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Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
Once the skills are mastered in this project, we can build on them, to tackle more advanced ones.Here's a list of materials. Go around and connect each side to its neighbor.Next, drop down and do this process one more time.
El Segundo
Bad luck with houseplants? Try lucky bamboo
Use filtered water, spring water, or freshwater aquarium water. One website I came across specified that it will not ship in chilly months of year. This botanical bearer of good fortune is a tabletop plant having jointed green bamboo-like stems with a...
El Segundo
A Grapevine Christmas Tree
Uncovering it is like seeing an old friend. Luckily, I have my own. I have sprightly garden Santas, garden angels, miniature gardening tools, flower and butterfly ornaments, and all manner of garden knick-knacks made especially for hanging on a Christmas...
El Segundo
Warm and Cozy Buckwheat Seeds?
I have not been this warm in a very long time.It isn't strange to me anymore, the friendships that are made on Dave's Garden. Word gets around pretty quickly on Dave's Garden, and my shivering was no secret.
El Segundo
Find The Best Possible Use For Free Plants
I honestly don't know what I'll do with the plants that could spread and become invasive, such as vanilla grass and common tansy. The inner-city space is open to the public and in a perfect spot to educate the neighborhood about the importance of wise...
My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
I saved myself a few dollars in initial cost, more in doomed remedies, and lots of gardener angst and disappointment over yet more rose failure. Instead of listening to mindless music radio, I exercised my twig identification skills.
El Segundo
Botanical Garden Plant Sales ~ A Shopping Frenzy for Gardeners!
This alone might justify the expense of a membership. Plant Sales at Botanical Gardens are fantastic opportunities to find exciting new plants, trees and shrubs being offered every spring.
El Segundo
Hummers at your window - a great gift idea!
They know that's where I emerge with the filled feeders. Of course, this was totally ignoring the territory issue that I planned for with the other feeder. The only drawback I saw was that the suction cups block some of the view of the birds, particularly...
El Segundo
Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
I would immediately take them home, strip off two or three outer layers of leaves and begin to propagate them. I hear these miniature tomatoes can grow in a 4 inch pot! Small terra cotta pots in bulk can cost upwards of $2 a piece, which would push my...
El Segundo
Gardening Gifts A to Z
Wish your loved one good health with a yellow blooming plant. This is a rose gift that will live on, unlike cut roses that wilt in a week.are the best gardening pants ever, according to my personal product reasearch.
El Segundo
Diana\'s Anise Biscotti
Anise is an annual plant with white, umbel flowers and a long taproot. All rights reserved., the free Encyclopedia; Biscotti. Place biscotti on their side back on the cookie sheets.Bake again at the lower temperature for 15-25 minutes.Check the bottoms...
El Segundo
What the Gardener Gets for Christmas
We get the same thing every year, usually prefaced by the excited non-gardening giver saying, “I knew you'd love this because you're a gardener.” The gift is usually something beautiful, but with limited purpose.Somehow the presumption exists that...
El Segundo
The Best Fertilizer for Bamboo
In the fall, give the bamboo a single application of 0-10-10.Apply the fertilizer at the rate suggested on the label for the size and age of your bamboo. Growers with Bamboo Garden suggest supplying a 3-inch layer of compost or rotted manure around the...
Santa Monica
The Best Fungicide for Tomatoes
Remove infected plant parts, and spray with an organic fungicide containing copper or a synthetic fungicide containing Chlorothalonil or Mancozeb. Wet foliage encourages fungal disease.
Santa Monica
The Best Perennials for Texas
Plant in full sun in moist, well-drained soils. Plant perennials in your Texas garden, and watch them come up and bloom year after year. The University of Texas at Austin recommends the four-nerve daisy, Tetraneuris scaposa, also known as bitterweed.
Santa Monica
The Best Fertilizer for Plumerias
Of fertilizer for every inch of trunk diameter. Otherwise, continue to fertilize year-round.Use 1 lb. Sprinkle the fertilizer at the drip line and 2 feet beyond. A granular formula is preferable to liquid.Fertilize the plumeria every three months beginning...
Santa Monica
Plant Profiles For New Gardeners: Sempervirens tectorum, Hens and Chicks
They are generally very inexpensive and often a friend or neighbor will simply hand you a few 'chicks' if asked. Many new gardeners are starting to plan their first adventure into our crazy, wonderful world.
El Segundo
Gifts from and for Gardeners: How to Make a Discharge Printed Vest
If you really feel artistic, you can highlight areas with fabric paints, beads, metallic crayons, or other embellishments. You shouldn't have to soak it, but dampen it well. Try to stay away from the flowers like roses or peonies, unless they are the...
El Segundo
Handmade decorative paper with added flowers, seeds, leaves
If you use fabric between the sheets for drying them, you will get flatter sheets by putting some weights on top of the stack. As fall rolls around and we begin to put our gardens to bed for winter, we also begin to think of holiday cards and gifts.
El Segundo
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Zinnias
Water your zinnias in the morning as their only weakness is powdery mildew. The main reason for this, is they give a huge bang for the buck invested. These plant profiles will feature time-tested seeds and plants that are easy to grow, but produce a great...
El Segundo
Clay Critters for Plant Pots: A great kid craft for inside days
For a shiny finish, paint with clear nail polish or spray with polyurethane.You can put all sorts of different bugs and butterflies on leaf hangers like this. Put a piece of aluminum foil over the rim, and curve your leaf into position.You want enough...
El Segundo
Just add water, Paperwhites bring a hint of spring
A sunny or bright but cool windowsill is a good site for your paperwhites to develop. As with most bulbs, the bigger the better. In the fall, paperwhites may be sold in small bags along with other autumn-planted bulbs.
El Segundo
Evergreens For Pots: Best Evergreen Plants For Containers
Because of this, it's a good idea to keep your evergreen in at least partial shade where it won't be warmed by the sun only to be shocked by plunging night temperatures.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });is...
The Best Fruit Trees for Kansas
These trees need full sunlight to reach maturity and produce the most fruit. Fruit trees bring both healthy fruits for eating and canning and add to the overall beauty and appeal of your yard or garden.
Santa Monica
The Best Climbing Roses for Texas
Schulenburg Apricot, Katy Road Pink and Highway 290 Pink Buttons are examples of some of the old garden roses. Old roses, which are any variety produced before 1867, are resistant to many common rose problems and can be trained as an espalier or trellis...
Santa Monica
Plant Profiles for New Gardeners: Daylilies
You can then remove the pod and harvest your seeds. This way, you can watch over your seedlings and give them proper amounts of water and light. Many friends and neighbors are usually willing to share a fan or two.
El Segundo
Tips For Pruning Thyme Plants For Best Growth
Using sharp, clean shears, cut these back by two-third.This should be done yearly for the best health of the plant., tends to get a little wild looking if not shaped regularly. It is best though to stop harvesting thyme about three to four weeks before...