This Sun Bowl garden is made of five different plants your cats can eat. Red Baron Blood Grass ( Imperata clylindrica) Dwarf zinnias Dwarf asters Catnip ( Nepeta ) Purple/white alssum
Next week we'll talk about more ship's cats, including another wartime hero named Unsinkable Sam. Simon the cat was the only feline to win the PDSA's Dicken Medal, honoring animals that demonstrate outstanding bravery during wartime.
Often an adult cat from a shelter with a history of being an outdoor cat is a good choice.” Introducing Your Cat to the Farm Adult cats may run away from a barn if they are not confined at first.
We really like the first oneIt is attractive, easy to clean and the birds like it, too. I can imagine the tiny baby birds at our feeder. So we decided on Little for 'L' and then any gem we wanted.
Fertilize cat whiskers once in spring and once again in summer for best blooms. The flowers stand above the plant's shiny, dark-green leaves, and the color contrast sets off the snowy blooms beautifully.
Most cats don't like walking over it either. These devices, such as the Scarecrow by Contech (available through, and others), can be hooked up to your garden hose.
Part one will examine types of bird feeders. If you're looking for testimonials regarding bird feeders, theon Dave's Garden (available to all members) includes threads describing feeders.
You can trim the vine's overflow from the top of a wall or a fence to prevent its weight from increasing and bringing down the structure.Remember that left to its own devices, cat's claw vine can climb to heights of 20 to 30 feet tall (6 to 9 m.) and...
It spreads quickly and is, but if you treat it right it can have a big payoff. They like full to partial sun.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Propagating a cat's claw plant is easy – it grows well from...
When spreading on the ground, new plants can spring up from tubs under the earth. This vine has three claw-like prongs on it, thus the name. This vine favors growing along the ground and in trees.
Legend has it that this plant smells so badly that it will repel, and any other small mammal that might otherwise get into the garden and eat the plants.While scaredy cat coleus does have a distinctive skunk smell, which is worse when someone brushes...
Very few North American spiders will actually tackle a hummingbird, but spider webs are quite treacherous.“Do the same hummingbirds return to my garden year after year?”If you don't think that they do, just don't hang your feeder out and watch.
Some non-natives that hummingbirds will feed from include. Some years, they seem to prefer the plants over the feeders, and other times, they prefer the feeders over the flowers.If you are inclined to keep records, Bill would welcome input of your findings...
Spray a cone green, add glitter and sequins and you've got a Christmas tree. Be sure to line your cookie sheet with foil as the sap can be difficult to remove.For fire starters, you can find many methods, but the following is the easiest that I have found.
Those ships are truly amazing works of art. Murray Springthorpe always had very skilled hands. He grew up in the small, rural town ofand is surrounded by wooded areas and natural animal habitats.
The hens needed a bit of time to get used to our cat being in the yard with them while they free-ranged. Small birds are vulnerable to all predators because they can't protect themselves, and the youngest won't even detect danger.
When the food wreath does get old it is easy enough to clip down, throw it away, and move on to the next wreath, which the birds are already used to. Later that afternoon as I wound my way home, I came again to the grapevine.
Cats often will eat cat grass, and you can find it for sale just about anywhere today. Many cat foods include plant fiber, and some veterinary diets even include excess plant fiber as it seems to help with some digestive and other metabolic problems that...
All the hummingbirds seem to require is that you keep the feeder filled, regardless of the brand or style. Imagine the delight on the face of a child! Any amateur birder or nature lover on your list would be pleased to open this gift.For more information...
Also the lard doesn't smell up the kitchen so badly.**I gather wild cherries and elderberries in season, freeze and use in the recipe later.Melt the lard and peanut butter over low heat.
"He looks skinny and his shoulders look sort of pointy."Becky wanted to run outside to greet Tango, but decided not to because she might scare him away. Feral cats gone, Cape May now has a problem of a different stripe; Sept.
Maybe the dog was still there, too. Cats are deterred by coffee grounds, pipe tobacco, oil of lavender,Use plastic carpet runners spike-side up, covered lightly in soil. She didn't say another word.
She will gobble it up in a second flat and seems to digest it well.So with Miss Kitty liking lettuce, and Boo Boo Kitty no longer able to go outside to eat grass (after a bought of lymphoma, which she has survived) – I decided to garden for my cats...
In the example, I've used cupcake tins because my bread pan is hiding today.If you prefer, while the fat is still warm, you may add lots of goodies from your kitchen. I slice it first like bread, then cut the slices up into smaller strips.
See the end of this article for feeder plans.— If you have the means or desire, take an old tree trunk and install it in your yard. Recycled items add a personal charm to the garden.
This book is also written with the urban gardener in mind. Gardens and birds seem to go together and it is rare indeed to find a gardener who doesn't enjoy our feathered friends. Mr Barnes encourages using native plants and includes an extensive section...
I want to tell you all a little Election Day story. He was maybe 5-foot 2-inches, very wizened, thin and bent over, and he was wearing an old-fashioned black “Sunday best” suit and the biggest grin you could ever imagine.