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Time to Eat Broccoli!
My mother and sister-in-law are always happy to get our broccoli, so we'll harvest some for everybody this week and let the rest grow bigger. But I can't really keep spraying the Bacillus because it's raining so often.
Time to Plant Peas!
This will surely be the year of “experimental peas” in my own garden as I plan to grow at least two different varieties of each type of pea (shell, snap, and snow), as well as growing some for fresh shoot production.
Time to Inventory Hay
The good news in Kentucky, he says, is local forage producers had prime haymaking weather earlier this year and were able to get good yields because of adequate springtime moisture.
Time to Plant Peas
The mesh fence will provide a handy support and hopefully will allow the plants to spread onto the outside of the fence where they are easily accessed by little hands! Pea-plant care is pretty simple.
Time to Test Your Soil
Knowing how your property was used in the past can help point to possible soil contaminates like lead, arsenic or cadmium. Garden-soil testing can reveal nutrient deficiencies, pH imbalances and other information to help you grow a successful crop.
Time to Divide Your Gesneriads
If you want to water all winter long and have the kohleria and achimenes growing and blooming, you can do that, but it will grow leggy and you will need to trim it back anyway, so why not let them have a pause after which they will grow better and be...
El Segundo
Time to Control Feral Pigs
They also scavenge and raid deer-feeder sites. So it's important to catch as many as possible with one setting of the trap. “This is an added incentive for landowners to strike as soon as possible before even more pigs hit the ground.” Landowners...
Time to Clean up the Mess
Christmas passes, and i work hard to cook and bake all goodies, decorate the house and clean it up again. Time flies, summer goes by so fast, as I keep busy not just digging and weeding, but also harvesting the fruits and vegetables of my hard work.
El Segundo
The Best Time to Transplant Evergreens
Late summer to early fall is also acceptable, providing the evergreen has time to establish roots and take up water before the ground freezes. The shock of transplant is often too much for plants to recover from, according to North Dakota State University...
Santa Monica
The Best Time to Prune Nandinas
This staggered effect will show off next season's flowers and berries.After pruning is a good time to fertilize the nandina to get it ready for the upcoming season. You can also use a granular fertilizer according to the rate listed on the package for...
Santa Monica
Time to Tame the Raspberry Jungle
Dig out sprouts coming up outside the boundary of the bed.Now that the jungly overgrowth is gone, you can weed the berry bed by hand or with gentle cultivation. These canes survive the winter and you can see the skeletons of old fruit on them.
El Segundo
Time to Prune Your Fruit Trees
They began to ripen, but the birds were all over them as soon as they showed somered. The more you cut the old wood, the more young wood grows and fruits more. I trimmed it back partially, so I wouldn't hurt the tree when the branch fell due to gravity,...
El Segundo
Landowners, It\'s Time to Go Native
Disappearing habitats can stifle these economic benefits. Small changes in native vegetation can cause a disproportionate positive return on wildlife, so every little bit helps, Brazil says.
Berry Harvest Time: Best Time To Pick Berries In The Garden
Currants can be stored for quite some time in a refrigerator, about two weeks.– Blueberries should not be picked until fully ripened and good indicators of this are uniform color, flavor and ease of removal from the plant.
4 Ways To Know It\'s Time To Harvest Honey
It's different for everyone because it depends so greatly on your region (and is another great reason to know and understand the botanical habits of your area). Knowing when to harvest honey is about paying attention to the signs.
The Best Time to Plant Sunflower Seeds
Sow the seeds into a growing tray about six weeks before the approximate last spring frost for your area. Seeds can germinate in a soil temperature lower than 46 degrees Fahrenheit, but the germination rate significantly drops.Test the soil temperature...
Santa Monica
The Best Time to Prune Holly Bushes
Prune to enhance shape and create a neat, clean appearance. Begin from the inside branches and prune toward the outside branches. Pruning during summer or soon after flowering will result in loss of berry production.Prune holly bushes by removing dead,...
Santa Monica
The Best Time to Prune Apple Trees
This reduces the energy that would otherwise go into producing fruit.Summer pruning should be done after budding, but before the end of July, so that healing can take place before the harshest periods of winter.
Santa Monica
Farm Bill Update: Time to Weigh In
“The whole supercommittee process prevented people from having more hearings,” explains Dennis Nuxoll, managing director of federal policy for the American Farmland Trust. He says public-hearing transparency was short-circuited, leading the supercommittee's...
It\'s Time to Plant Garlic and Shallots!
For Garlic of Course! Then I tilled deeper, added lots of amendments including well-composted manure, and tilled once again. Now that there are walkways allowing me to reach both sides of each bed for planting and tending, there is no reason to walk on...
El Segundo
Chicken-Neighbor Relationships Take Time To Develop
Like anything new, I suppose, chickens in the neighborhood just take some getting used to. Two years ago, our neighbor was still angry when Sookie would get into her yard, but last night she was laughing about tossing Sookie back over the fence next time...
Best Time to Plant a Pomegranate Tree
Prune any pot-bound roots that encircle the root-ball. Build a firm mound of soil in the middle and spread the roots over it. Average garden soil with good drainage is recommended.
Santa Monica
Use Uniform Screws To Save Time & Effort
Here is a list of screw types that you might encounter. This means you'll need many different drill bits on hand to avoid encountering a screw type you can't handle while you're far out in a field somewhere.
The Best Time to Transplant Strawberry Plants
Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 to 11. For Midwesterners, Ohio State University suggests day-neutral "Tribute" (Fragaria x ananassa "Tribute") and Junebearing "Earliglow" (Fragaria x ananassa "Earliglow"), both hardy in USDA zones 4...
Santa Monica
The Best Time to Transplant Tiger Lilies
Carefully remove them from the leaves and immediately plant them in furrows, recommends the North American Lily Society.As soon as your tiger lilies finish flowering, usually in late summer, dig up the bulbs and remove from four to eight scales from each...
Santa Monica
Time to Fill Out 2012 Ag Census
“The census helped illustrate the need for these programs after results showed over 290,000 new farmers, a continuously aging farm population and more women farmers than ever before.” Twelve beginning-farmer programs, all of which can be found on...
The Best Time to Plant Knockout Roses
Plant roses where there is plenty of drainage, and modify your watering patterns in accordance with heavy rain or prolonged sun and heat. Frost and cold weather will stunt the growth of Knockout roots or young plants, and they generally don't fair well...
Santa Monica