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My Waterfall and My Truck
One of the things I really like about living here in Liguria, Italy, is having lots of water features near my garden. My Waterfall My new studio is located on another little creek, so now I'll have one at home and one at work.
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), has been supported by a number of agriculture organizations, including the American Farm Bureau Federation, National Farmers Union and the National Cattleman's Beef Association, and awaits House approval.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
Four-Wheel Drive For strictly road use, a two-wheel-drive truck will suit your needs, but it will be pretty helpless in mud, snow or even wet grass. Electric trailer brakes are required in most states for trailers with a gross weight of more than 3,000...
Citronella Plant Uses
The unfamiliar smell seems to be less tolerable than a shock, and stops barking faster. Citronella is a tall tropical grass closely related to lemongrass. According to the Essential Oil Database, good quality citronella has a distinct "grassy" scent with...
Santa Monica
Uses of Fertilizers
Clay soils may be very dense and lack oxygen. Fertilizers can improve yields in a vegetable garden or increase flowering in an ornamental garden.Gardeners use fertilizer to quickly improve green color to lawns and flower gardens.
Santa Monica
Uses for Anthurium
"You cut up the leaves and boil it in a pot and have the person sit over it in a chair with a blanket. A single specimen in a simple bud vase can last as long as three weeks, sometimes causing it to be mistaken for plastic.As true tropicals, anthuriums...
Santa Monica
Honeysuckle Magical Uses
Honeysuckle is also used in White Magic, as it is believed to protect the bonds of love with its sweet aroma.The honeysuckle flower has a reputation for being centered around love and the bonds of love due to its sweet aroma and the fact that the flower...
Santa Monica
Mesquite Tree Uses – What Can Mesquite Be Used For
With a low glycemic index of 25, some scientists are looking to mesquite to regulate blood sugar and combat diabetes.Of course, mesquite tree benefits extend not only to humans but to animals as well.
Horticultural Fleece Uses – Learn How To Use Garden Fleece
You can also cover plants during harsh weather that could damage them, like hail.When using horticultural fleece, just remember that it is extremely lightweight. It is similar to plastic sheeting that is often used for similar purposes, but there are...
Uses For Goat Manure – Using Goat Manure For Fertilizer
Goat manure fertilizer can help gardeners produce healthier plants and crop yields. Its pelleted state makes it suitable for direct applications to flower and vegetable gardens without the worry of burning plants.
Using safe gardening practices
But if any cuts or scrapes do not heal properly, please see your doctor immediately.Information is from the Virginia Cooperative Extension and pictures are from public domain sites.
El Segundo
Uses for Russian Sage
This fragrant plant attracts butterflies and hummingbirds while resisting more destructive garden visitors like deer and rabbits. There are, however, still many Russian sage uses. Though the leaves of the Russian sage plant are slightly toxic and you...
Santa Monica
Uses of Lilac Plants
These fragrant plants feature heart-shaped leaves and come in several shades, including light violet, dark violet, dark purple, red violet, pink, blue, white and yellow.Lilacs have compelling shapes and colors, and many people enjoy using them in a decorative...
Santa Monica
Uses of Palm Leaves
The inscription of horoscopes into palm leaves is a thriving tradition in modern day India. Traditionally, a thick mud layer is used to adhere whole palm leaves to the ceiling beams of hatches.
Santa Monica
Uses of Ash Trees
It is hardy in USDA zones 3b through 9a. It is used in residential and commercial plantings as a shade, lawn and street tree.Native to the Pacific Northwest, Oregon ash (Fraxinus latifolia) is useful in streamside settings and areas with moist soil that...
Santa Monica
Harvesting and Using Elderberries
(Editor's Note: This article was originally published on August 19, 2007. We'd spend the day filling our buckets, and our stomachs with wonderful sweet goodness. Your comments are welcome, but please be aware that authors of previously published articles...
El Segundo
Uses for Hedge Apples
Native Americans in Oklahoma, Arkansas and Texas prized the wood for use in bows, arrows and clubs because of its strength and durability.The wood of hedge apple contains a light-orange pigment that can be extracted and used as a dye, though the intense...
Santa Monica
Uses of Banana Leaves
Bananas are a sweet treat filled with potassium and vitamin C, but the fruit is not the only useful part of the banana plant. The Department of Horticulture at Purdue University also asserts that banana leaves are effective for preventing the growth of...
Santa Monica
Mango Tree & Its Uses
The tree's fruit production, however, may be a disadvantage for its use as a landscape specimen because falling fruit will litter the ground under the tree.. Its color ranges from green when the fruit is immature to red, yellow, orange or purple when...
Santa Monica
Use Herbs You Grow
Herbs you plan to dry for long-term storage should be rinsed, shaken of excess water, then spread flat and evenly spaced to dry on a clean window screen in a cool, dark place. When harvesting herbs, you should choose only those stems that are free of...
Useful (But Ugly?) Trellises
Without the trellises the garden looks a bit more sophisticated and less rustic, but the trellises are just so useful. The good news for the future is that a few months from now, when the plants have covered the trellises, what was once unsightly will...
Using All Workshop Space
I mounted it on 1/2-inch-thick wood blocks using conduit or pipe fasteners. I opted for a simple retainer from which the panels could swing freely. When I set out to tuck my workshop into an 8- by 12-foot shed, I knew I needed to plan to use all available...
Uses for Apple Trees
With a combination of enzymes, antioxidants, vitamins A, B and C, beta carotene and a wealth of others, cider vinegar naturally balances the skin's pH.Use large pieces of wood from the apple tree to create attractive and unique furniture or accents on...
Santa Monica
Uses for Lanzones Peel
The peels are burned in the room where the sick person is located.Dried lanzones peels contain five onoceroid triterpenes known to have an antibacterial effect. Tasting similar to a sweet grapefruit, lanzones flesh is usually eaten fresh.
Santa Monica
Uses of Lotus Flowers
The seeds are roasted or candied and used directly in soups and sauces.According to the Missouri Botanical Gardens, oils from the lotus flower are used in perfumes. It is an easy growing flower that spreads quickly and has many uses.All parts of the lotus...
Santa Monica
Grow & Use Sweet Annie
Choose a planting site that receives at least six hours of full sun per day, more if possible. How To Use Sweet Annie Once dry, sweet Annie branches can be used to make wreath bases or fill out dried flower arrangements.
Flowers Used for Dye
The website indicates that approximately 4000 flowers are needed to make a single ounce of dye. According to W.P. Armstrong from Palomar College, saffron's blossoms contain a coloring pigment in their stigmas, which are the long tube-like structures inside...
Santa Monica