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Growing Saffron Indoors: Care Of Saffron Crocus In The Home
Snip open flowers from their stems and tweeze the saffron thread from the bloom, then lay the thread on a paper towel to dry (watch out for breezes or drafts!). Your bulb purveyor will send them to you at the correct time for planting and/or consult with...
Saffron Crocus
True saffron flavor has been described as bitter, yet savory.When used sparingly, quality saffron adds rich golden color, nutrition and flavor to foods, including traditional Spanish cuisine and risotto Milanese.
El Segundo
The Subtle Saffron: Growing and Using
There are many lower grades on the market that combine the stamen part of the flower with the stigmas for added weight.Look inside almost any flower, and you will see threadlike filaments.
El Segundo
Plan Now for Fall-Harvested Saffron
Here in Ohio, the spring crocus blooms before anything else. During spring, you'll only see its tall, grass-like leaves, but in September, each corm will produce between one and five flowers no more than a few inches above the ground.
A Brand New Year!
In ancient Rome , the New Year was celebrated around March 1, but in 1582, along came the Gregorian calendar (that's the one we use today) and now New Year falls on January 1. Post a comment.
List of Plant Fertilizer Brands
Fertilizing plants helps supplement what the soil is lacking, and it also replenishes nutrients that leave the soil. 3022 Franklin Ave. According to the horticulture and crop science extension of Ohio State University, fertilizing is an important part...
Santa Monica
Should You Take A Chance On A Brand New Farmers Market?
Parking Last but definitely not least, you don't want to be at a market customers can't get to. A market should attract regular customers as well as the passerby—location has a lot to do with sustaining this.
How I Plan To Use My New Ratcheting Straps
I can also see the ratcheting straps being useful for moving supplies, such as fence posts and the many tools needed to replace them. Let me count the ways! Ratcheting tie-down straps are helpful little tools to have on hand, and I'm already pondering...
Springtime, Summertime, Autumn, Wintertime - Dreamtime: State Flowers
Call it my dreamtime, sort of a fifth season that exists in my mind's eye and usually spans the months of January and February.During this time, nursery catalogs (both hard copy and online), gardening magazines that have accumulated during the growing...
El Segundo
His & Hers Winter Boots: A Side-By-Side Comparison
The Original Muck Boot Company His: Arctic Excursion Mid The Arctic Excursions are nice and lightweight. When you live on the extremely hilly land that we call home, having the right pair of winter boots can mean the difference between getting out to...
All Farms Have History — Even If It\'s You Who Starts It
Five people—two suited men, and a couple with a baby—stand on the porch behind them. You and your homestead become a point on an agricultural timeline stretching behind and ahead of you.
Buying Tools: Lifetime Guarantees
He makes a good point. We have a garage door opener with a lifetime guarantee on parts. As I mentioned last week , a blog reader commented on comparing guarantees when considering which of two brands to buy.
Growing Calendula – How To Care For Calendula Plants In The Garden
The amazing pot marigold can be grown in containers or beds in full sun to shade conditions. Petals of the calendula flower are used in cooking and were used as yellow coloring in cheeses and butters in centuries past.
How to Make Sunless-Dried Tomatoes
The dried and seasoned fruit was packed into watertight containers with enough olive oil to cover the contents before sealing with the lids. The olive oil is infused with the flavors of the tomatoes and seasonings and is a very popular dressing, and used...
El Segundo
Bird Lovers, Wake Up and Smell the Shade Coffee!
Every day those plantations are threatened by the more profitable sun-grown farming techniques.Audubon reports that America boasts 71 million bird watchers; THAT is some buying power.
El Segundo
Common Crocus Species: Fall And Spring Blooming Crocus Plant Varieties
As an added bonus, you can remove the stigma as soon as the blooms open, then dry them for a few days and use the saffron for seasoning paella and other dishes.) is a popular early-winter bloomer that produces star-shaped, orange-gold flowers with a deep...
Welcome to the Garden Showcase
You can add tags at any point because you'll always have editing access for your albums. This week, we're launching a brand-new program that we think is a great addition to the community; the Garden Showcase!
El Segundo
Choosing The Right Chicken Feed
An 18-percent layer feed is a very good option to support chickens through their annual molt, too, when hens divert protein away from egg production to produce new feathers. Other manufacturers make separate chick and grower feeds.
Confessions of a Compulsive Weeder
Spare pantyhose can be kept in the glove compartment.4) Plan ahead and look behind. Most important though, little old garden tour hosts don't like it when you yank their phlox. Anyway, Handsome Man gets upset when he discovers my time outside “waiting...
El Segundo
What Flowers Can You Plant in August?
In mild zones, they may bloom until February.The most familiar flowers that bloom in the spring---tulips, daffodils and grape hyacinth---can be planted anytime this month through September.Columbine, violets and other spring perennials should be cut back...
Santa Monica
Flowers Used for Dye
Anitha and S.N. Prasad from the Salim Ali Centre for Ornithology and Natural History in India, dyes that used turmeric powder as a mordant produced golden yellow or dark tan shades on silk depending upon whether the whole flowers or just the petals were...
Santa Monica
Garden Philosophy
It stems from all my friends who have become brand new gardeners in the last year or two. Yes, I try not to repeat these failures, but I stopped getting fired up about it a long time ago.
Seafood Rice
Lastly, I sprinkled some parsley over the rice, but you can try Parmesan as well unless you object to mixing cheese and seafood. Grate some Parmesan on top before serving if desired.
The Color Yellow in Gardening and Folklore
Yellow flowers are easy to incorporate. Yellow fall color can be striking on a sunny day. They glow in the sun and brighten up the shade. If a person drives a gold car, supposedly that person is intelligent, warm, and loves comfort.In the Victorian language...
El Segundo
7 Summer Energy-savings Tips
Increased energy production to run cooling systems not only raises costs, it also contributes to pollution that adversely affects the quality of the air we breathe. A dirty filter will slow air flow and make the system work harder to keep you cool—wasting...
NYC Community Gardens Hit the Map
Among the findings: In 2009, there were at least 490 community gardens in New York City. The report doesn't provide answers about how this should be done, but it does provide information on why it matters.” What would you like to learn about the community...
Rocky Mountain Gardening: Seed starting
This will serve as a good reference tool when you are chomping at the bit later in spring.Nothing you've done so far is different than any other growing area, besides the gasps and pants in yearning for an earlier last frost date.More often than not,...
El Segundo