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Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
We use our four-wheel-drive truck every winter for the purpose of moving hay from one area of the farm to another, and in the aftermath of major snowstorms, it makes all the difference in allowing us to stay productive despite the tough conditions.
Landscaping Ideas To Hide Utility Boxes: Tips On Hiding Utility Boxes With Plants
Keep reading to learn more about camouflaging utility boxes in the have plans to live off the grid, they're a fact of life, and they, unfortunately, aren't usually designed with aesthetics in mind.
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
According to AFBF president Bob Stallman, some states currently exempt farm vehicles from federally imposed regulations while others do not, presenting complications for farmers who must cross borders to haul their products locally.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
The three standard ball sizes are 1 7/8, 2 and 2 5/16 inches. Your vehicle's suspension should be able to handle a tongue weight of about 10 percent of the trailer's maximum gross weight.
Buyer\'s Guide To Small Farm Utility Vehicles
But that will only benefit those who decide to sell at some point in the future. “If you are mainly concerned with transportation on flat ground, and carrying a little bit of cargo like a bale of hay or a few sacks of feed, then 2-wheel drive is probably...
Making an Olla, Utilizing Ancient Technology in the Garden!
It dries very quickly.Apply your glue to the other pot rim. This helps hold them really tight. I want everything fully cured. For a tube of silicone, you may need a caulking gun. However a true Olla is not available here unless ordered through the mail.
El Segundo
Growing The Blue Flag Iris
The Native Americans prized the rhizome of this beauty for both topical and internal applications. I never moved those iris to a permanent location, so predictably, they bloomed beautifully for a few years and then one by one, the big showy blossoms failed...
Take Advantage of Free Compost
It's free, after all, and very good stuff. Someone in charge of municipal maintenance should be able to tell you what's used to make the compost, so if you are concerned about it, just ask.
10 Uses for an ATV or UTV on Your Farm
Raking Just as an ATV or UTV can be used to plow, a rake attachment allows these machines to clean up all sorts of debris. With the addition of a mower deck attachment or a pull-behind mower—plus a switch to lawn-friendly tires—ATVs and UTVs can make...
My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
Instead of listening to mindless music radio, I exercised my twig identification skills. How could I refuse? Lt's taking my gardening proficiency to the next level. I have an embarrassing number of pictures in my phone, and room for hundreds more.Smartest...
El Segundo
Cover Crop Tips For Your Garden: How To Plant & Use Green Manures
Essentially, cover crops are non-productive plants grown when the ground would be otherwise fallow and free of crops. They prevent soil erosion, stabilize soil temperatures, reduce weeds , prevent winter nutrient loss and, with time, they break down and...
Traveling with Livestock
You will always need up-to-date health papers issued by a vet. They traveled in a covered goat tote in the back of our truck. Last week, Dad and Fayre, our Portuguese Water Dog took three of our young sheep, Aliss, Dixie Moon and Gunnar (his name used...
Trees Beneath Power Lines: Should You Be Planting Trees Around Power Lines
It can be pretty upsetting when you go to work in the morning with a beautiful full tree canopy on your terrace, only to come home in the evening to find it hacked into an unnatural form.
They have a taste unlike anything else. It is one of more than 20 species that was included in the diets of early North American Indians. This is the proper way to harvest any wild food, always leave behind more than you take ensuring the plants are around...
El Segundo
Gardening Tips to Make Life Easier
But the best part of this lazy gardener's invention is this: when I'm crawling along the ground, weeding and digging, I don't have to get up to move the wheelbarrow or garden cart closer--I just pull the rope to move the container up to my work area.My...
El Segundo
I still rank it right up on the top of the excellent scale.Pudding has an interesting history. The old folks who were the recipients of our nonmelodic voices graciously opened their doors and we piled inside for hot chocolate and peppermint sticks and...
El Segundo
The Hardy Honeysuckle Vines
There is a surprising long list of hardy twining honeysuckles although nurseries seem to concentrate on about half a dozen. So the best way to accommodate these vines is by trellis, arbors or fences.Twining honeysuckles perform best if grown in full sun...
El Segundo
A Moveable Feast - Urban Farm Online
“Not everyone goes to the farmers market and buys a week's worth of food, says Bradley Taylor, farmer and co-founder of Farm a la Carte. The truck, a retrofitted cargo trailer designed by students from Savannah College of Art and Design, pulls up at...
School to Train New York Farmers
A typical week will include one three-hour weeknight class and one four-hour weekend class. In addition to the expected agriculture courses, the farm school's coursework includes carpentry basics, food justice, culinary skills, marketing, and small-farm...
Pear Bread
I bought a big bag of small Bosc “utility” pears, spotted and still hard. The recipe was standard in many ways but needed the sugar and butter dialed down and the spices dialed up.
How to make a Victorian Tussie-Mussie
Insert the trunk of the tussie-mussie plants into the precut doily and secure the base of it with floral tape. "Flowers have a language of their own, and it is this bright and particular language that we would teach our readers.
El Segundo
The tete-a-tete daffodil - enjoy it twice, once in a pot and forever in your garden!
I'm Supermom, not Putter-around-the-house-with-bulbs-mom. I bought one pot of tete-a-tetes for my father, who lives at an assisted living center where they seem to have only artificial plants, and one for myself.
El Segundo
Ferns for the Garden Landscape: The genus Osmunda
At this stage it might be useful to describe some fern terms. The leafy portion of ferns are called the fronds and the leaf stalk are called stipes. Located centrally on each fertile frond is four or more pairs of dark green leaflets which bear the spore...
El Segundo
Hardy Deciduous Shrubs for Colorful Foliage: Part 2 - Red and Purple Foliage
They are available in a wide variety of sizes, so any garden can utilize examples from this group of shrubs. In part 2 of this 3 part series, I will discuss those hardy (zone 5 and colder) shrubs whose main claim-to-fame is their red to purplish foliage.
El Segundo
Recycled Building Projects, How to build a deck for $150
Some helpful tips if your going to do alot of recycling buy a big crowbar (3' or more) and a sawzall, oh yeah and a couple sledge hammers, and buy stardrive screws they dont strip out as readily.
El Segundo
A Cheap Fix to Cover Up Dirt in a Backyard
For best results, lay down a light-blocking barrier before putting on the mulch. They also require frequent weeding until the plants mature. Choices include crimson clover (Trifolium pratense), annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) or hairy vetch (Vicia...
Santa Monica
The Charm of Burnet
With the increasing popularity of water features burnet are becoming more popular as garden ornamentals. Some even have edible leaves for soups and salads. If you have a damp site, then these plants are ideal for use as a garden ornamental.
El Segundo