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Information About the Peepal Tree
The bark is used to heal inflammations of the neck and glandular swellings. Cuttings from this tree exist in Sri Lanka that date back to 288 B.C.The peepal tree is native to India and sacred to those of Buddhist faith.The peepal tree is medium-sized and...
Santa Monica
The Average pH of Soil Under Cedar Trees
The Cedrus deodara, "deodar cedar," is a needled evergreen that grows well in acidic or alkaline soils that drain well. A scale from 0 to 14 determines the pH, with a pH of 7 at the neutral median point; anything below is acidic and above the median is...
Santa Monica
Tree Ivy Plant Care – How To Grow A Tree Ivy Houseplant
8-11 where climate is adequate for growth, tree ivy is grown indoors as a houseplant. To train your tree ivy houseplant, pinch off new growth to promote branching, as stems do not usually branch of their own accord.tree ivy is not prone to pests or disease...
Animal Adaptations Around Volcanoes
Although toxic gases emitted from these volcanoes damage the life forms surrounding it and pollute the land and water, millions of people reside near volcanoes and wildlife still flourishes.
Santa Monica
Fig Trees & Itch
It took several weeks for them to fully recover, and one man missed 10 days of work.People who suffer from dermatitis caused by figs should thoroughly wash the affected body parts.
Santa Monica
Are the Roots of a Cedar Tree Deep?
What lies beneath a tree is just as important -- if not more so -- than what grows above. Keep it well away from underground sewer lines or other underground structures.Other than plenty of space, the most important thing cedar trees need is rich, deep...
Santa Monica
Identification of Bird Eggs by Color
An example would be the eggs of the mountain chickadee which, when they do have red-brown dots, have many more on the larger end of the egg.Birds that nest in cavities in trees, such as kingfishers, owls, swallows and many types of woodpeckers, will usually...
Santa Monica
How to Remove Stumps With Acid
The acid can take up to six months to weaken the stump enough for complete removal.Cut the stump with the chain saw as close to the ground as possible.Drill 10 or 12, 1-inch holes into and around the base of the stump.Put on rubber gloves and protective...
Santa Monica
How to Use Water Softener Salt to Dissolve Tree Roots
Common salts used in water softeners include rock salt, solar salt or evaporated salt. When you landscape over a septic system drain field, most landscapers recommend shallow-rooted plants such as annual flowers or drought tolerant grasses.
Santa Monica
Homemade Fertilizers for Citrus Trees
The Westside Gardener website offers this recipe for a general organic fertilizer: combine four parts seed meal, one part dolomite lime, one-half part bone meal and half part kelp meal.
Santa Monica
How to Prune an Emerald Green Arborvitae
Discard diseased branches in the trash in lieu of the compost pile to prevent the spread of disease.Use your loppers or saw to thin the interior of your Arborvitae, removing any branches that do not face outward or that cross each other or rub against...
Santa Monica
How to Straighten a Leaning Tree
Wind the ends of the wires that you wrapped around the tree to the stakes until the wires are secure.Dig around the root ball of the leaning tree to loosen it from the ground before attempting to move it.
Santa Monica
Leyland Cypress Toxicity
These trees would never have naturally crossed, as their ranges are separated by 400 miles. It emits very low quantities of oleoresins, and therefore produces very little smell. The Leyland cypress has long been popular for hedging and decoration.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Weeping Willows From Cuttings
You do not have to be very particular about the kind of soil, as the willow whips will root very easily, just make sure the water has a way to drain.Poke the soil with a long stick and slide the cuttings into the hole until you have buried them.
Santa Monica
How to Tell If a Mulberry Tree Is Male or Female
The pistil has a stigma that receives pollen, which the style directs to the ovary at its base.Can you detect these organs in such small flowers? And those mulberry trees bearing only female flowers are female.
Santa Monica
How to Make a Leyland Cypress Grow Fast
Leyland Cypress thrives in full sun, so if there are other tree canopies blocking any of your Leyland's sunlight hours, consider pruning them back to allow maximum light to reach the evergreen.
Santa Monica
How to Plant a Tree: Getting It Out of the Nursery Pot and Into Your Yard
Having organic mulch right up against the trunk can lead to pests and disease.To stake, or not to stake? Under any other conditions, you are good to go!How big should you dig? The care you put into planting a young tree now will be repaid a thousand times...
El Segundo
Tooth Leaf Identification Guide
Then determine whether the leaves grow directly across from each other, called "opposite." Leaves are "alternate" if they are singly attached along the branch with a space between the leaves.
Santa Monica
How to Care for Palm Trees With Epsom Salt
Alternately apply palm fertilizer and Epsom salt every six weeks during the growing season to provide a continuous supply of magnesium sulfate, while avoiding damage to the tree from too much mineral salts.Apply a fertilizer specially formulated for palm...
Santa Monica
Brown Leaves on a Bradford Pear
Fire blight is a common pear tree disease that is difficult to control without immediate chemical treatments, and often kills the tree.Weather damage like split roots or branches from ice and frost can cause the tree to produce brown, stunted leaves year...
Santa Monica
How Fast Does a Coconut Palm Tree Grow?
The tree will continue to fruit until it reaches 80 years of age. Coconut fruit production begins when the tree reaches 6 to 10 years of age, and reaches the height of production at 15 to 20 years.
Santa Monica
How to Separate a Palm Clump
When digging palms from the ground, dig out from the plants so you can remove the entire root clump without damaging the roots.Wash any dirt from the palm roots using a garden hose.Remove 1/3 of the root clump.
Santa Monica
4 Characteristics of Cycads
Most cycads, except for the sago palm, are difficult to obtain because they propagate only by seed and are ready for transplant only after five years.Cycads resemble palm trees but are more closely related to conifers.Cycad leaves, which resemble palm...
Santa Monica
How to Tell If I\'m Over Watering Newly Planted Spruce Trees
Spruce trees only require one day of water per week, which amounts to about 1 inch per week. Look at where your shoe meets the soil to see if water appears or if there is an audible squishing sound.
Santa Monica
Cinnamon Tree Seeds
The black fruits are berrylike and contain tiny black seeds. This is when animals are most likely to ingest the fruit and help plant the seed in appropriate locations. Viability decreases the longer the seed is kept out of a growing medium.Cinnamon seed...
Santa Monica
How to Save a Dying Maple Tree
Maple trees growing outside of the pH range of 5.5 to 7.3 can suffer from lack of nutrients. Use a spade to remove stubborn weeds. With the right supplies and a definite plan of action, however, you may be able to restore your dying maple's health.Much...
Santa Monica
How to Make Pine Trees Grow Faster
Like all other plants, a pine tree has specific habitat requirements. Based upon the test results, acquire and apply fertilizer to increase any deficiencies. A white pine grows best in moist soil.
Santa Monica