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Sweet Potato Scurf Information: Treating Sweet Potatoes With Scurf
It grows and produces spores on the sweet potato skin. Scurf on sweet potato plants is perhaps the most common of these challenges. Whether certified seed or not, sweet potatoes should be thoroughly inspected for scurf before planting them.Wetting down...
Sweet Potato Vine Division: Tips On Dividing Sweet Potato Vines
Read on for tips on sweet potato vine division.Sweet potatoes grow year round in USDA plant hardiness zones 9 to 11, but in cooler climates, sweet potato tubers must be stored in a cool, dry area for the winter.
Sweet Potato Black Rot : How To Manage Sweet Potatoes With Black Rot
The dark areas have a bitter taste and are not palatable. The disease may be noticeable at harvest or well into storage time or even market.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Black rot of sweet potatoes...
Sweet Potato Plant Starts: How And When To Start Sweet Potato Slips
Sweet potatoes may seem like a relative of the common white potato, but they're actually related to, sweet potatoes are grown from small seedlings, known as slips. This plant loves warm weather and should be planted when the soil reaches 65 F.
Sweet Potato Varieties: Learn About Different Types Of Sweet Potatoes
Skin color of sweet potato types vary widely from creamy white to rosy red, tan, purple or yellow-orange. If that isn't enough to think about, sweet potato vines can be compact, vigorous, or semi-bush.
Potato Vine Plant Leaves: Are Sweet Potato Leaves Edible?
Yes, definitely! Next question: what are “camote tops?” The vines of sweet potatoes (especially the deep purple varieties), are known as camote tops (or kamote tops) in Spanish-speaking countries.No matter what you call them – sweet potato leaves,...
Sweet Potato With White Leaves: Ornamental Sweet Potatoes With Bumpy Leaves
It may be caused by environmental problems, such as high humidity during cool, cloudy weather, or cultural conditions, like over-watering under high light where air circulation is poor.
Sweet Potato Rotting After Harvest – What Causes Sweet Potato Storage Rots
These spots then enlarge and change hue with visible fungal structures apparent. Other sweet potato rots. As with surface rot, the infected tissue shrinks, dries and mummifies during the course of storage, and the infection occurs through wounds or growth...
Care Of Sweet Peas – How To Grow Sweet Peas
You can still find fragrant varieties, often labeled as “old fashioned” or “heirloom,” but modern varieties also have their charm.Taking care of sweet peas is easy. They prefer long, cool summers, and don't last past spring in areas where summers...
Sweet Potato Root Knot Nematode Control – Managing Nematodes Of Sweet Potatoes
Read on to learn more.Root knot nematodes of sweet potatoes are white to yellow and live amongst the storage roots. Nematodes of sweet potatoes may either be reniform or root knot.
What Is Sweet Potato Pox : Learn About Soil Rot Of Sweet Potatoes
What is sweet potato pox? The pathogen that causes all this trouble is Streptomyces ipomoea.Once we answer the question, what is sweet potato pox, we need to know when it occurs and how to prevent it.
Sweet Thorn Information: What Is An Acacia Sweet Thorn Tree
Despite the thorns, giraffes love to eat their leaves.Growers in Africa sell the gum as a gum arabic substitute and use the beans as goat and cattle forage. The sweet gum that oozes from wounds in the bark is a favorite food of many species of wildlife,...
Why Don\'t My Sweet Peas Flower – How To Get Sweet Peas Blooming
Flowering slows and might even stop if the plants form pods. The ideal day length is 16 hours, followed by eight hours of darkness. Let's look at a checklist of the requirements for a sweet pea to bloom.Sweet pea flowers not blooming?
Sweet Pea Problems: Reasons For Sweet Pea Flowers Falling Off
Alternatively, use a watering can to apply moderately cool water. The good news is that the plants can be saved, and the buds will regrow. One day the plants are loaded with buds that should open at any time, and the next day the buds are dropping off.
Sweet Potato Companions: Best Companion Plants For Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potato weevil, a pest that can wreak havoc on crops in the Southern United States, can be deterred by plantingWhat You Shouldn't be Planting Next to Sweet Potatoesfreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });The...
Sweet Pea Seedpods: Tips On Collecting Seeds From Sweet Peas
Next year's flowers will grow from these seeds. Seeds saved from modern hybrids may prove a disappointment because they probably won't look like the parent plants.If you plan to grow sweet peas in the same garden spot again next year, you don't have to...
How To Pinch Sweet Peas For Fuller Plants
Have been cultivated since the early 1700s. Once the peas have sprouted to 3 to 4 inches high, theto 5 or 6 inches apart. If you're a beginning gardener or just new to growing this lovely vine, you might want to experiment by pinching sweet peas in half...
Ornamental Sweet Potatoes: How To Grow An Ornamental Sweet Potato Plant
The vigorous growth and drought tolerance of ornamental sweet potato vines makes them great choices for mixed containers and hanging baskets. Grown and cared for like average houseplants, these attractive vines add a little something extra to the home...
Sweet Potato Container Crops – Tips For Growing Sweet Potatoes In Containers
You are now ready to plant your container grown sweet potatoes.When growing a potted sweet potato plant, the first thing to consider is the choice of a suitable container. Each root produces several slips.
Sweet Potato Storage – Tips On Storing Sweet Potatoes For Winter
This required circular beds with foot high earthen walls to be prepared. Lay out the tubers carefully and let them dry for 10 days to 2 weeks in a warm location with high humidity.Ideal temperatures are 80 to 85 F.
Companion Planting With Yams – What To Plant Next To Yams
Yams may be white, purple, brown, reddish or the classic sweet orange fleshed variety grown in southern regions of the United States.Plants that grow well with yams might be those that are also in the, pest deterrents or simply those that complement the...
Yellow Sweet Potato Leaves: Why Do Sweet Potato Leaves Turn Yellow
If you see that your sweet potato leaves are turning yellow, you need to identify the source and act immediately, lest the problem spreads to the entire garden.This is especially true if you suspect the yellow leaves on your sweet potatoes might be caused...
Winterizing A Sweet Potato Vine: Overwintering Ornamental Sweet Potatoes
Remember that occasional watering is part of heeled in ornamental sweet potato winter care. The tubers must be kept lightly moist or they dry up and will not sprout again.Remove tubers from the container and separate them away from each other.
Container Grown Sweet Peas: How To Grow Sweet Pea Flowers In Pots
Are extremely rewarding plants to grow. Sweet peas are vining plants, and they'll need something tall to support them as they grow. Keep reading to learn more about how to grow sweet pea flowers in pots.When growing sweet peas in containers, the main...
Information On How To Grow And Harvest Sweet Potatoes
Theseinto the ground as soon as all chances of frost has left the area and the ground has warmed.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });In order to grow and harvest sweet potatoes, the soil needs to be kept...
Can You Eat Sweet Peas – Are Sweet Pea Plants Toxic
They certainly sound like they might be edible. So, are sweet pea plants toxic, or are sweet pea blossoms or pods edible?. These romantic annual climbers are known for their vivid colors, aroma and lengthy bloom time.
Garden Visitor: The White-Breasted Nuthatch
They will also use a nest box, particularly one covered with bark, mounted about 15 feet above the ground.This talkative species can be heard producing a loud nasal “yank” sound, often repeated several times in a row.
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