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Beauty in the Air: Hanging Basket Gardens
Hot weather and windy conditions will "fry" fragile plants. As noted above, if you're using specimens that need less water, be aware that heavy rain can drown them. Another thing to note is whether the location has reflected heat from light-colored walls...
El Segundo
Can a Marigold Be a House Plant?
You can also grow marigolds indoors as house plants.Marigold varieties can range from 6 inches to 4 feet in height, and 6 inches to 3 feet in width. Their bright flowers make them a good choice for an indoor winter flower garden.Marigolds do have a strong...
Santa Monica
The Effects of Bottled Water or Tap Water on Plant Growth
You must acquire a sufficient amount and carry it home periodically. Distilled water allows plants to take in moisture without absorbing additional minerals, leading to healthy roots and strong growth.Bottled distilled water is more expensive than tap...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Honeysuckle in Pots
Line the bottom of the container with pot shards or pea gravel and cover the drainage materials with prepared potting soil. The vine should be about six inches (15 cm) from the trellis.
Santa Monica
Types of Nectarines
Nectarines are like peaches without the fuzz. Planting trees of different cultivars extends the growing season, according to Ohio State University Extension. In clingstone varieties, the fruit clings to the inner stone.
Santa Monica
My Garden, the Archaeological Site
They are the best treasures. My first ambition was to create abut try as I might; I could never make the blocks level so I opted for a mound of gravelly soil for this project. Garden Claw in hand, I mixed in some well-aged, composted manure and turned...
El Segundo
Odor Neutralizing Plants
Philodendron rarely has any problems from disease or pests if it is grown indoors. Airtight homes stay cozy and warm during freezing weather, but they also accumulate odors from cooking, oil heaters, pets and aerosol sprays such as hairspray.
Santa Monica
Plants for a Shallow Garden Bed
Beets and radishes also do well, but if you want to grow carrots, stick with the shorter varieties. Pots, on the other hand, confine a plant's roots in a small space but can be quite successful.
Santa Monica
The Height of a Dwarf Weeping Willow
Kilmarnock is a very adaptable tree with a 5- to 6-foot height that is practical in the lawn, potted or any other ornamental use. The standard weeping willow doesn't have a true dwarf form, but the pussy willow has a grafted miniature weeping variety...
Santa Monica
The Uses of the Tulip Flower
Tulips look best in a wide, shallow pot, roughly 4 to 6 inches deep; the pot must be deep enough to allow a minimum of 2 inches below the bottom of the bulbs for root development. Plant groups of single-colored tulips in corners and hidden areas to highlight...
Santa Monica
Book Review: Great Gardens, Solutions for Small Spaces, by Garden Gate Magazine
When my daughter asked for help to decide what to put in the skinny strip between the garage and the sidewalk to her front door, I was at a loss. As time allows, I'm going to use the suggestions I found to add some fragrance near the windows, and add...
El Segundo
Big Gardening in Small Spaces: Amsterdam\'s Nooks and Crannies
The dense population of big cities means little space for yards and gardens. Oaks and other large trees can be espalieredin a free-standing fashion, using a framework of metal or bamboo.An entire row of these two-dimensional trees may occupy a small strip...
El Segundo
Happy Wildlife Habitat (Small Birds in a Small Garden)
Right over my shoulder in fact. Their coming here is a higher compliment to my garden than all the Jones's accolades. This is also because they fancy themselves as big wild game hunters.It is an incredible joy to have evolved this small back yard over...
El Segundo
Respect for Small Farmers
It's hard for us Americans to understand the depth of Italian rigidness and pickiness concerning the food they eat. “Oh, we don't eat things from them” she said, “They use cheap butter.” She thereupon dumped the cookies into the garbage.
Fig With Small Fruit: Why Are My Figs Too Small
There's nothing like taking a bite of a big, sweet, juicy fig. Unlike most fruit, which is composed of edible matured ovary tissue, a fig is actually an inverted flower with both male and female parts enclosed within the stem tissue.
Causes Of Small Tomatoes – Why Does Tomato Fruit Stay Small
However, too much shade can also result in small tomato fruits.Too much nitrogen or fertilizer is also another common cause of poor fruit production. Nitrogen rich fertilizers promote green leafy foliage but too much can lead to small tomatoes.Poor pollination...
Traveling with Livestock
You don't need a livestock trailer to transport small animals like sheep, goats, pigs and calves, but it's trickier to haul them in a truck or van. Don't, however, take any chances—secure them carefully using sturdy tie-down straps.
Planting Small Trees: Tips For Choosing Trees For Small Yards
Trees that form fruit after the flowers fade or have good fall color extend the period of interest. Amend the soil by mixing the dirt you removed from the hole with compost orfreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1");...
Small Lawn Trees – Tips On Selecting Trees For A Small Yard
If you have a small yard to work with, however, some trees are simply too big to be feasible. It produces fragrant, white, star-shaped flowers in early spring. Its tasty, pear-like fruits are ready for harvest in late spring to early summer.– Hardy...
Small Space Gardening Ideas: Tips For Creating Gardens In Small Spaces
If you're using a raised bed, space is at a premium.A good way to make sure you're getting the most out of it is to use a method called. You can save even more space by placing a trellis on the north side and growing vining plants likefreestar.queue.push(function()...
Choosing a Small Ornamental Tree
They only grow to 6 to 8 feet high and stay compact. The weeping pussywillow is hardy to Zone 5 and has pipe cleaner-like blooms in early spring.American plum trees boast beautiful flowers beginning in mid-spring followed by colorful fruits that are tasty...
El Segundo
Berkshire Pigs For Small Farms
The declining market for lard caused demand for lard pigs to collapse and breeders began selecting for leaner hogs. (They also raise and direct-market rare breeds of cattle , horses , sheep and poultry .) Steve Atkinson loves to do research and he quickly...
Go Small With Miniature Livestock
Sweetie is a Pygmy goat . And minis are sometimes OK where zoning laws prohibit full-sized barnyard pets. Chores like hoof trimming, shearing or clipping, giving shots, and administering dewormers are easier, too.
Carrot: Our Small, Surprise Lamb
Most of our newborn lambs are at least twice that big! Carrot is a good example of how mama sheep can surprise you, even when you've had sheep for years and years. You'll also learn a lot about making and birthing lambs: “ Making Lambies ,” “Mama...
Why Are My Peaches Small?
Allow the trees enough time to grow and mature before looking for a strong yield of large fruit.Peach trees generally produce a large amount of fruit, but crowded conditions create small peaches.
Santa Monica
The Best Small Farm Tractors
Also, when selling these gray market tractors, they are not worth as much. Tractors have allowed farmers to dramatically increase the productivity of the farm, which has allowed food prices to be much lower and has allowed farmers to run much larger farms.Small...
Santa Monica
Small-scale Topiaries: Windowsill Perfection
Top Gain a Feeling of Control … Wouldn't it be nice if we could just wield a pair of hedge clippers and get the laundry, dishes and children's rooms all in perfect order with a few whacks?