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The Value Of A Snag
While we may want to quickly chip up the trunks, branches, and twigs to make a nice mulch, organisms are slowly working their way through the woody cells and decomposing it at nature's pace.
Italian Farm Trucks
I've owned a 49 Ford flatbed, a 59 El Camino, a 66 Ranchero, a 72 Chevy pick up, and a 1995 Isuzu Trooper in the states and I drove a Ford 250 Diesel for awhile as a work truck. There is one wheel in front and two wheels in the rear.
My Farm Truck
I love my farm truck. Sound like trouble? I left the sacks of concrete on the scooter, pushed the whole thing a few blocks (it rolls very easily, even heavily loaded) to the scooter repair guy near the river.
Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
If you need to bring home lumber or other supplies, what's simpler than driving them straight to the site of your project? We use our four-wheel-drive truck every winter for the purpose of moving hay from one area of the farm to another, and in the aftermath...
How to Determine the Value of Cedar Trees
If there are no mills near you, will you get a lesser price since the cedar logs would have to be transported? Discuss the estimate with him. Let the forester know how many trees you have and whether you intend to sell all the trees or only a few trees.Research...
Santa Monica
Purple Reign: The Joy & Value of Growing Lavender
More than 30 species of lavender and hundreds of varieties exist, but most commercial growers choose one or more from a small group of widely grown perennial species. “Once our plants are in the ground, we run drip irrigation,” Estrada says.
1 Month Left to Apply for Value-added Grants
“Those applicants that meet the beginning, small or mid-sized family farm criteria will automatically get 10 points out of a total of 100.” VAPG is a competitive grants program that awards grants to producers to help them develop farm-related businesses...
My Waterfall and My Truck
When we go hiking in the woods we see ancient crumbling mills all over the place. His truck isn't so big, but the angle to turn into my driveway is so sharp that he can't make the turn.
My Riding Mower Demonstrates The Value Of A Differential Lock
Fortunately, the differential lock can override the essence of the differential, locking the two wheels together so that they are forced to spin as one, as if connected by a common axle.
7 “Value Added” Ideas That Don\'t Require A Commercial Kitchen
If they buy two to get the deal, you've sold two items and haven't lost any money. Giving someone a free button or sticker when they buy something may help endear the customer to you for life.
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
The amendment, introduced by Sen. The U.S. Senate recently passed an amendment to S.1813, the transportation or Highway Bill that would exempt farm trucks from the restrictions of commercially licensed truck drivers.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
The two important factors here are gross weight, which is the weight of the trailer plus the load, and tongue weight, which is the downward force that the trailer coupler places on the hitch ball.
Citronella Plant Uses
The citronella plant and its oil work well in a number of uses around the home.Citronella oil is a common ingredient in insect-repellent candles.While citronella grass does not act as an insect repellent in the pot, its crushed leaves or oil from those...
Santa Monica
Uses of Fertilizers
Plants may not receive everything they need for healthy growth from the soil. Adding organic material can alleviate both these problems.Gardeners use fertilizers specifically made for individual plants.
Santa Monica
Uses for Anthurium
Because of its shape and texture, this flower has been viewed by some as almost obscene, suggesting the human female genitalia.Hybrid anthuriums are a popular addition to floral arrangements for their exotic forms and wide range of colors from white to...
Santa Monica
Honeysuckle Magical Uses
The scent of honeysuckle is said to cause dreams of love and passion. The sugary and lemony scent of honeysuckle sweetens the thoughts of those who smell it, therefore triggering generosity.Since ancient times, it is said that the sweet scent of honeysuckle...
Santa Monica
Homemade Soap: Milk and Vegan Options
Along with gardening, she enjoys her team of Percheron draft horses, flock of 30 chickens and working on the family dairy farm. “These other liquids supply vitamins, antioxidants and minerals, reducing [skin] photosensitivity, promoting skin renewal...
Mesquite Tree Uses – What Can Mesquite Be Used For
Leaves were imbued in water and taken as a tea to treat stomachaches or to stimulate appetite.Bark was harvested and used to weave baskets and fabrics. This clear sap is not only edible, but sweet and chewy and was collected, saved and then used to dose...
Horticultural Fleece Uses – Learn How To Use Garden Fleece
Fleece can be used outdoors, with containers on patios and balconies, or even in greenhouses.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Using horticultural fleece is easy because it is very lightweight and you can...
Uses For Goat Manure – Using Goat Manure For Fertilizer
In fact, if you are willing to come get it, many goat farmers would be more than happy to give you manure just to get it out of their way.Making your own compost is not hard or messy.
Using safe gardening practices
Workers handling the product are advised to wear heavy clothing and gloves to protect themselves from cuts and scrapes. The fungus sporotrichum schenckii is know to live in the growing moss.
El Segundo
Uses for Russian Sage
Though the leaves of the Russian sage plant are slightly toxic and you should not eat them, the plant's flowers are edible and have a peppery flavor. To prevent this, plant supportive plants around it and make sure the sage gets full sun.Plant Russian...
Santa Monica
Uses of Lilac Plants
Make your own lilac oil by cold pressing the flower leaves, and then add the oil to your favorite candle. Create a decadent lilac sorbet by simply mixing lilac flowers with sugar and water.Lilacs have a subtle fragrance that many describe as a scent of...
Santa Monica
Uses of Palm Leaves
Palm leaflets make excellent partitions and terraces. When constructed correctly, palm leaf roofs are extremely durable and water-resistant while remaining porous enough to allow ventilation from cooking flames and promote proper air circulation.
Santa Monica
Uses of Ash Trees
It has destroyed millions of ash trees in more than 20 U.S. states.The two most widely distributed American ash trees grow throughout the eastern United States and into the Midwest.
Santa Monica
Harvesting and Using Elderberries
We'd spend the day filling our buckets, and our stomachs with wonderful sweet goodness. I remember as a child, summertime was the time that we all packed up in the car and headed out to pick blackberries, or muscadines.
El Segundo
Uses for Hedge Apples
Commonly used as a hedgerow plant in its native region, hedge apple produces tight, impenetrable barriers that were once described as "horse high, bull strong and hog tight." The dense wood is not affected by termites and rot, unlike traditional fences...
Santa Monica