That's why I am a big proponent of string trimmer mowers—small, gasoline-powered, hand-pushed mowers that cut using replaceable plastic string instead of blades. Near Buildings It can be tricky or impossible for a riding mower to cut the grass right...
Read on for string trimmer information and tips about using string trimmers in the landscape.A weed eater is a hand-held tool consisting of a long shaft with a handle on one end and a rotating head on the other.
The best thing to do is trim any ragged ends of bark away from the wound so that the resultant open area around the wound is in the shape of a vertical oval. Use a sharp knife and remove as little of the bark as possible, being careful not to remove healthy...
While the chaotic cluster might be acceptable within the privacy of a tucked-away back yard, this garden is on a friend's property, where I enjoy gardening with my buddies. When it comes to cutting down weeds in small spaces, sometimes a lawn mower is...
Honestly, it's still a little early for string beans out here in the East, but this mustard sauce is wonderful on top of any number of lightly cooked vegetables: asparagus, potatoes or sugar snap peas.
In any case, the grass immediately surrounding the trunk should be trimmed by hand, especially in the case of younger trees with smaller trunks; it doesn't take much at all to damage their bark.
Before pruning the plant, disinfect the pruning tools to prevent the spread of disease. String of pearls requires minimal hands-on care and will thrive despite neglect. Older plants with very dense, fragile growth should be repotted biannually.
As we prepare this week for Thanksgiving feasting, we turn our eyes toward some of thing things about farms we're thankful for. Tractors What would we do without tractors? When equipped with a collection of screwdriver bits and drill bits—which are...
You can stain or paint the lumber and bamboo to protect it from the elements prior to assembly.Tuck the ends of the sawhorses into the sub-irrigation bed and add the bamboo pole across the top.
This will be the holder for the chimes.Cut five strands of colorful twine or string about 18 inches long. Make five or six strings full of shells.Tie two sticks into an X shape, then tie the strings to the X and hang it where the breeze will catch it.Gather...
The Wave is made of stainless steel, so it will never rust, and the blades can be opened with one hand. The mesh bag holds your gloves, trowel, pruners, or other smaller equipment.
Wyoming residents can't take their homemade food to another state for sale, and those living in other states can't sell their goods in Wyoming under this law. South Dakota increases regulation of raw-milk sales.
The pycnidia ooze an orange or amber, jelly-like sap that stains and discolors the bark. Symptoms are seen on a variety of fruit and shade trees throughout the United States.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Some of the deciduous types bloom in early spring before the tree leafs out.One of the difficulties of magnolia tree care is managing the large, crispy leaves that continuously fall from the tree.
Prices have been trending toward the lower end of the range lately.” Signing on for a solar array project can put the landowner on the hook for the ability of the company to work with them for up to 24 months or more before a possible project breaks...
Get a feel for how heavy it is, and how you need to position the edger to get the line you want.Situate the blade of your edger between the driveway and grass and move forward slowly as it creates the edge.
Staking tomato plants will improve your chances of success. The gardener must also make sure the tomatoes are tied securely enough so that the weight of the fruit won't pull it down, but not so tightly that the plant would be damaged.
Cut 12 more pieces of string (or more for big gourds) 2x the height of the gourd and tie to the band of string around the neck. Once it is dried, you can opt to paint the interior with shellac to prolong the shelf life.Now that the gourd is dried, tie...
You can cut off errant stems, but pruning is not strictly necessary.Gardeners in zones 10 and above should be cautioned about growing this funny plant outside. The plant goes dormant in winter, so watering should be even less frequent.Fertilize in spring...
If you received roses for a special occasion, such as an anniversary, dry them so they'll last for years. Place the hanging roses in a warm, dark, dry area, such as a closet.Allow the roses to completely dry, which usually takes about one week.Spray the...
They devour most anything: sunflower seeds, insects, fridge leftovers, whatever. The mouse was far more appetizing than anything I had to offer. Rocks, cigarette butts, small mammals—chickens eat some alarming things.
Other projects must be executed on a regular schedule, whether seasonal or daily—for example, planting the garden in the spring, or feeding the livestock every day. Tackle Brush With A String Trimmer Mower After cutting down the trees, I next tackle...
Or simply string unsweetened O-shaped breakfast cereals, like Cheerios. And remember, birds need drinking water in the winter, too. Tie short strings to branches or drape long ones around the tree like garland.
Tiny though it is, it still chimes! (The chimes knock against each other, and the picture is, of course, not to scale.)If you've ever played the triangle, you'll remember that the instrument can't touch anything else, but has to hang freely.
Pinkish buds arise at the tips of the scapes and open to reveal large, spidery, fragrant flowers. My string lily is a gift from Aunt Gladys, my Mississippi gardening buddy. Quite distinctive are the rosy stamens positioned above each flower that add to...
Repeat this method with three other trees in the other quarters for that one point. Repeat this for the remaining points. Use the calipers to determine the width of the tree. The tree density is not an exact number of all of the trees in the region, but...
<< More Shop Talk >> Tags cottonwood , deer damage , forest , oaks , trees , walnuts However, there's a bright side to the dilemma: My oaks and walnuts, which were pushed to compete, are nearly as tall as the cottonwoods.