A typical aerator is a rolling device with a row of specially designed spikes that rotate and penetrate the soil as the machine travels across your yard. Although they are simple in essence, they're also a little more complicated than they appear at first...
These factors determine the ultimate value of an online purchase and can help you decide if online ordering is the best choice. Grocery stores, particularly chain stores and superstores, often have a floral section, albeit a limited one.
“It's a win-win program,” says Christine Bergmark, executive director at the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission, an organization helping to organize the week's events.
I began to gather the red bricks and pavers that I had previously dismantled, and make a plan.My target: a strip on the side of my house where the baking sun made landscaping rocks and a compost pile the only success I could come by.A stray patch of cottonwood...
Sometimes people move and can't take their established flocks with them, they're transitioning out of the hobby, or they're breeding chicks at home. But, this saves you from investing in a brooder and other supplies you'd need to raise chicks yourself.
A single red rose is a special way to say "I love you" to a partner any time of year. Most florists don't prepackage single roses, so you will likely have more control over how you want the rose wrapped.Grocery stores with in-store floral departments...
Although the bolete is commercially harvested, it does not grow easily in non-forest environments, though its meaty texture, nutty flavor and burger bun shape may be worth your efforts.
If you're looking for a senior brood doe that will raise healthy litters, inquire about her background. You might find an ideal rabbit of the appropriate age and with all of the qualities you desire for $50 and a similar rabbit for $20, but with some...
Then the new rose loving gardener blames his or herself and goes on to say roses are just too hard to grow.You do not need to purchase roses locally. Nice fragrance with these as well.If your budget can afford at least one or two of the rose bushes from...
As you peruse the market offerings, keep in mind the welder is not your only purchase: You'll also need to buy safety equipment , including a helmet, jacket and gloves, as well as shielding gas and electrodes if necessary.
Make Your Own Waterer Although commercial heated bases are available for use with metal chicken fountains, they're often slippery and can cause the fountain to tip over and spill. Here's an excellent example .
They mature faster than other breeds and produce at a rate that complements your labor input. These quail breeds produce at slower rate compared to the Coturnix and Bobwhite, which may not make financial sense for your operation.
The strength of the engine is measured in horsepower; a higher number means more power, so a large tractor with high horsepower is needed for intense farming tasks. Hydraulics Hydraulic power is also common and can be used several ways.
The closer a grower or producer is to you, the more likely it is that you'll visit or hear news about the company's ethics, which you can choose to support or protest with your purchases.
If you're planning to grind up small fruit tree branches or even young sapling trees, a modest chipper capable of grinding branches up to 3 inches in diameter might be more than you'll ever need.
Top the ice with water.Place the grapes in a mesh strainer and dunk them in the boiling water for 4 seconds. Peeled grapes harken back to the early days of French cuisine, where you could find them in duck sauce, on charcuterie platters and alongside...
Unless you're a logging professional felling giant trees on a routine basis, you'll probably find that a guide bar between 1 and 1½ feet in length is the ideal size for you. Gas Or Electric?
While some people are fond of snow, farmers know that few things complicate farm chores more than a foot of snow that makes it difficult to walk around and transport supplies. Some are controlled by a simple crank that must be turned by hand to change...
The shock of transplant is often too much for plants to recover from, according to North Dakota State University Extension.Before transplanting an evergreen, consider the likelihood of transplant success.
For growth measuring up to 1 3/4 inches in diameter usethe nandina, you set the stage for the following season's growth. Two types of tools are used to prune the nandina. Use a 10-10-10 water-soluble fertilizerat half strength or apply...
Keep reading to learn about the best way to kill chickweed before it becomes out of hand in the landscape.“How do I get rid of chickweed?” is a common question. It can be grown in gardens and used in place of
If you don't necessarily want to live on the land you work, renting is a good option. (See this Burning Question blog post on bartering for more ideas.) Alice Melendez and her mother Laura Freeman are natural farmers near Winchester, Ky. They have taken...
Check with your local nursery if you are unsure when it is safe to plant. The best time to plant your Knockout roses is dependent on your location and the maturity of the rose roots or plants you are planting.Knockout roses grow in shrubs and bloom every...
Planting early in fall is acceptable because leaf and shoot growth has slowed.Field-potted maples are field grown, then dug up and containerized for sale, usually in spring. Plant them before spring top growth begins.
Slimy film can still build up in the trough even if there is no visible algae. Generally, red or brown algae is OK, but blue or green algae releases toxins into the water. Water cleanliness rule of thumb: If you wouldn't drink from it, your animals probably...
The size of the clump should be an easily manageable size, about 8 to 10 inches square. Rake 2 to 3 inches of organic matter such as compost or dry leaves into the soil.Dig a large clump of ivy.
About 35 spruce species exist, plus many cultivars. The soil temperature should hover at 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit when planting, according to the University of Nebraska's website.