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Citronella Plant Uses
Test for an allergy to the citronella oil by applying it to the inner forearm a day or so before using it as a topical repellent.According to the National Institutes of Health, extracts of the citronella plant are also effective against head lice.
Santa Monica
Uses of Fertilizers
Plants may not receive everything they need for healthy growth from the soil. Gardeners and commercial growers use fertilizers. Clay soils may be very dense and lack oxygen. Fertilizers are used to replace those nutrients and maintain healthy growth.
Santa Monica
Uses for Anthurium
Because of its shape and texture, this flower has been viewed by some as almost obscene, suggesting the human female genitalia.Hybrid anthuriums are a popular addition to floral arrangements for their exotic forms and wide range of colors from white to...
Santa Monica
Honeysuckle Magical Uses
It is said that burning honeysuckle can attract and maintain financial blessings into the home. Honeysuckle is said to be a mental stimulant that has not only medicinal but magical properties.Honeysuckle is a perennial herb and an important white-tailed...
Santa Monica
Tools for Tight Spaces
Having someone else bale your hay comes with certain risks, too. It hardly makes sense to grapple with costly, cumbersome standard equipment to hay our smaller, hobby-farm fields. If time matters, choose the biggest spreader suitable for your barn, your...
Mesquite Tree Uses – What Can Mesquite Be Used For
The pods and seeds were ground into a meal that the native people used to make small, round cakes that were then dried. This mesquite herbal soap can still be found today for “macho” hair in parts of Mexico.
Horticultural Fleece Uses – Learn How To Use Garden Fleece
Limitations of plastic sheets include that they are heavy and difficult to manipulate and that they tend to overheat during the day and fail to insulate enough at night.Using horticultural fleece as an alternative to plastic has become more popular with...
Uses For Goat Manure – Using Goat Manure For Fertilizer
Depending on its size, this can take weeks or months. Goat manure fertilizer can help gardeners produce healthier plants and crop yields. In addition, the pellets are easy to spread and.
Using safe gardening practices
I've often wondered if there's a relationship there when losing socks? I found a great bargain on men's long sleeved summer shirts at the local Good Will store and those are specifically for me to wear out in the garden.
El Segundo
Uses for Russian Sage
This drought-tolerant, woody-based perennial is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9, and grows 3 to 5 feet tall and 2 to 4 feet wide. "Little Spire," "Filigran" and "Longin" are hardy in USDA zones 5 through 9.
Santa Monica
Uses of Lilac Plants
Some people even use them as wedding cake toppers.Lilac flowers are edible, but make sure they have been well washed and not exposed to chemicals. You can crystallize them and use them as candied flowers on cookies, pies and cakes.
Santa Monica
Uses of Palm Leaves
Palm leaflets are typically sewn together to form plaits, which constitute the skeletal structure of baskets, mats, sacks, fans and hats, according to the FAO Corporate Document Repository website.
Santa Monica
Uses of Ash Trees
A species that grows in the Southeast and is hardy in USDA zones 7 through 10, Carolina ash (Fraxinus caroliniana) is useful as an addition to bogs or water gardens because its native habitat is in swamps and bottomlands with wet soils.
Santa Monica
Harvesting and Using Elderberries
We'd spend the day filling our buckets, and our stomachs with wonderful sweet goodness. Your comments are welcome, but please be aware that authors of previously published articles may not be able to promptly respond to new questions or comments.)
El Segundo
Uses for Hedge Apples
Known as a folk remedy for insect infestations, the ripened fruit is placed in basements and around the baseboards of homes plagued by cockroaches and spiders. They are grown for their fruit and for the tree itself, which has many uses.Hedge apple trees...
Santa Monica
Uses of Banana Leaves
People in Asian countries use the banana leaf to wrap meats while cooking so that the meat will be especially tender, according to the Reader's Digest website. The Department of Horticulture at Purdue University also asserts that banana leaves are effective...
Santa Monica
Mango Tree & Its Uses
Its immature foliage is red, pink or pale green, but it becomes dark green as it matures., and they are most productive when grown in well-drained, fertile soil. It has a rounded, symmetrical form, and it may develop a spreading habit, reaching a width...
Santa Monica
Use Herbs You Grow
Cover with a strong alcohol (like vodka) and seal. To brew a steaming cup, put a few tablespoons of fresh herbs or one tablespoon of dried herbs in a tea strainer or a cloth bag. For more than just cooking, fresh herbs can serve other purposes around...
Useful (But Ugly?) Trellises
I always wish I had more space. Things like squash and pumpkins and beans and cucumbers and melons all take a lot of surface area for the vines to spread out. I have about 300 square feet of cultivatable surface in my garden, which is composed of more...
Using All Workshop Space
The “ridge pole” in the shed is a 2×4 and would make a handy place to fasten the end of the panel with a release of some sort. I decided to hinge 1/2-inch 2- by 4-foot plywood panels to the rafters so they could be easily accessed at the workbench.
Uses for Apple Trees
Roasted, spiced apples are a favorite Christmastime treat. These wood chips penetrate meat during grilling to give them a rich, smoky flavor with a hint of sweetness. This vinegar works as a skin tonic as well, improving blood circulation.
Santa Monica
Uses for Lanzones Peel
These are believed to fight bacterium such as C albicans, P. The peels are burned in the room where the sick person is located.Dried lanzones peels contain five onoceroid triterpenes known to have an antibacterial effect.
Santa Monica
Uses of Lotus Flowers
The fragrance is said to elicit feelings of euphoria and heightened awareness.According to the Institute for Traditional Medicine, lotus seeds are beneficial to the spleen, kidney and heart.
Santa Monica
Grow & Use Sweet Annie
Each feathery branch is covered with tens of thousands of small, yellow flowers. Native to parts of Europe and Asia, this imposing annual plant is very easy to grow—in fact, if you don't take precautionary measures, sweet Annie's prolific self-sowing...
Flowers Used for Dye
Safflower petals contain carthamin, which produces red, and safflower yellow B, which produces an orange-yellow color. According to W.P. Armstrong from Palomar College, saffron's blossoms contain a coloring pigment in their stigmas, which are the long...
Santa Monica
Uses of Chrysanthemum Oil
Herbalists and perfumers also call chrysanthemum tansy, costmary, feverfew chrysanthemum and balsamita. Unfortunately, it can also kill insects that are beneficial to plants, so care should be used when spraying insect repelling products with pyrethrum...
Santa Monica
Wild (and Useful!) Herbs
In Minnesota, Mom's favorites were Roger Tory Peterson's A Field Guide to Wildflowers of Northeastern and North Central North America and a Falcon Guide called North Woods Wildflowers .