Because exposure to frosty winter weather will kill the fragile roots, many gardeners regard these plants as annuals since they must be replanted each year. Cool-season annual seeds can be sown in the fall, before the arrival of cold winter weather, or...
Now, wrap all of the cords with the second end of the rope from the top down. You should have a cord that is three times longer than the intended hanger. A coat hook, plant hook, or just a nail on the porch outside.
With time and patience, growers produce lucky bamboo stems that curl in an upward spiral, or curve side to side. The stems are typically "planted" in a decorative ceramic pot or glass vase with rocks or marbles in place of soil.
I had been making grapevine wreaths for years, so making a grapevine tree shouldn't be an insurmountable task.At any rate, one of the most challenging activities that creative folks encounter is figuring out the ways and means to bring our ideas to fruition.
Nighttime and daytime soil temperatures are both important.When are soil temperatures taken? Soil temperature is the factor that drives germination, blooming, composting, and a variety of other processes.
I have not been this warm in a very long time.It isn't strange to me anymore, the friendships that are made on Dave's Garden. It's sometimes used as a plant to prevent erosion or as wildlife cover and feed.
Petunias are relatively low-maintenance plants, but they can survive only within a specific temperature range. That is the society's highest possible designation for heat tolerance.To prevent cold-related petunia death, dig up your petunias and replant...
My phone holds a lovely portrait of a sunkissed compost tea brewer in front of the local organic market. Cell phone cameras are getting better all the time. Are you, like me, shopping wisely these days?
You can also use plastic sheeting or row covers to cover the plants, but ensure the cover is well-separated from the plant's foliage to reduce radiant heat loss. This period of acclimation prepares seedlings to move outdoors full-time is called "hardening...
For many rose gardeners, the ultimate goal is to fill the garden with beautiful blooming bushes and the home with cut roses. This helps prepare roses for display, preventing wilting and keeping blooms open.After arranging roses for display, keep an area...
As a postscript, the HummZinger turned out to be very easy to clean and the hummers liked it very much. It was a little more trouble to clean, but the glass bottle can be put in the dishwasher.Now it was time to shop for a window feeder.
I had many successes and many, many set backs on my quest. I started hearing it less often and the crowing has died down considerably, I imagine most of my carefully grown plants are now dead.
All the kits I've seen offer a choice of three colors (cultivars):(pink). Or forego the cactus and take this ABC concept full circle; choose a 'Zombie' amaryllis! When potted and kept warm, this bulb will grow huge leaves and become a spectacular specimen...
A large batch can be made, which makes a welcomed gift for family and friends for any occasion, especially during holidays.y Mama's recollections of family, Italian foods, culture and traditions have lured me to bake Italian specialties.
Oh, the pretty containers were different month to month, crockery pitchers, enameled coffeepots, red glass vases. We'll keep the jokes about the same old gifts just between us gardeners.
To transplant, simply detach one of the runners with a 'chick' at the end and pin it in its new home until roots appear.Forgetful gardeners will be happy to note that this plant can survive long periods of neglect.
This project will cost very little, and be a lovely gift from a gardener…or to a gardener. This is to eliminate any dark edges where bleach spray may not reach. In my family, we celebrate Christmas with an exchange of thoughtful gifts that do not necessarily...
These cotton linters usually are purchased by the sheet and are thick “paper” made from long cotton fibers to give paper pulp the ability to hold together in sheet form. You could add ferns, rose petals, evergreen tips, colorful fall leaves, northern...
Gardeners that plant to attract colorful winged visitors won't be disappointed with zinnias. The kids can make bouquets for parents, teachers, grandparents and neighbors, since cutting the flowers only prompts the plant to produce more.
Sculpey IIItm and FIMOtm are popular brands. It's even easier if your pot (not plastic!) fits into the oven or if you have a clay or ceramic saucer with a similar edge. Gently press your ladybug into position near one edge of the leaf.Find a pot like...
Leaves will grow first, soon followed by flowers. Here are the instructions to include:Instructions to include with paperwhite narcissus kitEnjoy fresh flowers on your windowsill! Pour the enclosed stone into the vase and place all the bulbs on it in...
Shade cloth is available in densities of 30 to 90 percent. Automatic Vent Opener Depending on your climate, cold days might be mixed up with mild or even warm days. When temperatures drop again, the piston contracts and closes the vent.
When established, they are even drought tolerant, but don't expect a huge show. Japanese Beetles are sometimes troublesome, thrips can cause mal-formed blossoms (but generally leave on their own when conditions dry up) and there are a couple of fungal...
These tomatoes set fruit not only in cooler temps, but also reach maturity in the shortest number of days; around 52-70 days. Tomato temperature tolerance for extreme heat or cold snaps is of extreme importance to the development of blossoms and subsequent...
Boston ferns also are found in Mexico, Africa, Polynesia, and Central and South America.Boston ferns (Bostoniensis) have arching fronds that grow up to 3 feet long and 3 inches wide.
Onions are a popular home vegetable garden plant. Storing onions in the fridge is just one option.Onions should be stored in the refrigerator or cold storage.Onions should be dried or cured before they go into storage to prevent rot.
Take the temperature daily and be consistent. Morels are highly prized among mushroom hunters. Wild morels also appear under these conditions.Use a probe-type digital thermometer to take soil temperatures.