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A Frigid Track-vehicle Repair
I advised backing the snow coach up to place the break midway, giving us a little slack to work with. Once disassembled, we used the screwdriver to line up holes and pull segments together.
Track Nature with a Calendar
The frogs should start serenading us this month! Tags Martok , nature , Sue Weaver Mom names each month's moon for something that usually happens at that time each year. The frogs should start serenading us this month! Mom keeps a simple calendar on her...
Scientists Track How Pesticide Spreads
Environmental concerns over pesticides has led to research on how endosulfan moves through the environment. Results from previous studies had suggested that beta-endosulfan degraded fairly easily because it was usually found at low levels in the environment.
Broken Hydraulic-powered Loader
Meanwhile, I'm reminded of the importance of incidental conversations at trade shows and elsewhere. It seems that 12-volt pumps have a tendency to burn out if heavily used. It wouldn't be the first time he saved me money.
Hydraulic Hoses: What You Need to Know
Hydraulic fluid caused wounds quickly lead to gangrene and amputation. « More Shop Talk » Let me know if you've had any “special” experiences with hydraulics. If I have convinced you to give more thought to how you treat your hoses, even better:...
Livestock First-aid Kit
Absorbent cotton Adhesive tape Antiseptic scrub Disposable latex gloves Disposable razor Duct tape (for bandaging the bottom of hooves) Dusting powder (for killing biting and chewing insects on poultry, hogs, sheep, cattle, horses) Epsom salt (for soaking...
Start A Hunting Preserve On Your Farm
The key is to find your local clubs. They may offer financial support and manpower to help get it completed — particularly when you include them at the ground floor. Remember, many club members may become hunting preserve customers.
Farm-management Software
“We introduce them to experienced farmers who think of their farms as businesses. When my father borrowed money to buy land or for short-term cash-flow needs, it was largely on the strength of his reputation, not a financial spreadsheet.
Making A Sun Map: Tracking Sun Exposure In The Garden
Start by making a map of the area you will be tracking sun exposure in. The sun moves east to west over the earth. Tracking sun exposure and patches of shade during different months of the growing season will give you the most accurate guideline of what...
Labeling Methods for Seedlings and Garden Plants: What works, what doesn\'t
When we make labels for our plants, we still want to be able to read them in six weeks, or even six years. In my very sunny garden, however, plastic tape labels were barely legible after two years.
El Segundo
Jewelweed For Your Skin And Just For Fun
It is said that the landscape variety has some of the same medicinal qualities, but I think that's probably a bit of a stretch. A jewelweed soap or liniment would also work, and these can be convenient things to carry with you while hiking.
5 Flies Bothering Your Goats—And How To Stop Their Bites
Chemicals don't repel them, so to save your goats grief, keep them indoors during prime midge feeding time. They like hot, sunny conditions and feed up to 40 times per day. The entire lifecycle from egg to adult is completed in two to four weeks, and...
4 Food Safety Record-Keeping Charts
This form is also helpful for you to keep track of what you plan to harvest while you're in the field. Tags Lists , record-keeping charts Amendment Record You should be keeping track of your soil amendments, regardless of whether you want to keep a food-safety...
Easy DIY Memo Board
Materials You'll Need: large wood frame (Remove the glass, and save it for another project.) 2-3 pieces cardboard, cut to fit inside of the frame opening dish cloth or other scrap fabric (pressed to remove wrinkles) staple gun scissors ribbon (optional)...
Invasive Beetle Threatens U.S. Avocados
Maybe, like the rest of the U.S., you've got guacamole's main ingredient on the brain ( The Wall Street Journal reported a 30-percent increase in avocado consumption in the first half of 2012), but this creamy, green fruit, hailed for its heart-health...
Equine Identification Technology Unveiled
Although the iris-scan technology, called eyeD, won't be commercially available until June 2011, its manufacturer seized the opportunity to unveil its innovation in front of members of the equine community from around the world.
Plan It: Your 2015 Garden Strategy
Hold off on planting them, though, until the danger of frost has passed. A time to reflect on personal successes and failures, to look to the future, set goals and map out plans for the coming seasons.
2 Online Tools Help You Track The Carbon Sinking & Soil Building Of Sheep
Those carbon-based molecules are the building blocks of humans, animals (hold this thought), plants, trees, soils, fossil fuels and greenhouse gases. They Show How Beneficial Grazing Can Be Grazing (and the livestock that do it) are woefully misunderstood.
Bird-sighting Chart
When your chart is full of feathered creatures, print yourself another page! You can keep track of the birds you see on your farm with this downloadable bird-sighting chart. Use this bird-sighting chart to document what birds are nesting around your home...
Farm Event Planning Guide
Our nine-page farm event planning guide gives you the space to plan your ideas—from the party theme to the menu to the decorations—and implement them with little to no hassle. Click the image below to download and print the planning guide and get...
Keep Your Farm in the Black with 6 Record-keeping Tips
Here are six simple steps that can help you get out of the red and into the habit of good record-keeping for long-term farming success. “Be open-minded when you're going into this process,” Barr says.
Reduce Your Trash Pile with Waste Analysis
) Maybe you discovered a large chunk of what you threw away couldn't go anywhere other than the landfill. By making this a yearly or bi-yearly habit, you can keep your family's home-waste management in check.
Halt, Thief!
First and foremost, make your garden a place critters don't want to be—despite it being a buffet. I'm fine with the blood and sweat, but it's the tears I try to avoid. Once you know your offenders, you can put a plan in place to prevent them from visiting...
Creepy Houseguests
We knew going into it that we should hope for the best and brace for the worst—and, boy, am I glad I did! Demo started in the section of the house in the worst shape—kitchen and main bath.
How to use the Garden Showcase
I have a record of the autumn colors each tree or shrub displays at that time of year. This is also a clickable link that goes directly to its PlantFiles page. Many of us are contemplating new garden projects.
El Segundo
Devilishly Beguiling Spiky Solanums
When I grew Purple Devil (Solanum atropurpureum), also sometimes known as Malevolence, it reached a height of about 6 feet and stopped a couple of my plant-loving aunts in their tracks.
El Segundo
Garden Train Ideas: How To Design A Train Garden In The Landscape
The most important part of how to design a train garden is to add smaller plants so they don't overwhelm the train itself. Dig a trench about three inches deep for the track and fill it with gravel.