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Best Way To Plant Herbs

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Substitutes for Star Anise Pods
A variety of cuisines use star anise pods, which add a sweet licorice flavor to dishes. The pods are often used in poached fruit, but can be ground and added to soups, stews or vegetable dishes.
Santa Monica
Easy Tips for Caring for Winter Herbs
Certain herbs not only endure winter, but also maintain their appearance and thrive throughout it. Sage, a primary ingredient in many poultry seasonings, adds a touch of foliage color to your herb garden year-around.
El Segundo
The Garlic of Polite Society
Foot-tall, grasslike foliage smells like garlic and prompts the gardener to wonder how it earned its common name. Plants are said to repel snakes and moles in the garden. Get a few of these remarkable plants, plant them in a sunny place, and enjoy them...
El Segundo
Growing Ginger Plants: How To Plant And Care For Ginger
When you're ready to harvest, lift the ginger plant gently from the soil. Continue to care for your plant over the winter.Your ginger plant will be ready for harvest in the spring, or you can let it grow through the next summer for a larger harvest.
Indoor Ginger Care: Ginger Houseplant Growing Tips
Just pull the greens and the root will come out with them.Indoor ginger care is something anyone can do, and when you grow your own ginger plant, you can expect to always have a tasty supply of this delicious seasoning.
When To Harvest Tea Plants: Information On Tea Plant Harvesting
Once the new shoots appear at the tips of the pruned branches, allow them to grow until 2-4 are unfurling. Allow them to cool and then store them in a sealed glass container. (-18 C.) but cooler temperatures will cause the plant to grow more slowly and/or...
What Is Brahmi: Learn About Brahmi Plant Care And Garden Uses
Keep reading to learn more about brahmi plant care and how to grow brahmi herbs.What is brahmi? There is a huge list of ailments brahmi can be used to treat, from respiratory and stomach problems to memory loss to leprosy.
Diseases Of Ginger – Recognizing Ginger Disease Symptoms
You're more likely to notice this after harvest, but unless it's seriously infected, your plant may be otherwise healthy.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Most ginger plant diseases cannot be cured, only...
How to Extract Lemongrass
Collect all the pieces in a clean jar.Pour 8 ounces of light-flavored oil into a mason jar and add about 4 ounces of the chopped lemongrass to allow the oils to dissolve the oils in the lemongrass.Cover the jar and shake until the lemon grass is distributed...
Santa Monica
What Can You Use Mint Leaves for?
Top the mixture with 2 oz. Stir a few chopped mint leaves into fresh yogurt, then eat the yogurt as is, or serve the mint yogurt with grilled meat. Add boiling water and allow the tea to steep.
Santa Monica
Herbal Teas to Kill Parasites
The tea has a minty flavor, and, aside from eliminating parasitic worms from the stomach, is an herbal remedy for fever blisters and bronchitis. The tea will also act as a diuretic and flush excess liquid from the body, which includes toxins like parasites...
Santa Monica
How to Hydroponically Grow Ginger
Of ginger root. Growing ginger hydroponically offers advantages over other methods of cultivation. Pour in enough growing medium to cover the roots and keep the plants in place.Set up your hydroponic system to water and feed the ginger every two hours...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Cilantro Hydroponically
Once sprouts appear and are transplanted into a hydroponics system, the plants grow quickly when adequate nutrients are available through the water.Cilantro is the leafy foliage of the corriander plant.Soak 1-inch wide rockwool planting cubes in a tray...
Santa Monica
Uses of Chrysanthemum Oil
Chrysanthemum tea has also been used for its antibiotic properties in Asia.Scientists have studied how many herbs and flowers like chrysanthemum long used in Chinese medicine help with certain ailments like diabetes and gout.
Santa Monica
How to Extract Oil From Rosemary
Below is a simple stovetop method that uses low-heat and a grapeseed oil base to harness the essential oil of rosemary.If working with fresh rosemary, allow it to dry out in a warm, dark place for several hours.
Santa Monica
How to Rehydrate Dried Herbs
Even though dehydrated herbs have been dried, they have not lost their flavor. With the rehydration process -- usually in conjunction with the recipe -- the herbs retain their natural flavor.Dried oregano has a different flavor than the fresh herb, even...
Santa Monica
Ginger With Brown Leaves: Learn Why Ginger Leaves Are Turning Brown
They'll typically be followed by plant collapse, so go ahead and dig up part of your rhizome and inspect it closely. Read on to learn more about browning ginger leaves.and garden plants; their hardy nature makes them welcome in a wide range of environments.
Caring For Cerinthe: What Is Cerinthe Blue Shrimp Plant
Plant the herb outside in April in most zones.than in-ground plants. Instead, Cerinthe has thick greenish-gray foliage with softly rounded edges. The bracts deepen into a bluer hue as nighttime temperatures cool.
Tea Plant Care: Learn About Tea Plants In The Garden
Once the plants are well established, continue to water as needed during hot, dry weather. An acidic mulch, such as pine needles, will help retain the proper soil pH.Full or dappled sunlight is ideal, as are temperatures between 55 and 90 F.
Growing Tea At Home – Learn About Tea Plant Container Care
At this time, apply an acidic plant fertilizer every 3 weeks, diluted to half the strength according to the manufacturer's instructions.Prune the tea plant yearly after it blooms. Keep the plant well watered but do not allow the roots to become water...
Growing Ginger In Containers: How To Care For Ginger In Pots
Want to learn about growing ginger in containers? Look for firm, light-colored ginger roots with bumpy little buds at the tips. Although you can start any time of year, spring is the optimum time for planting ginger in a container.
Japanese Ginger Info: How To Grow Myoga Ginger Plants
Use it to top salads, noodle dishes, and any other dish you would use green onion slices to garnish or flavor.Growing myoga ginger is a great choice whether you want to enjoy the tasty buds or not.
Chia Plant Care: Learn How To Grow Chia Seeds In The Garden
They are high in protein, antioxidants, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. Adding chia to your plantings provides a valuable nectar source for bees and butterflies. They have thick, dark-green leaves that are wrinkled and deeply lobed.
What to Do With Flowers in Oregano
Most herb growers know that oregano leaves have the strongest and most desirable flavor before the flowers bloom. Oregano is often propagated from cuttings, which are taken while the oregano is blooming.
Santa Monica
Difference Between Peppermint Extract & Mint Extract
However, there are subtle differences between peppermint and mint extracts.Peppermint and mint extracts are made by extracting the oil from the plant's leaves.The main difference between peppermint and mint extracts is the plant from which they are derived.
Santa Monica
How to Prepare a Tribulus Terrestris
You can prepare Tribulus terrestris in the same manner as certain varieties of medicinal herbs.Some people prepare medicinal teas from wild plants.Harvest a healthy Tribulus plant for herbal use when the plants begin to blossom.
Santa Monica
How to Use Dill Flowers
Dill flowers can be used in place of sprigs of fresh dill weed in recipes; use one to two flowers for each sprig.Place left over dill flowers into zip-top sandwich bags and put them in the freezer to preserve.
Santa Monica