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My Riding Mower Demonstrates The Value Of A Differential Lock
Before I knew it, I had driven right across the top of the anthill, and suddenly the mower wasn't moving anymore. An attempt to push the mower forward did nothing, as it's quite heavy and wasn't interested in moving.
8 Things To Consider When Buying A Tractor
This article originally ran in the March/April 2017 issue of Hobby Farms. Rollover Protective Structure Most modern tractors of any significant size and power come equipped with a rollover protection structure to protect the driver from injury in the...
4 Tractor Types To Consider For Your Farm
A good one will more than pay for itself over time. Many subcompacts are also equipped with PTOs and three-point hitches, making them much more expandable than smaller models; some even have front-end loaders ! Horsepower: approximately 20 to 25 4.
15 Reasons You Need A Tractor
Fence Building Reeling out four 80-pound rolls of barbed wire, as well as carrying steel posts, post driver, fence stretcher, corner posts, post-hole digger, iron bar and shovel, requires a Herculean effort—or, in my case, a “Henry” effort, which...
Is A Walk-Behind Tractor Right For My Farm?
(For instance, the hay-baler is nearly $10,000.) Used machines can be difficult to come by, as these machines can often last a lifetime with proper maintenance and care. Eventual repairs after hundreds (maybe thousands) of hours of use would be items,...
A Look in the Rearview Mirror ...
So here I found myself among machines that were, in some ways, superior or at least equal to the behemoths that crawl across fields today. A group of friends working with the county's historical museum at nearby Davenport, Wash., had refurbished farm...
Run Your Tractor at Full Throttle? Ask the Tortoise
On many occasions, you need to run your tractor at full throttle—you certainly wouldn't want to go mow thick grass on the turtle setting. Like the tortoise, it just plugged along steadily without fanfare, completing its chores efficiently and effectively.
Use Your Owner\'s Manual for Tractor Maintenance
It will also identify daily service duties, as well as periodic system servicing where fluids and filters are exchanged. “We also bind everything so the manual will lay out flat.” A quick review of your tractor owner's manual will identify key service...
3 Things You Didn\'t Know Your Tractor Can Do
“This helps divert runoff into the side drainage ditches.” Use the tractor bucket on the front-end loader to move dirt from side ditches into the middle of the road and the box blade to drag and smooth it, raising the road bed and cleaning out the...
Should You Mow Your Lawn Clockwise or Counterclockwise?
Of course, every yard is different with its own issues, and depending on how many items you need to navigate (trees, buildings and so on), you might find that a mix of directions is most efficient, or maybe that no pattern at all is the best fit for your...
Lamborghini Tractors
“A Lamborghini tractor is much better made than a Lamborghini car,” one grizzled old farmer told me. Lamborghini offers an impressive range of styles, from 35-horsepower models to 270-horsepower models.
Why I\'m Thankful For The Three-Point Hitch
So the next time you hook up your Brand A plow to your Brand B tractor, with a Brand C brush mower waiting to be used later in the day, don't worry about the occasional difficulties you might encounter with hooking them up.
Change Your Tractor\'s Oil Yourself
This is the number of quarts or liters it holds. If not, contact a local farm-supply store or brand dealership. Again, tighten it down either by torque spec (recommended) or by the same rule of thumb used with the filter bolts.
Use Your Tractor For Grading Your Driveway
This is when a rear grading blade comes in handy—these attachments excel at the fine-tuning work and can help finish up what the box blade starts. The reason is simple—the driveways on many farms can be quite lengthy, and they're often made of gravel,...
Buying New Tires For Old Tractors
The patch will then stick to in the hole and stop the leak—far and away the most affordable of fixes, though again, you cannot patch a busted sidewall. Repairing and replacing the tires may take some extra skill and research.
4 Tips for Safe & Efficient Hay Baling
I bale hay on my northern Wisconsin farm every summer , so here are a few tips to make the baling days proceed as smoothly as possible. No farming pursuit is worth someone having a heat-related issue, so be careful, use good judgment—and bale on cooler...
Making (Another) Case for Old Tractors
The Massey might have the looks and the power, but Little Mo still wins out for reliability, at least in my mind. If you read my articles on this site, then you know that I like old-fashioned, tried-and-true tools.
Use A Tractor To Remove Stubborn Fence Posts
With barely any effort at all, Little Mo casually lifted the post out of the ground, and a loud gurgling sound came from the hole as the muddy water reluctantly let go of the post.
Go Greener By Using A Pedal-Powered Tractor
If you have a big farm, you might have a big tractor. It can be used for sowing, weeding, hoeing, harvesting open lines and carrying loads, among other applications.” It's also eco-friendly.
Turn A Piece Of Wood Into The World\'s Simplest Wagon
For moving an occasional tree stump or rock, it works great, and it's also easy to customize to your own preference. (Although, having the leading edge of the board hover ever so slightly above the ground will help it slide smoothly and not get caught...
Big Advice for Your Small Farm Machines
Remove Batteries: If you can't store your machine in a heated location, you can still remove batteries when they're not in use and store the batteries themselves in a heated location.
Gear Up For Winter With A To-Do List For Farm Tools
Here's a simple to-do list to make sure your tools and equipment are in order when winter arrives. The same goes for snow blowers, snow plows and other winter-related machinery—before winter sets in, make sure the machines are easily accessible and...
5 Seasonal Tractor Maintenance Tasks
Periodic servicing recommendations are most often based on operating hours, such as changing oil every 100 hours or more; however, these are guidelines and should be treated as such, Tammel says.
Infographic: Equipment Selections for Spring Farm Maintenance
Tags farm equipment , tractor , UTV Use the infographic below to figure out what piece of farm machinery will help you complete your springtime chores. Whatever it is, the guide below will help you make the best equipment decisions for the work that lays...
Farm Storehouse: A Roundup of Products to Help You & Your Operation
$15.95 at EquestriSafe 2. $55 each or $200 for a set of four at Borough Furnace 7. Help motorists see your horse when riding at dusk with a reflective collar that won't cause hair loss or rubbing.
Methods & Tools To Remove Tree Stumps
But these methods and tools should help you get started in your quest to remove tree stumps from your property. You might not want to use a mattock for removing a giant stump from something like a maple tree (that's a lot of tough roots to cut through...
Effectively Remove Rocks From Your Fields With These 4 Tools
Tractor Attachments If you need to remove lots of smaller rocks, a variety of tractor attachments are available to help you get the job done. Whether it's a bunch of small ones that complicate planting gardens or crops, or giant boulders that jut out...