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How to Buy a Lawn Aerator Best for Your Needs
If you take pride in your lawn and want to keep it as healthy and vibrant as possible , you might want to expand your list of lawn care tools to include a lawn aerator. How Wide Is the Aerator?
How to Buy Individual Flowers
These factors determine the ultimate value of an online purchase and can help you decide if online ordering is the best choice. School horticulture programs, a neighborhood flower society or a locally-owned nursery can all provide individual flowers,...
Santa Monica
Maryland Challenged to Buy Local
“It's a win-win program,” says Christine Bergmark, executive director at the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission, an organization helping to organize the week's events.
The Best Veggie Garden $1 Can Buy
I tried to till in one or two bags of composted manure, watered till my husband was blue in the face while paying the bill, and stared longingly at my dirt clod for hours. Look for free or cheap things, repurpose old belongings, and trade for seeds.I...
El Segundo
4 Places to Buy Backyard Chickens
Some farmers near you probably hatch their own chicks to keep costs down and also to supply backyard chickens to keepers in the community. But, this saves you from investing in a brooder and other supplies you'd need to raise chicks yourself.
Places to Buy a Single Red Rose
Most online florists, however, charge a delivery fee in addition to the cost of the flower. Online florists such as and allow you to write a personal message to accompany your flower.
Santa Monica
What Are the Best Fertilizers to Use to Get Large Onions?
Take care not to nick the bulbs with the shovel. Use ammonium sulfate if your soil is alkaline because this fertilizer lowers the pH slightly. Use 1/2 cup super phosphate fertilizer instead of balanced fertilizer if planting onion seed.
Santa Monica
Use Squash Rings To Grow Your Best Squash Crop
In between the rings, I always mulch with a few inches of shredded leaves or straw. Planting in squash rings is a great alternative that also cuts down on weeding and watering, too.
The Best Mushrooms to Grow
Many edible mushrooms have a counterpart among the poisonous varieties. They do have a toxic cousin called the false morel that closely resembles the true morel.Oyster mushrooms are relatively simple to grow.
Santa Monica
5 Questions To Ask When Buying Rabbits
It's important to select rabbits carefully and ask the appropriate questions before buying, no matter if you're raising rabbits for meat , fur or fancy. Of course, an older rabbit will also have less time left to produce offspring for your breeding program.
Tips For How To Buy Rose Plants
Many of these rose bushes have severely cut back or damaged root systems.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Many of them are misnamed and, thus, you will not get the same rose blooms as are shown on their...
A Farmer\'s Guide To Buying A Welder
Occasionally, it can stem from broken materials and equipment around the farm, forcing you to get a little creative to avoid shelling out hundreds or thousands of dollars for repairs.
Winterize Your Chicken Waterer: From Buy to DIY
Water is important to your flock—make sure it doesn't freeze over in dropping winter temps. Electric Waterers If your coop has access to electricity, there are many commercially available options designed to keep your chicken's water from freezing during...
The Best Quail Breeds To Raise
There are a couple breeds that have become the most popular to own in captivity because of their high production rates: the Coturnix and the Bobwhite. Quail are raised for both eggs and meat, and they have a short life span, between 2 and 4 years of age.
8 Things To Consider When Buying A Tractor
The heart of the tractor, the engine provides the power to do heavy work. If you're just getting started in the search for a perfect tractor, here's an introduction to their main parts and the function of each one.
Burning Question: Is It Really Better To Buy Local?
If you're concerned, as I am, about environmental responsibility and human rights, buying locally allows you to carry out your values. When oranges were only available in the winter, they became a welcome treat in a Christmas stocking.
What To Look For When Buying A Wood Chipper
To help you sort through the various options and features that you'll find in wood chippers, here are some tips on what to look for when buying a wood chipper. Not only will this save you from having a pile of dead branches somewhere on your farm, it...
The Best Way to Peel Grapes
Peeled grapes harken back to the early days of French cuisine, where you could find them in duck sauce, on charcuterie platters and alongside carved cheeses. Top the ice with water.Place the grapes in a mesh strainer and dunk them in the boiling water...
Santa Monica
What To Look For When Buying A Chainsaw
A safe chain: Some chains are better designed to prevent kickback, and these “low-kickback” chains are a wise investment. A narrow end to the guide bar: Sawing with the tip of the guide bar can cause your chainsaw to suddenly spring back at you; this...
6 Questions To Ask When Buying A Snowblower
Of course, it requires all the maintenance that comes with a gasoline engine—oil, spark plugs, etc.—but the inconvenience can be worth it for the power that gasoline snowblowers provide.
The Best Time to Transplant Evergreens
Typically, plants removed from landscapes or native areas retain only 25 percent of their root structure. Protection from high winds and good soil moisture also help the evergreen recover.
Santa Monica
The Best Time to Prune Nandinas
Water to a depth of 8 inches, and lay down a fresh layer of mulch if you use it. In warmer climates, it is evergreen through the winter. Useto cut branches and shoots that measure 3/4 inches in diameter and smaller.
Santa Monica
Best Plants To Cover Walls – Tips For Using Plants On Walls
If you also have a wall you do not love, remember that you can use trailing plants to cover a wall. Dig a hole for the vine about 18 inches away from the base of the wall, insert the plant and refill with good soil.You'll find many plants suitable to...
How To Kill Chickweed: Best Way To Kill Chickweed
Keep reading to learn about the best way to kill chickweed before it becomes out of hand in the landscape.“How do I get rid of chickweed?” is a common question. However, since new plants can develop from mouse-ear rootstock, removing the entire plant...
4 Ways To Be A Farmer Without Buying Land
Renting Vs. Buying CUESA/Flickr One advantage of not owning land is the flexibility to try out farming enterprises without the added costs of a mortgage and being tied to a single place.
The Best Time to Plant Knockout Roses
The best time to plant your Knockout roses is dependent on your location and the maturity of the rose roots or plants you are planting.Knockout roses grow in shrubs and bloom every four to five weeks.According to Rose Gardening Made Easy, the best times...
Santa Monica
The Best Time to Plant Maple Trees
Planting early in fall is acceptable because leaf and shoot growth has slowed.Field-potted maples are field grown, then dug up and containerized for sale, usually in spring. The best time is while the plant is still dormant, because roots grow into the...
Santa Monica