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Best String Trimmer

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Why A String Trimmer Mower Should Be In Your Tool Shed
When it comes to tools and equipment, I'm a firm believer that bigger isn't always better. This is an area where string trimmer mowers truly excel, as you can carefully and slowly move them into position without the risk of inadvertently driving into...
Choosing A Weed Eater: Tips On Using String Trimmers In The Landscape
Many gardeners know more about weeds than weed eaters. Newer model electric weed eaters have more power than older ones, however.Another issue with electric weed eaters is the power cord.
What to Do When Trees Have Been Hit by a String Trimmer
And if damage is extensive, even an established tree might need to be removed, especially if it is dying on one side, leaning, or is in ill health due to a disease or insect pest infestation that might have entered the tree via the open wound.
Santa Monica
Cut Weeds Quietly in Small Spaces With a Special Tool
Working in a garden is a holistic, full-body experience, and the idea of a polluting, noisy, vibrating machine presents a big obstacle for the peaceful, quiet growth that I want to experience.
String Beans with Mustard Sauce
Cool or room-temperature dishes are all we want during a heat wave. Also, the whisking takes longer than you think. Keep whisking until the oil and vinegar emulsify; that is, no longer separate.
Mowing: Learn To Mitigate These 5 Common Obstacles
Uneven ground also makes it difficult to mow grass at an even height and increases the risk of your mowing blades cutting into the ground. Depending on the fence type, it may be possible to use a string trimmer to mow underneath the lowest wire or board,...
How to Care for a String of Pearls Plant
Repot younger plants each spring into a draining pot filled with sandy, cactus-formula potting soil. Prune off any dead, damaged or otherwise undesirable stem growth at the base. Older plants or those grown under crowded conditions, however, benefit from...
Santa Monica
5 Farm Tools I\'m Thankful For
Of all the tools and machines that farmers have to be thankful for, tractors should probably be at the top of the list. Electric Drills Few tools are more versatile and handy to have on hand than a battery-powered electric drill , which can travel the...
Hanging Support For Tomatoes – How To String Up Tomato Plants Overhead
As the plant grows, begin cutting away the lower branches. Then it's just a matter of adding the trellis lines using construction string or green twine. No need to bend or contort when trying to access ripe fruit.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Easy Garden Chimes For Kids – Tips For Creating Wind Chimes For Gardens
When it comes to making easy garden chimes for kids, fun is more important than elegant.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Use these directions as a beginning idea for your garden wind chimes and then let...
7 Garden-Tested Gifts For Your Favorite Gardener
Each professionally designed plan tells you how much room you'll need to install the garden and includes several illustrated layout options, as well as all the plants you'll need to build the garden.
Cottage Food Win: Wyoming Food Sales Deregulated
This Wyoming law is the first in the nation helping to reverse that. All farmers and food producers carry a large burden to ensure they're compliant with health and safety standards, and I hope that food-safety education is taken seriously.
Canker On Fruit Trees: What To Do For Trees Weeping Amber Color Sap
If you use bleach on your pruners wash, rinse and dry them before putting them away to prevent corrosion.Proper tree maintenance that prevents stress goes a long way toward helping a tree resist disease and recover from cytospora canker.
Magnolia Planting: How To Care For A Magnolia Tree
These attractive trees also feature glossy, dark green leaves and a large, exotic-looking pod that opens in fall to reveal bright orange-red berries which are relished by birds and other wildlife.
Harvesting the Sun: A Guide to Leasing Land to Solar Developers
“We are aware of proposed prices ranging from $400 per acre per year to $1,200 per acre per year. Sherman agrees that the typical utility-scale solar facility in North Carolina uses around 25 to 30 acres.
Edgers For The Garden: Learn How To Use A Garden Bed Edger
When you purchase an edger, let the store employee show you how to use it correctly. Remember to take your time edging the first time. Try out your edger on an area that is more out of site, in case you make a rookie mistake.
Staking Tomato Plants – Find The Best Way To Stake Tomatoes
The tomato plant is then trained up the string as it grows.Like with tomato stakes, the plants must be checked daily during active growth to, but the taut string provides just enough tension to support a fruit-laden tomato plant without being so tight...
Dried Gourd Maracas: Tips For Making Gourd Maracas With Kids
Make sure the gourd has no visible rot or open wounds on the exterior.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Cut a small hole in the bottom of the gourd; this is where parental assistance is necessary if the...
Rosary Vine Houseplants: How To Grow Rosary Vines Indoors
Rosary vine plant care outdoors requires a location in10 and above. You can pull them off, lay them on the surface of the soil and wait for roots. Choose the sunniest room of the house for growing Ceropegia rosary vine.freestar.queue.push(function() {...
How to Dry Roses With Hairspray
Place the hanging roses in a warm, dark, dry area, such as a closet.Allow the roses to completely dry, which usually takes about one week.Spray the roses with a light mist of clear hairspray, allowing the hairspray to dry.
Santa Monica
Help! My Chicken Ate Something Terrible
This can cause severe and irreparable damage to your bird's intestinal tract. In fact, their appetite seems to be rivaled only by their curiosity. These rocks are stored in the gizzard, where they grind incoming food, breaking it down before it moves...
4 Steps To Keep Young Trees Out Of Your Fields
For example, faced with a bunch of short seedlings six to 12 inches tall, I'll consider skipping the first step (cutting them down with pruning loppers) and skip directly to mowing them down with my string trimmer mower, which is powerful enough to shred...
Decor For The Birds
These provide calories wild birds need to survive cold weather. If fruit-loving species frequent your farm, attach a string to fresh or dried apple slices or chunks of orange and hang them.
Wind Chimes Make Harmony in Your Garden
A longer tube - on a trumpet, or a tuba - produces a deeper sound too. Luckily for our bank account, my husband prefers the bright, tinkly, higher frequency sounds of the smaller, less expensive, higher pitched wind chimes!Making your own wind chimes...
El Segundo
A Different Kind of Crinum
While some fertility is desirable, too much will cause the plants to grow too vigorously.After being killed to the ground by freezing weather, the foliage returns reliably each spring.
El Segundo
How to Calculate Tree Density
Use the calipers to determine the width of the tree. Repeat this for the remaining points. Measure the distance in meters from the starting point to this tree and write it down. Add these average distances for all five points and divide by five to find...
Santa Monica
Forest Unleashed
I still have to take down the cottonwood, perhaps with a chainsaw . << More Shop Talk >> Tags cottonwood , deer damage , forest , oaks , trees , walnuts However, there's a bright side to the dilemma: My oaks and walnuts, which were pushed to compete,...