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Straw Bale Greenhouse Building Plans
For load-bearing construction, only the foundation needs to be done at this stage. Six Main Steps in Straw Bale Construction There are six main steps in straw-bale construction: Pouring the foundation, framing and adding the roof.
Starting A Straw Bale Garden: How To Plant Straw Bale Garden Beds
Growing plants in a straw bale garden is a type of container gardening, with the straw bale being a large, elevated container with good drainage. If you purchase at the beginning of the planting season, you can condition them in a two-week period.
How to Garden With Hay Bales
Hay-bale gardening is a nontraditional gardening technique that works well for gardeners with limited gardening space or those with limited mobility. Although applying the soil and compost mixture isn't absolutely necessary, adding mixture prevents the...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Strawberries in Hay Bales
Then in about July, leave the blossoms undisturbed and allow fruit to develop. Expect to harvest your first strawberries within a month.Apply a 3-inch layer of winter mulch on top of the strawberry plants after frost has stopped growth but before a heavy...
Santa Monica
4 Tips for Safe & Efficient Hay Baling
What's better than producing your own hay for your livestock? Use common sense. I bale hay on my northern Wisconsin farm every summer , so here are a few tips to make the baling days proceed as smoothly as possible.
How to Plant Potatoes in Straw Bales
They can also grow in almost any type of soil, and it is even easy to grow them on top of the ground, as long as you cover them. Hay can be used also, if straw is unavailable.Cut the seed potatoes, but be sure there are three to five eyes on each piece.
Santa Monica
Composting Hay: Learn How To Compost Hay Bales
Grow the beans until they have two or three true leaves. If the plants look identical, the compost is safe for food crops. Also, composting with hay bales allows you to construct a completely green compost bin that eventually turns into compost itself.
Q&A With Straw-Bale Builder Andrew Morrison
Can you build with straw bales in an urban environment? It is currently either burnt, thrown away, or rotted by flooding the agricultural fields—not a good use of our precious water.
4 Reasons to Start a Hay-Bale Garden
Need some convincing to start a garden with hay bales? 4 Old Hay Equals Garden Gold Hay-bale gardens are typically viable for one or two consecutive growing seasons. Bales will rarely last more than a single calendar year before the nutrient levels are...
How To Store Hay To Make It Last
It's possible to remove individual feedings by gradually unwinding the bale and forking them off, but it's hard work and often results in a lot of waste. When you harvest quality hay , it's dollar-wise to preserve it so it lasts.
4 Ways To Feed Hay & Reduce Waste
Be sure used feeders are sound so they won't collapse after one winter's use, and keep them free of sharp points that could injure your animals. (Generally, the hay is pulled from square bales.) These nets and bags are small and generally only hold one...
Square Shaped Fruits: How To Grow A Square Watermelon With Kids
Unfortunately, these unique square shape fruits can be a bit pricey at about $82 USD.No worries though, with just a basic square mold or container, you can grow your own square watermelon.With the use of square-shaped molds or square containers, you can...
Framing Square: The Carpenter\'s Computer
Knowing how it can be used may help you decide what to look for in buying one yourself. And that is just the beginning. However, embedded in the side of my framing square is all the information needed to cut and bevel rafters and more.
Calculating Plants Per Square Foot: Number Of Plants Per Square Foot Guide
This new and intensive gardening method uses 80 percent less soil and water and about 90 percent less work than traditional gardens. These are based on old-school row planting plans and assume you will have a wide space in between rows.
How to Build a Compost Bin with Straw Bales
According to the Urban Food Garden's “Straw Compost Bins,” you should avoid building on couch grass because the grass will grow into the straw bale, becoming nearly impossible to remove.
New Apps Keep Your Horse Slim and Healthy
The Healthy Horse apps retails for $1.99. “Determining a horse's body weight is critical for weight and feeding management, and for administering medication,” said Molly McCue, University of Minnesota Associate Professor in the College of Veterinary...
Put Your Framing Square to Work
The heel is where the two arms meet. Draw a line between the two marks for the diameter, move the square to a new spot and repeat. If your framing square doesn't come with instructions, consider picking up a reference book.
Water Containers: Is Square Better Than Rectangular?
You might find it hard to believe that the shape of the container could make any meaningful difference. Consider how you'll use them to transport water on your farm, and you might end up purchasing both types.
How Does Straw Grow?
If the straw is not dry enough to bale, the farmer allows it to set on the uncut stubble for several hours before baling. Actual growing time until harvest depends on the number of favorable growing days, warm and sunny, as well as the amount of moisture.
Santa Monica
How To Grow Quality Hay
Growing quality hay can be a careful balancing act between cutting at the time of peak nutritional value while avoiding rainstorms and cutting only during stretches of dry weather.
5 New Uses for Old Barn Finds
As an alternative to chalkboards, you can use old barn windows to craft multi-paned picture frames or mirrors. Place the chalkboard around the home or barn to keep track of to-do lists, grocery or farm needs, and other items of note.
My patio farm diary, the back forty square feet
Any bush-type cuke should do well in a container because the vines are much shorter than a standard cucumber. Well, the fruit was similar to a 'Whopper', but smaller and with thinner walls.
El Segundo
No-till Fields Capture More Snow
Huggins found that standing wheat residue on the no-till farm significantly increased the amount and uniformity of snow cover across the entire field. As a result, regional farmers could increase their winter-wheat profits by an average of $30 per acre...
Strawbale Gardening: Why and How
In my area (Michigan) the average cost of a bale is about $4.50-$5.00.When shopping for straw, ask about spoiled bales. Once they get wet they become heavy and are hard to move. This is baled, and mostly used as animal bedding.
El Segundo
What Historical Farm Relics Lurk In A Pile Of Rocks?
A large pile of rocks, disappearing into the ground under years of accumulated leaves and grass, offers an intriguing mystery about what else is "hiding." Now my curiosity has been sparked and questions abound.
Tools of the Trade: Choosing a Hay Baler
All require 30 to 35 horsepower or larger tractors equipped with 540 rpm PTOs. All can be fitted (at additional cost) with bale throwers, bale chute extensions, hydraulic pickup lifts and bale tensioners, and wagon hitch kits.
Livestock Feeders
A simple, natural way to feed large, stalled animals is the Noble Panels and Gates' large, sturdy corner feeder manufactured of seamless molded poly- urethane. We can't address every kind of animal feeder used in every situation, but let's look at types...