...
El Segundo
Handmade decorative paper with added flowers, seeds, leaves
(Warm water seems to soften the paper scraps quicker.) Pulse the scraps until well blended, and dump the blender contents into the tub. From a craft store. To the pulp mixture in the tub, OR these can be sprinkled quickly to the deckle as you bring it...
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Zinnias
Gardeners that plant to attract colorful winged visitors won't be disappointed with zinnias. The main reason for this, is they give a huge bang for the buck invested. The little plants should shoot up quickly and to make a bushier display, pinch out the...
El Segundo
Clay Critters for Plant Pots: A great kid craft for inside days
Gently flatten onto your work surface to make an oval disc, perhaps 2 inches long. Seal extra clay with plastic wrap and put into a zip-top bag for airtight storage.I'm sure you can imagine all sorts of critters to create.
El Segundo
Just add water, Paperwhites bring a hint of spring
Leaves will grow first, soon followed by flowers. As with most bulbs, the bigger the better. Buy marbles or decorative stone for a clear vase. After all, trying to save your paperwhites won't cost anything, and if you don't succeed (with rebloom in the...
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Daylilies
Daylilies are some of the easiest plants to ship by mail because of their fleshy root system. Tiny little plants for the front of the border are available to towering giants with flowers the size of dinner plates.If you have a sunny area with average...
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Big uses for garden microclimates
And don't forget that frost flows downhill and nestles in that little dip that otherwise seems perfectly protected.If you have a spot where you're determined to push your zone, Ms. Randhava suggested testing the soil first.
El Segundo
Mark your calendars: Spring shopping!
You might want to create a garden-specific calendar, create a word document, or use a journal to keep up with all the places you will, might, or want to go. An added bonus: this practice is also an excellent way to quell cabin fever.
El Segundo
Big Leaves, Big Impact
It was spread to Europe for pharmaceutical uses and in the late 18th century, was brought to the United States by an unnamed gardener.The Bigleaf Magnolia is a rare native U.S. tree that can be found in the South-Central and Gulf Coast regions.
El Segundo
Onion Info – Tips For Growing Big Onions
The list of onion facts can go on and on; however, one of the most important facts about onions is how to grow them.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Onions can be grown from seeds, sets, or plants.
Big Advice for Your Small Farm Machines
Change Engine Oil: Spring is great time to change the engine oil and install a new filter. Check UTV Drive Belt: Many UTVs are belt-driven, and this belt should be examined and replaced as needed.
A Quick & Easy Harvest Apron
How many shirts or skirts have you ruined by pulling them up and filling with nuts, herbs, fruits, and vegetables? Likewise, reinforcement is needed for any buttonholes in thin fabric to keep buttons from pulling off through the fabric.
El Segundo
Big Bales
(It will come apart easier than you think.) Mom rolls the hay and stacks the rolls in her big-wheel feed cart. Also download Carol Ekarius' hay chart , then you'll know all about good hay! Buy bales that have been stored under cover; otherwise, the outer...
Big Beef Tomato
Soil requirements: Well-drained soil, rich in organic matter. Size: Indeterminate vines grow very large unless pruned; they produce 6-inch, round, red fruits weighing 10 or more ounces.