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Embrace the Story Behind Your Imperfections
And who wants that? Every part of you has a secret language. That's a dangerous path to start venturing down, though. Get more Farm Inspiration Friday on Sweet, Sweet Summertime 13 Farm Superstitions for Friday the 13th Where's Your Attitude...
The Secret Behind Cold-Hardy Plants
Cyn Cady Carrots, radishes, turnips, onions and garlic will overwinter well. Sometimes it's a tough call. Gotta play to your strengths, right? Basically, some plants are able to create proteins that protect their cell structure, and keep their little...
The Story Behind the Memorial Day Poppy
Nothing green or living remained after the carnage, but as McCrae stood ruminating over so much blood and life lost he noticed that here and there the red of a field poppy stood in defiance.
Prickly Panaceas: The Herbs Behind the Hype
The younger branches have smaller prickles which allow them to attach themselves to other nearby plants. Hardy in USDA zones 9 to 11, guianensis boasts 3 to 7-inch leaves and curved thorns like grappling hooks which allow it to shinny up the tallest trees.4...
El Segundo
Because the rose bushes were bare, his hostess tied on artificial flowers for Sargent to paint. One of the world's most beloved depictions of a garden is "Carnation, Lily, Lily, Rose" by American painter John Singer Sargent (1856-1925).
El Segundo
Is A Walk-Behind Tractor Right For My Farm?
As its name states, a walk-behind tractor is a tractor—that is, a power source that can operate multiple implements, just like a four-wheel farm tractor. A really cool feature of modern European walk-behind tractors is a reversible set of handlebars,...
Russell Lupines: The Story Behind the Glory of Those Colorful Spires
They are in the pea family (Leguminosae or Fabaceae), and include both annual and short-lived perennial varieties. Though difficult to divide, due to their long taproot and tendency to resent transplanting, they are easy to grow from seed, and will often...
El Segundo
This Year\'s Farm Challenge: Gardening With Baby
To be quite honest, life with baby hasn't been as hard for us as people would have liked us to believe (y'all, we actually get sleep!), but the cold hard reality of the matter is that it has forced us (and when I say us, I mean me ) to slow down.
FFA Reports Membership Growth
The FFA is open to students ages 12 to 21 and enrolled in agricultural education programs in public high schools. In addition to agricultural career opportunities, the FFA says the increase also has to do with the agricultural issues having a greater...
Power Equipment Purchasing Options
They can be ballasted for additional traction or left as is for decreased soil compaction. Of course, they affect the list price and eventual resale value, too. “However, if you want to mow 30 acres of hay or plant 8 acres of vegetables, this should...
7 Myths About Eggs Debunked
Fact: Good coloring of eggs in, for example, Welsummers or Marans is most visible at the beginning of the laying season and is valuable when it comes to exhibiting the eggs. A hen laying solid brown eggs toward the end of the laying season therefore hasn't...
What Farmers Could Learn From Chefs
Mise en place Mise en place is a French phrase that roughly translates to “put in place.” In kitchens, however, this is much more than a phrase. Otherwise, more time is wasted.
Tools for Tight Spaces
The M50 comes in twine- or net-wrap models. If you hay on shares and part of the hay is rained on, who gets first choice of the bales? New Holland's Model L120 is another outstanding skid steer ideal for today's small farm.
Get Ready, Get Set ...
Mom likes to have a backup in case the first flashlight fails Two fluffy terrycloth towels. She likes SuperLube from Premier1 because it's antiseptic but other lubes work too. But ewes aren't wired to look for flying lambs, so when you pick them up, she...
Salem Got Sick!
Poor Salem! Mom and Dad don't drink beer, so they had to buy some. Salem plopped down, stuck out his legs and groaned. Last Wednesday morning, when Mom put the Boer goats out for the day, big, fat Salem stayed behind.
Food Forward: Television That Won\'t Rot Your Brain
I am not a TV watcher. For you TV and Internet-television watchers, PBS has a treat that even I can get behind. On a quiet winter night, you'll often find me huddled over my tiny netbook computer screen, taking in a food, ag or travel film.
Burning Question: Is Biodynamic the New Organic?
But unlike the label, the customer who wants organic food has not really changed beyond perhaps becoming slightly more label-wary. It's more than the absence of chemicals it's also looking for ways to increased he life forces in food.
Ensure Livestock Health With Midwinter Weight Checks
And what about a scale for all you backyard chicken keepers? Assessing these animals' weight now will help you manage feeding to ensure they are in the best condition in time for birth.
Seven Million Spring Blooms: How is it even possible?
Even if replanted in a grower's field, these tired bulbs would never recover their former size and vigor.Immediately after the gates close for the season, the digging begins. The majority of the beds don't get compost or fertilizer, because the bulbs...
El Segundo
The Hidden History In An Old Pile Of Bricks
Needless to say, I'm going to be doing some more research. Who knew that there could be so much history hidden in a pile of old bricks? I didn't think much of it at the time, except that I intended to use them for a decorative project because they were...
When The Dogs Go For A Walk, So Does The Whole Farm
Have you ever gone on a walk with your entire farm menagerie? First, in line are the chickens, whose short legs need a minute to catch up. It must have been a site to behold! The more animals you have, the more complicated a walk can get.
This Is Hobby Farming: A Brush With Destiny (And Water Buffalo)
Mops of long, coarse hair crown their heads, and Yoda-like ears give them a sweet, comic look. The Culinary Institute of America, which has two Northern California campuses, is also on the schedule to visit.
Swinging Chicken in Video Has Slinky Neck—But Do You Know Why?
There's a simple explanation. This movement isn't unique to this particular breed or a special way that chickens adapt to swinging behaviors. It's also the reason their heads bob while they walk.
First \'Maters
But now that we and our relatives have developed this taste for cucumber soup, our cucumber desirability index has skyrocketed and I need to plant a whole lot. By my calculations I'm about a month behind my usual planting schedule.
Topsy Turvy Upside Down Tomatoes and Peppers
The bad news is that one of my tiny green tomatoes is missing. I have a post to which my trellised potting bench is attached. Pepper plant stems are stubborn, and I was afraid it would break in my hands if I forced the issue.
El Segundo
Making Do
« More Shop Talk » In my next entry, I'll run through what you need to make your own sledge. What I didn't have was a clear idea of how I was going to get the manure down the hill to my gardens.
The Pros and Cons of Carts for Riding Lawn Mowers
Because they're small, you can squeeze them into a corner of the garage, out of sight and not in the way when not in use. They are perfect for transporting small amounts of common supplies—hay bales, water jugs, garden soil, manure, tools and equipment...