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Best Yarn For Felting

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Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
Mark this point with a piece of tape or safety pin. The bottom loop will tighten and close up into the coil. This can be accomplished in a couple of ways. The further down that you drop before tying these knots, the wider the opening will be for your...
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Bad luck with houseplants? Try lucky bamboo
Use filtered water, spring water, or freshwater aquarium water. I haven't even mentioned the curled and curved stems. Four is not a good number as the Chinese word for four is similar to the word for death.) For what it's worth, a gift of Lucky Bamboo...
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A Grapevine Christmas Tree
Luckily, I have my own. However, as collectibles so often do, my garden ornaments became more and more numerous. A few red cardinals and other birds in nests were tucked among the vines.
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Warm and Cozy Buckwheat Seeds?
Word gets around pretty quickly on Dave's Garden, and my shivering was no secret. One of the sites I read, the one referring to the pillow, mentioned that the fabric used for the cozies should be of natural fiber.The warmed cozies have an almost earthy...
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My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
I'm tempted by one that would help me take notes about my own plants over time. He felt sure that my next phone upgrade should be to a "smart phone," a tool that could give me some of the functions of our computer and more.
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Felt Labels for Mason Jars
Step 5 If you want further definition on your fruit, use a brown permanent marker to dot seeds on seeds or other details. That's why hobby farmers reach for scrapped fabric, lace, twine, paper tags and even fancy printed custom labels to dress up and...
Hummers at your window - a great gift idea!
While I was researching the various types of hummingbird feeders available, I came across some that attach to the outside of a window with suction cups. They came to the feeders at various times of day, but 7 p.m. was regular enough that you could almost...
El Segundo
Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
While monogrammed napkins and bubbles are nice, they didn't really speak to me or about me. This process is hot and arduous, especially in the summer in Texas but it added such character to the varied nature of my vessel collection.Once I had my propagation...
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Gardening Gifts A to Z
On the other hand, you can start small. You might want to fortify this gift with a squirrel-proof bird feeder.- Those blubbery looking, holey, clog style shoes are quite popular as garden footwear.
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Diana\'s Anise Biscotti
They are usually made of simple, wholesome ingredients, are often low or reduced in sodium and fat, and contain healthful fruits or seeds that can be grown in a home garden.Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C) and get all your ingredients together.Place aluminum...
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What the Gardener Gets for Christmas
We dream of discovering blue tulips when the rest of the world dreams of winning the lottery. The gift ones never do.Making fun of the same gifts we receive every year may reek of ingratitude.
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Plant Profiles For New Gardeners: Sempervirens tectorum, Hens and Chicks
This little succulent is native to the dry slopes of southern European mountain ranges like the Alps and has been a familiar house-hold plant for over a thousand years. The 'mother' plant with the smaller babies surrounding it is how the common name 'hens...
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Gifts from and for Gardeners: How to Make a Discharge Printed Vest
You'll want to keep both sides relatively the same tone, so both sides need to bleach as close to the same time as possible.Spray the back side, and the process should start. For this project, I just grabbed some nearby weeds, which happened to be Bidens,...
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Handmade decorative paper with added flowers, seeds, leaves
(These extra sheets merely make it easy to get the wet, fragile sheets out of the frame.) Once I get the hang of the paper thickness I want, I put down another screen over the pulp and run a fat dowel over the “sandwich” to squeeze out excess water...
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Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Zinnias
Most direct-seeded zinnias will bloom four to six weeks after they are planted, if the ground is warm and conditions are favorable.Zinnias require a sunny area and moderately fertile soil.
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Clay Critters for Plant Pots: A great kid craft for inside days
Put a piece of aluminum foil over the rim, and curve your leaf into position.You want enough leaf to go over the edge and down inside the pot to balance the weight of the ladybug. I love working with polymer clay, and so do my nieces and nephews.
El Segundo
Just add water, Paperwhites bring a hint of spring
Three bulbs will be displayed nicely in a six inch diameter bowl or medium rose vase. Set the bulbs with the flat side down in a single layer on the stones. As with most bulbs, the bigger the better.
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Daylilies
You don't want them having to struggle in 100+ degrees or below freezing temperatures until they've had a chance to develop a good root system. Japanese Beetles are sometimes troublesome, thrips can cause mal-formed blossoms (but generally leave on their...
El Segundo
Felting with Children
I loved how the wool smelled and how it looked with those natural dyes making them shine in various colors of the rainbow. Fill the second side, or a large bowl, with cold water. There's so much a child can do with natural fibers like wool, angora, alpaca...
Spinning a Yarn of Your Own
Sheep-breeder associations or other local clubs may offer shearing classes and often can recommend professional shearers. Repeat until your wool looks clean. If your herd is comprised of Cheviot, Dorset, Suffolk or Tunis, you have down wool , likewise...
A Quick & Easy Harvest Apron
A slit cut through all the layers to form the buttonhole will have a tough time ripping any further. Iron-on fusible webbing material can serve this purpose when sandwiched between the apron and a colorful fabric, making a decorative addition to the apron...
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Upcycled Sweater Mittens (With Printable Pattern)
Bonus Project: Mitten Catnip Toy For your favorite feline you can use scrap pieces of fabric to create a catnip toy. Pin together with wrong sides facing together. Step 6: Pin And Stitch Together Palm And Back Pieces Stephanie Staton With outer sides...
Quick Craft: Felted Wool Dryer Balls
Green up your laundry practices by replacing dryer sheets with these easy-to-make dryer balls. Note: You'll have to periodically recharge your balls with essential oil when the scent dissipates.
Sweet Solution for Garden Hot Peppers
We use citric acid instead of vinegar, which imparts an undesirable taste.Homemade pepper jelly makes a tasty topping for everyday meals like fish, pork or chicken. The natural color is just as appealing with the pepper bits suspended in the glistening...
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Zone Envy - admit it, you\'ve felt it too!
I'll just have to move to a 85° tropical island in New England. "Whose woods these are I think I know, his house is in the village though. And I like being able to grow those plants that enjoy their winters.
El Segundo
Handcrafted Rustic Wire Basket
With a little effort and a budget-friendly trip to your local home-improvement store, it's easy to handcraft a wire basket. Step 2 Roll the wire into a tube, and twist the tines along the edges together to hold the tube's shape.
Crocheted Napkin Rings for Summer Picnics
What You'll Need: approximately 20 yeards of worsted weight yarn per ring (I used Cascade 220.) small amounts of a lighter yarn (4-ply or leftover sock yarn would work well.) E (3.5mm) hook B or C (2.5mm) hook scissors yarn Needle Step 1 Using the worsted...