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How to Freeze and Preserve Sweet Corn
Many of us also have vacuum processors as well, and they are great for freezing vegetables. There is a bit of a learning curve here that may take a bit of practice to perfect, so take it slow and don't get frustrated.
El Segundo
Sweet Corn Charcoal Rot Control – How To Manage Corn With Charcoal Rot
The life cycles of many fungal diseases can seem more like a vicious cycle of death and decay. Fungal diseases, such as charcoal rot of sweet corn infect plant tissues, wreaking havoc on infected plants, oftentimes killing the plants.
Yellowing Corn Leaves: Why Corn Plant Leaves Turn Yellow
Rotate your corn crop if nematodes seem to be the problem. I chalked it up to our generally cool summers and the fact that the huge pine trees in the backyard are blocking most of our sun in the veggie garden.
Corn Seedlings Are Dying – What To Do With A Sickly Sweet Corn Seedling
Is a real treat in the summer. But, if you can't get your plants past the seedling stage, you'll get no harvest. They are caused by a few different types of fungus and sometimes by bacteria, and may or may not cause rot.Diseased or rotting corn seedlings...
No Ears On Corn Stalks: Why Is My Corn Not Producing Ears
Always buy inoculated, clean seed from reputable nurseries andmay also infect soil surrounding the roots. If limited nitrogen is available, the plant needs lots of– Lastly, one of the most common reasons for no ears of corn on corn stalks is space.
Mosaic Virus Of Maize Plants: Treating Plants With Dwarf Mosaic Virus
However, when nights are cool, affected plants display reddish blotches or streaks.may take on a bunchy, stunted appearance and usually won't exceed a height of 3 feet (1 m.). Encourage your neighbors to control the weed too; johnson grass in the surrounding...
Growing Popcorn – Popcorn Growing Conditions And How To Grow Popcorn
Popcorn is not only a fun and tasty crop to grow in the garden, but it will also store for several months after harvesting. Pearl popcorn has round kernels, while rice popcorn kernels are the same garden produces disappointing results because...
Problems With Corn: Information On Early Corn Tasseling
Most of the time the plant will continue to grow and produce tasty corn for you. (12-33 C.) and the temperatures at night are between 52 and 74 F. You've planted your corn and to the best of your ability have provided adequate corn plant care,but why...
Poor Kernel Production: Why Are There No Kernels On Corn
The maximum number of potential kernels (ovules) per row is determined a week or so prior to the emergence of the silk, with some reports of up to 1,000 potential ovules per ear. Each silk is a potential kernel.
How To Grow Corn – How To Grow Your Own Corn
Otherwise, your crop will be sparse.If you're thinking about how to grow corn from seed, there are only a few rules to follow. Just wait for the temperature of the soil to reach 60 F.
Sweet Corn With Downy Mildew – Tips On Treating Sweet Corn Crazy Top
You can also purchase and plant disease resistant varieties of sweet corn. These perfect conditions are generally caused by flooding or waterlogged soils that last for at least 24-48 hours.Crazy top downy mildew can also infect other plants such asand...
Corn Pollination – How To Hand Pollinate Corn
How wonderful it would be to reap a bounty of corn if all we needed to do was drop the seeds in their little hole and watch them grow. The female parts of the stalk are the ears located at leaf junctions and the female flowers are the silks.
Common Smut Of Corn: What To Do For Corn Smut Fungus
The spores can live up to three years, making it very hard to completely destroy. If you remove the galls while they're still young, that will also help to reduce the spore exposure level.If you've had corn smut problems in the past, trying a more resistant...
Tips For Harvesting Corn: How And When To Pick Corn
Cut the stalks into 1-foot lengths before adding them to the compost pile to hasten their decay.Some people claim that you should put the water on to boil before going to the garden to harvest the corn because it loses its fresh-picked flavor so quickly.
Fixing Knocked Over Corn: What To Do When Corn Is Bent Over
You may end up breaking or bending the stems even worse.Large commercial corn fields tend to have less damage due to the density of the plantings. Leaning stalks will prevent the pollen from drifting down the tassels to the silks, thwarting pollination.
Sweet Corn Rust Treatment – Learn About Corn Rust Fungus Control
This results in a high concentration of fungal spores originating from earlier planted sweet corn crops, just when the late planted fields contain susceptible young plants.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Southern Corn Leaf Blight Treatment – What Are Symptoms Of Southern Leaf Blight
Even so, the symptoms and treatments described for the control of southern corn leaf blight may be similar to other leaf blights.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });There is no way to save a crop that has...
Corn Plant Tillers: Tips On Removing Suckers From Corn
They are commonly found on corn. Should you be removing sucker from corn plants? Sometimes though, if conditions are just right, you may end up with a bonus ear of corn.Tillers appear to have no adverse effect on corn; in fact, as mentioned above, you...
What Is Dent Corn: Planting Dent Corn In The Garden
Most varieties of dent corn are yellow, although there are white varieties as well which tend to command a premium price in the dry milling industry.Flour corns are most common in the Southwest and are most often ground finely and used in baking, while...
Corn Plant Problems: Reasons A Corn Plant Is Wilted
Cold winters kill off the flea beetle. (35 C.), pollination can be affected and moisture stress is more likely to affect the plant; the result is a corn plant that is wilted. If you have withering corn plants, the most likely cause is environmental.
Controlling Corn Rootworm – Preventing Corn Rootworm Injury In Gardens
Adult corn rootworm beetles also feed on foliage, stripping a single layer of tissue from affected leaves, and causing white, parchment-like areas of dead tissue to occur.Control of corn rootworm beetle is difficult in the home garden, since many control...
Corn Root Borer: Tips For Controlling Corn Borers In The Garden
Eggs hatch as soon as three to seven days and the young caterpillars begin to eat the host plant. It is important to spray plants every five days until tassels start to brown.Another beneficial corn borer treatment method involves keeping garden and surrounding...
Treating Stunt In Corn – How To Manage Stunted Sweet Corn Plants
As the name suggests, corn stunt disease causes severely stunted plants that may not exceed 5 feet in height (1.5 m.). Stunted sweet corn often produces multiple small ears with loose and missing kernels.
Companion Planting With Corn – Learn About Planting Next To Corn
Dried beans, unlike green, store for long periods of time and are packed with protein. The combination of these three created a subsistence diet that would have been augmented with fish and game.Not only did this trio store well and provided calories,...
Cross Pollination Of Corn: Preventing Cross Pollinating In Corn
The effects of cross pollinating can be reduced characteristics, but it can also include a phenomenon called hybrid vigor. Researchers have decided that a 150 foot buffer between different corn varieties is sufficient to prevent the majority of cross...
Why Is My Sweet Corn Not Sweet: Fixing Corn That Is Not Sweet
Also, while the corn is delicious when freshly picked, it isn't quite as creamy when frozen or canned. You can also ask friends or neighbors what types of corn work well for them and get their tips on getting corn to taste sweet.
Sweet Corn Kernel Rot : What Causes Rotting Corn Kernels
Is one of summer's many delights. Sweet corn with kernel rot is a common sight when weather is wet and humid, and plants exhibit nutrient or cultural deficiencies. Treatment of corn early in the season usually prevents most insect pests that can cause...