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Types of Nectarines
In clingstone varieties, the fruit clings to the inner stone. Nectarines are like peaches without the fuzz. In semifreestones, the fruit is fairly easy to remove from the stone. White nectarines are lower in acid and slightly sweeter than are yellow varieties.
Santa Monica
Odor Neutralizing Plants
The pleasant fragrance emanates from the foliage, making geraniums a good choice for winter homes. Airtight homes stay cozy and warm during freezing weather, but they also accumulate odors from cooking, oil heaters, pets and aerosol sprays such as hairspray.
Santa Monica
The Height of a Dwarf Weeping Willow
The silvery catkins appear in spring and last well into summer.Salix Kilmarnock requires moist soils and can be planted near streams and other waterways. The standard weeping willow doesn't have a true dwarf form, but the pussy willow has a grafted miniature...
Santa Monica
Cypress Tree Leaf Identification
In addition, the light, yellow-green foliage of the bald cypress hangs loosely from the tree.Pond cypress, on the other hand, has distinctively different foliage than its close relative, the bald cypress.
Santa Monica
How to Grow Zucchini on a Trellis
Zucchini is a garden crop that grows easily and abundantly for most gardeners. You can lightly tie the stalks to the wire mesh to train them, but this should not be necessary. Zucchinis that grow on a trellis tend to be prolific, and you will need to...
Santa Monica
Seven ways to sneak bulbs into your landscape without your lawn\'s mower even noticing!
(We lose.) And my dearly beloved husband won't let me plant crocuses in the lawn! That ripening period when the flowers are gone and the foliage is tall and gangly and he is not allowed to mow is just too long for him.
El Segundo
Japanese Maples for Small Gardens
The grass provides a foil by standing straight up next to the weeping maple. They will add a quality of timeless beauty.Photos: All photos by the author in his garden. The more palmate leaved varieties will provide a better contrast in texture with finer...
El Segundo
Beauty in the Air: Hanging Basket Gardens
Dazzling flowers, graceful foliage, and dramatic form turn hanging pots into showpieces. Inexpensive plastic drip baskets are available in most garden centers.Before you start, one important consideration is culture.
El Segundo
Lawn Care For Sedum: How To Grow Sedum In My Lawn
Lightly trafficked areas can have sedum as a lawn. In desert areas, the plants cannot withstand the harsh sun and rely upon a sheltered location to do their best. There are many other easy care options available.
Mazus Lawn Alternative: Tips For Growing A Mazus Lawn
As such, it is an adequate perennial for USDA zones 3-9. Perhaps, you would just like to enliven an area. You can mow the stand of mazus, or not, and if you want to keep everything tidy, edging around the mazus lawn is wise.In short order, you will have...
Sedge Lawn Substitute: Tips For Growing Native Sedge Lawns
Rhizome spreading plants will fill in any gaps over time, while clumping forms can be installed a bit closer together.Mulch around the grasses and provide even moisture for at least the first 2 months.
Get That Lawn Mower Ready
Before refilling the tank, add 2 ounces of Sea Foam Motor Treatment or other stabilizer to a gallon of gas for the new fill. If one end dips when you let it go, it's probably out of balance.
Chamomile Lawn Plants: Tips For Growing Chamomile Lawns
Sow seeds under cover in the early spring with a heated germination pad set to 65 degrees F. It is grown not only for decorative purposes, but this type of chamomile is used for its herbal, medicinal qualities.
Deadnettle Ground Cover: Growing Deadnettle As Lawn Substitute
If you've got a sunlight-challenged patch where grass refuses to grow no matter what you do, a deadnettle ground cover may be the way to go. A thin layer ofwill keep the soil moist, conserve water and provide nutrients to the roots as the material decomposes.freestar.queue.push(function()...
Liriope Lawn Substitute – Tips For Growing Lilyturf Lawns
It is useful in barricading regular turf grasses from garden. A beautifully manicured lawn sets off the rest of the landscape with its rich green tones and soft, velvety texture. Liriope plants are adaptable to many types of growing conditions, which...
Meadow Lawn Alternative: Learn About Planting A Meadow Lawn
A meadow lawn alternative is an option for homeowners who are tired of the labor involved in maintaining a traditional lawn, or for those who are concerned about the considerable environmental impact of watering, fertilizing and weed control.
Habiturf Lawn Care: How To Create A Native Habiturf Lawn
Imagine how much healthier our planet would be if we all, or even just half of us, adopted a different, more earth-friendly concept such as a habiturf lawn.If you have looked into earth-friendly lawns, you may have come across the term habiturf and wondered...
Moss As Lawn Substitute: How To Grow A Moss Lawn
Other than that, moss lawn care is as simple as it gets and you can put away that lawn mower. In hot dry periods, give them 2 inches of water daily in the morning or evening, especially for the first 5 weeks.
Using Thyme For Lawn Substitute: Growing A Creeping Thyme Lawn
Some people do mow the thyme lawn after flowers are spent, but it's okay to be a little lazy and leave the area as is. The next option is good old-fashioned, back breaking digging up of the sod.
Green Carpet Lawn Alternative: Learn About Herniaria Lawn Care
A typical lawn uses thousands of gallons of water every season, in addition to many hours of hard labor spent, needed to maintain that healthy, emerald green lawn, poses considerable harm to the environment as it leaches into the groundwater.
Alternatives To Grass: Learn About Lawn Alternatives In Cold Climates
In addition, you won't need the lawn chemicals that can seep into groundwater and run off.) -These sturdy plants grow well in poor soil and never need watering. When you replace your lawn with plants that don't need mowing, you eliminate the exhaust that...
Non Plant Alternatives To Lawn Grass
All of these provide interesting texture and are available in a variety of colors and sizes that will fit into any landscape design. In fact, there are numerous plants that thrive in these types of environments.
High Traffic Lawn Options: What Are Some Lawn Alternatives In Play Areas
A great option is to create a patio. Is not a new concept, but what about those high traffic areas? Do you like to entertain and grill? Maybe you would like a vegetable garden, or kid friendly substitutes like a play structure complete with swings, slides...
Blue Star Creeper Plant Care – Using Blue Star Creeper As A Lawn
Lush, green lawns are traditional, but many people are opting for lawn alternatives, which are often more sustainable, require less water, and are less time-consuming than regular turf.
Wildflower Lawns: Tips On Growing Flowering Lawns
But the word simply means a plant you don't want on your land. Wildflower lawns or areas of flowering lawn weeds can be charming and easy-maintenance once established.” may call to mind a scraggly, ugly plant that is hard to get rid of.
Plant Alternatives To Traditional Lawn Grass
A native grass lawn requires little supplemental water once it's established and doesn't suffer from many pest or disease problems. Don't let the name put you off, this is actually an attractive ground cover with lovely variegated foliage and stunning...
Best Stepable Plants: Learn About Plants That Can Be Walked On
Creeping wire vine displays glossy green leaves. Walkable plants work well along a pathway or bordering a flower bed and many work well in stubborn spots where grass won't take hold, such as a dry spot under a tree or shrub.Most of the best stepable plants...