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Italian Farm Trucks
She sells some of her products to local restaurants, she has a few regular customers who have standing orders, and she has a little booth at the local daily fruit and vegetable market in the center of town.
My Farm Truck
He didn't even want me to unload the sacks, and proceeded to thread and connect a new clutch cable. « More La Dolce Vita » I don't really have a farm, just an obsession with my Italian-style vegetable garden, and as much as I once loved my various cowboy...
Let Us Grow Up to Be Farmers
A Little More Hope It's important to recognize restaurants are a small part of the wholesale chain. If your farm is in the middle of nowhere and delivering to these high-end local-foods restaurants on a schedule that works for them is difficult, restaurant...
How Renting Land Helped Us Start Farming
We found the neighborhood embraced the romanticism of chickens but outlawed roosters citing noise. Kate MacLean Certainly, renting has its drawbacks. We bought our first milk cow: a Jersey who was too skinny but we were too green to know.
What If One Of Us Gets Hurt?
In fact, along with construction, it's among the world's most dangerous occupations . Practice general farm safety at all times, take your time and never get so comfortable that you stop paying attention to potential dangers.
Biophilia Information: Learn How Plants Make Us Feel
Keep reading to find out more biophilia information.Biophilia is a term coined in 1984 by the naturalist Edward Wilson. The presence of basically any plant is sure to increase your quality of life.
The 10 Best Corn Mazes in the US
From being completely dark to fun, kid-friendly fun, these are anything but your average maze. This year's "God Bless America" maze depicts a bald eagle that's impressively cut. This maze is all of 45-acres large, and it's a tough one, too.
El Segundo
Days before the sale officially begins, shoppers and sellers congregate on the 127 Corridor Sale's Facebook page to swap sale secrets and gear up for the big event. “Last year, it was over 30,000.” Down at the southern tip of the sale in Gadsden,...
When Are Stargazer Lilies in Season in the US?
They are somewhat cold hardy but don't tolerate high heat. That's because they must be imported from other countries at that time. The lilies bloom from July through August depending on the hardiness zone of the location and how early they were planted.
Santa Monica
My Waterfall and My Truck
I've owned a lot of different cars and trucks in my lifetime, and I'm happy to report that this Vespa is my favorite vehicle among them all. The Vespa is more than 30 years old, and I'm planning to take it apart, paint everything and then put it back...
Wise Old Heirlooms Teach Us About Feeding the World
“Why does plant breeding need a boost?” asks McCouch, a genetic researcher and plant breeder who studies rice. Corn, wheat, rice and other modern cereals have been bred over the past centuries to produce as much grain as possible; however, to feed...
ShoeTree. Tell us; What Does It Mean To You?
After the fight, the groom threw the bride's shoes in the tree because she was going to walk away. The marriage was saved and "A year later, they brought their first child's shoes to the tree and tossed them into the branches."Other Dave'sGarden members...
El Segundo
Lichens: Fascinating Organisms That Tell Us About Air Quality
Shutterstock Because lichens absorb pollutants and concentrate heavy metals, scientists can extract those toxins and analyze the contents of the local atmosphere. Like planting a tree and watching it grow over a lifetime, if you start now and teach younger...
He\'s got us Pegged: Karel Capek\'s Humorous Tome on the Gardener
The gardener himself hibernates under glass in a heated room, buried up to the neck, not in manure or brushwood, but in garden catalogues and circulars, books and pamphlets, in which he reads:1.
El Segundo
Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
Of course, there are the obvious ways. During hay season on my farm, we frequently put our four-wheel-drive truck into action, using it to pull a trailer around the fields for the purpose of transporting the fresh bales back to the barn.
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
The U.S. Senate recently passed an amendment to S.1813, the transportation or Highway Bill that would exempt farm trucks from the restrictions of commercially licensed truck drivers.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
The ball may be bolted or welded to the receiver hitch. A three-quarter-ton truck is typically built on a heavier chassis and can pull about twice the load of a half-ton truck. Electric trailer brakes are required in most states for trailers with a gross...
Usually a highly guarded secret. If properly managed, a fiddlehead patch can last a lifetime. To this day, this is my preferred recipe, although I boil them and then, after draining, transfer immediately into a hot frying pan and saute gently in the butter.
El Segundo
Take Advantage of Free Compost
Those temps are much higher than the average home compost pile , so it isn't as great of a concern, but take care to ensure the pile is fully composted before using it. As always, wear gloves when working with any compost or manure products and wash well...
Traveling with Livestock
If they're really tame and you're sure they won't panic, haul them loose but with a dog-type barrier screen in place to keep them out of the front seat. « More Mondays with Martok » Tags livestock carriers
The tete-a-tete daffodil - enjoy it twice, once in a pot and forever in your garden!
It was supposed to be for the whole family, but none of us noticed whether it was getting watered or not, and eventually ... But if you have an opportunity to pick up a lot of these once-flowered beauties on the cheap, do it! I'm planning to stalk the...
El Segundo
What The Microloans Program Can Do For You
However, on a good note, the FSA has flexibility in determining what this experience is. For example, you don't need an agriculture degree—your experience could consist of internships, classes and on-farm employment.
Beat the Heat ... Help Stop Global Warming
Yeah, I'm a believer in human-caused global warming. I've seen it in action: hummingbirds returning earlier each year, glaciers melting, cloudless Costa Rican cloud forest and more.
If you use a fruit in your bread, or prefer fruit in the sauce, then add with butter and flavoring.Quite often I prefer pear sauce, it is a gentle sauce, particularly if you use a brandy flavor.
El Segundo
A Moveable Feast - Urban Farm Online
You don't have to wake up early on Saturday mornings to buy locally grown foods. In addition to selling fresh produce, Mobile Market provides shoppers with simple, inexpensive recipes to prepare their farm-fresh foods.
Happy New Year!
We plant bulbs in anticipation of the spring show and pour over vegetable seed offerings. We have vendors listed from many countries and no matter where your garden is located, there should be vendors that can ship to you.Most gardeners can locate a vendor...
El Segundo
Watch Out! Rams And Bucks Are In Rut
He charged her, knocked her down and then continually bashed her. A neighbor drove by and saw what was happening. Instead, reach out and grab his beard, then yank. It works! Tags breeding season , bucks , dangerous , rams , rut