If tree roots are the culprit, a treatment of copper sulfate to the affected area will deliver a fatal blow to the roots. Copper sulfate will not kill the entire tree, however, because the killing agent isn't capable of moving through the tree's roots.Refrain...
The presence of wilting leaves and very wet soil indicates the plants have been overwatered.Prune the plants—by pinching or with scissors—to increase airflow, which may in turn prevent mold or mildew.
Pioneers did the work with an ax and adz, but a chain saw provides a faster cut. Apply steady, even pressure and do not allow the saw to drift to the side.Continue to slice slabs from the remaining piece of wood.
Direct sunlight shines into the tree's center. Tied to the brace for two years, the limb permanently takes on the new position. Cutting the top from a pine won't immediately kill the tree, but a large pruning wound could leave the tree open to potentially...
You'll need to check both the weight limit on the package and the weight of your flower box (filled).Consider installing boxes on balcony or stair railings instead of a window. To use the hooks, slip the top ends of the hangar securely into the cracks...
This process helps plants store nutrients and create energy used for growth and development. Proper fertilization keeps plants healthy, helps them build and repair cells and encourages faster growth.
The plumeria is a tropical flowering tree that thrives in areas that remain warm year-round. Of fertilizer for every inch of trunk diameter. A granular formula is preferable to liquid.Fertilize the plumeria every three months beginning in April and ending...
The process for mending a broken house palm tree is the same as mending any broken limb. Look for signs of recovery in two to three weeks. If the trunk of the palm is not broken all the way through, it can be staked and wrapped.
Fruits have dark lesions that can grow across broad areas. Severe infections can result in plants losing all leaves. Keep children and pets away when dusting plants until the dust has completely settled.Practice crop rotation by waiting three years to...
Pines, firs and spruces feature a whorled branching pattern, with new branches emerging in a circular pattern from a limited number of buds near the growing tip.The leader on an evergreen is the vertical stem at the top of the tree, the growing tip that...
This family includes many different species of oaks. Examples of such trees are the white oak, northern red oak, pin oak and the live oak. The white oak is the longest, with an average of 300 years.
Commonly referred to as the Colorado blue spruce, the blue spruce is an evergreen of the Pine family. Trees with dense foliage are most susceptible because the spores of these infectious diseases thrive in the cool, dark areas of the canopy.
If in doubt, you should check the soil. This basic fact is known to everyone, regardless of gardening experience. This process occurs while the plant is still alive, gradually reducing its root system and eventually killing it.
Enjoy nutrient-dense, warm season banana peppers on garden salads or fry them up and make crispy side dishes. Banana peppers take up to 70 days to fully mature in the ground. It's easy to grow banana peppers in your own garden with a few simple steps...
The chemical solution can slow down growth by up to 80 percent.Contact with other chemicals in antifreeze is also damaging to plants and soil. Its purpose is to change the freezing and boiling temperature points of water to help keep vehicle radiators...
Start with a coarse, 80-grit sandpaper to dull the edge. Do not apply too much force, from either the saw or your supporting hand, as this can break the pot. This will keep the saw blade from getting too hot while cutting and will keep ceramic sawdust...
The cultivars all vary by their time of blooming, bloom color and USDA hardiness zones. The fastest-growing rhododendron cultivars grow 7 feet in 10 years, according to the American Rhododendron Society's website.The society's website lists 44 named cultivars...
Ti plant is a fast grower, and before you know it, it can reach heights of more than 3 feet. The Hawaiian ti, or Cordyline fruticosa, is a lovely plant, distinctive with dark maroon leaves that emerge from the top of tall canes.
True cedars need occasional deep watering in hot summer months to thrive, and fertilizing heat-stressed cedars would only make matters worse. If the tree is growing normally and has foliage and color typical for its species and size, fertilizing probably...
Tractors have allowed farmers to dramatically increase the productivity of the farm, which has allowed food prices to be much lower and has allowed farmers to run much larger farms.Small tractors are easier to store because of the smaller space they take...
Most bamboo species originated in China and southeast Asia.The common teak, Tetona grandis, reaches between 60 to 100 feet, with trees in the wild growing taller than cultivated trees.
The dragon fruit plant, also known as the pitahaya or pitaya plant, is a vine-like cactus native to Central and South America. Prune any lateral stems that are growing below the area where the plant reaches the trellis.
Finally, add 3 to 4 inches of scree. Place the root part of the plant in the hole, andallow the fleshy or stem parts of the plant to remain above the soil line. If it takes three to 12 hours to drain, then the drainage is OK for most landscaping plants,...
City dwellers wishing to grow fresh vegetables and flowers sometimes opt to plant gardens on the rooftops of homes, apartment complexes and commercial office buildings. Since repair of the membrane necessitates removal of part or all of the garden, this...
Of grass seed with every 10 lbs. Make the repairs to the lawn in early fall when the ground is still warm enough for the grass seed to germinate. Use a pitchfork or shovel to thoroughly blend the soil, compost, peat moss and sand mixture.
If you find any cracks in the bamboo, sand them down with a low-grit sandpaper to smooth them. Generally, bamboo furniture requires periodic dusting and an occasional deep cleaning.
Our kitchen table was designated the first-aid station. The traditional soldier nutcracker became the object of annual adventures that Grandpa penned to our children. In less than an hour, we had repaired more than 20 nutcrackers, including our old friend...