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My Waterfall and My Truck
I lived in Las Vegas for 15 years before moving here, and I still get […] His truck isn't so big, but the angle to turn into my driveway is so sharp that he can't make the turn. I lived in Las Vegas for 15 years before moving here, and I still get a...
Why Every Hobby Farmer Needs a Farm Truck
Regardless of how much snow or mud is on the ground, farmers must get around and complete their chores. But it's when you go off road that a farm truck can really excel. Even if you're not baling hay, you might find it simple and convenient to use your...
Highway Bill\'s Farm-truck Exemption Awaits House Approval
“Farmers who transport their product outside the state should be exempted from some regulatory burdens, just like other farmers who don't live near state borders.” Kent Bacus, NCBA's associate director of legislative affairs echoes Johnson's sentiments.
Let It Tow: Choose the Correct Vehicle for Towing Your Loads
It also means that when you are hitching up to the trailer, the truck won't move when you get out to see how close the ball is to the hitch. The two important factors here are gross weight, which is the weight of the trailer plus the load, and tongue...
8 Easy Ways to Use Your Pear Harvest
Pear Salads Are you growing tired of eating pears by themselves? For easy processing, peel and core the pears using a potato/apple peeler, then chop the fruit and boil in the sugar syrup for a couple minutes.
6 Reasons Squash Fails and What To Do About It
No Pollination Courtesy Christian Guthier/Flickr Spot It: flowers but no fruit Fix It: Male flowers often appear before the female, which bear the fruit. You can also pollinate the female flowers by hand.
Take Advantage of Free Compost
Those temps are much higher than the average home compost pile , so it isn't as great of a concern, but take care to ensure the pile is fully composted before using it. In general, free leaf compost is perfect for perennial and shrub beds.
Traveling with Livestock
Also, don't trust factory-installed latches; if they come open in transit and your animals escape, they could be killed. Sheep must be wearing USDA-approved scrapie ear tags, or if they're micro-chipped, you must have your own micro-chip reader along...
Choosing a Dehydrator: Make your own dried fruit, tomatoes, beef jerky, and more
Other gadgets like apple corers and banana slicers are also popular accessories.If you're just starting to experiment with dehydrating fruit and vegetables, an inexpensive circular dehydrator may be all you want or need.
El Segundo
), has long been considered a delicacy in Eastern Canada and North Eastern United States. They will have a brown husk attached. As soon as we started thinking Mothers Day, Dad would pile us kids into his truck and we would scan our favourite swamps, looking...
El Segundo
Locavore Recipe: All-Purpose Casserole
The squash version uses about 2 cups-plus of raw, grated summer squash but for this one, I began […] Meanwhile, beat together the eggs, herbs and cheeses, seasoning to taste. As a kind of savory bread pudding, this casserole is great for brunch or breakfast...
The mixture should cover the bread very well. She had made raisin bread pudding, baked to perfection, and topped with a rum raisin sauce. It provides an interesting read, following the addition of grains, vegetables, meats, nuts, spices into the pudding...
El Segundo
A Moveable Feast - Urban Farm Online
“Like a small grocery store, we offer the convenience of retail with the soulful, funky feel of a farmer-run venture,” Taylor says. Mobile Market: A retrofitted school bus stocked with farm-fresh produce hit the roads in Washington D.C. in 2012 and...
Stop Pinching your Basil! Start Saving Seeds for Next Year\'s Basil Plants
If I plant a purple basil next to my green lime basil and get a few crossed seeds, the rogues will be easy to see or sniff out in my seedling tray.Save seeds from your best, true-to-type plants.
El Segundo
Trailers: To Hitch or to Haul
Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR): The GAWR is the rating that the individual axles can handle, and it is determined by the axle, the type of tires, the rims, and the other components within the axle-and-brake system.
The tete-a-tete daffodil - enjoy it twice, once in a pot and forever in your garden!
Year, however, things are a lot less focused. So if this happens to you, oh ye of forgetful watering can, take heed!They flower in early spring, and should spread happily in any zone with a discernible winter, say zonewould do well with a little bulb...
El Segundo
Recycled Building Projects, How to build a deck for $150
Once you figure out where they will go you can locate your pier pads, figure one at each end of the beam and one for every 8' of run. Every 2' is normal, leave the first one a couple inches from the house so it doesnt trap moisture against your house,...
El Segundo
How do I Calculate Transport Costs?
Determine the amount of taxes (road and/or shipping taxes), cost of personnel or workers.Multiply the ground transportation number by the number of boxes to be transported, which equals the total cost of transport.
Santa Monica
Rafter Panel Storage
Then I'll outline the tools stored behind a panel on its exposed side to make it easy for my wife (and me) to find needed tools without dropping every panel. << More Shop Talk >> Tags Jim Ruen , tools
How to Sell Pine Straw
Avoid using a rake with metal prongs because they are more likely to damage the soft earth beneath the needles.Shovel the pine straw into a wheelbarrow or large yard waste bag. If you have access to a truck, cart the pine straw to the truck and dump it...
Santa Monica
What The Microloans Program Can Do For You
A microloan could be what you need. Small loans mean less paperwork and a simpler, streamlined application process. For example, you don't need an agriculture degree—your experience could consist of internships, classes and on-farm employment.
New Ways to Use Your Abundant Crop of Cherry Tomatoes
I decided to let them grow, since the peas would wither away before the tomatoes grew to any great size, and see what I ended up with. This salsa has become a hit among some of my friends, and I often take it to get-togethers to share, as it makes a large...
El Segundo
Removing Oleander Bushes – How To Get Rid Of Oleanders
There are even stories of truck bumpers being pulled off in attempt to remove the stump and roots of an oleander. Enter the word frustrated. The oleander root system is tough and can grow amongst rocks and other obstacles, making them perfector specimens...
UF Hack: Save Your Autumn Leaves
Bojan Rantasa/Flickr If collecting leaves and deadheads is a necessary part of your autumnal routine, consider fermenting them into leaf mold on-site instead of trucking them off in clear plastic bags.
Old Patio, New Patios
It was a ggg day of heavy lifting, and today, I am feeling more sore than I have in a very long time. It is made from about a million brick pavers, each of which weighs about 5 pounds.
Frac-sand Mine to Open Across Wisconsin High School
To get involved in the school meetings regarding the mine, visit the Cochrane-Fountain City School District website . The Cochrane-Fountain City School Board is currently attempting discussions with mining interests and government entities to talk about...
How to grow: Fruit (Trellised) (Growing Guide)
Bumper crops can be frozen, dried, or made into jams and jellies. Planting and Harvesting Calendar < Back to All Plants Pests which Affect Fruit (Trellised) Aphids (General) Earwig Plum Curculio Slug Snail