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Homemade Gifts from the Garden
Add a pretty ribbon to the jar and your gift is ready to go!For a luxurious gift that all gardeners would love, try making lotion bars. I can various vegetables, but I eagerly anticipate my gift of homemade apple butter and sauerkraut from my in-laws...
El Segundo
Tips on Buy Replacement Wheels for Small Farm Machines
Buying a replacement wheel for a yard cart or wheelbarrow seems simple, but with multiple designs and options available, it helps to know these key measurements before you start. Fortunately, I beleive I've found the perfect replacement wheel for my yard...
Three Aralias for your indoor gardens
As a small to medium sized tropical, false aralia has a lovely lacey look, made even prettier by the dark leaf color. They are happy in a wide range of lighting and average household temperatures.
El Segundo
Yes, Joyce, there is a Money Tree (Pachira)
Ugh, tax time! Are you wishing that you had a magic money tree? A minor point but one that some readers may find importantMoney Tree art at left by the incomparable "Inky" Used here with permission, Thank you! Inky Art not to be used elsewhere without...
El Segundo
Garden Crafts: How-to Instructions For A Macrame\' Hanging Planter
In high school, I made quite a bit of money making custom macrame hangers for florists. Carefully look to see which cords fall naturally to the center of your hand, and which ones lay to the outside.
El Segundo
Cypress Tree Leaf Identification
Another type of cypress tree, Leyland cypress (x Cupressocyparis leylandii), grows extensively in the Southeast, according to Clemson University, getting from 60 to 70 feet tall, sometimes reaching up 100 feet.Classified as a deciduous gymnosperm tree,...
Santa Monica
How to Grow Zucchini on a Trellis
This will prevent the trellis from shading any of your other plants.Pound the side trellis posts at least 2 feet into the ground to make sure the trellis will withstand the weight of the zucchini plants and blowing wind.Plant the zucchini seeds at the...
Santa Monica
Bad luck with houseplants? Try lucky bamboo
Is your Spider plant perpetually spindly? Fertilizers labeled for hydroponic growing would be most suitable.The most common, of the few complaints about lucky bamboo, is that a single stem may suddenly turn yellow for no apparent reason.
El Segundo
A Grapevine Christmas Tree
After considerable thought, an old tomato cage sprang to mind.I turned it upside down and wired the three prongs together to form a cone. Spray painting it with flat brown paint made the galvanized metal of the cage less obvious.
El Segundo
Japanese Maples for Small Gardens
Another important distinction, Monte adds, is that "whether in the ground or in containers, a lower graft will allow the trunk to develop with bends and twists, giving a more individual and dramatic look."I have used the smaller varieties in mixed beds,...
El Segundo
Warm and Cozy Buckwheat Seeds?
Of course if you make a small pillow, it would need to be of a size that would fit in your microwave. It's sometimes used as a plant to prevent erosion or as wildlife cover and feed.
El Segundo
Respect for Small Farmers
We have personal relationships with most of the stores and vendors from whom we buy our food. As far as I'm concerned, the most impressive feature of Italian society is the fact that small farmers are respected here.
My favorite, versatile, new gardening tool is my \
I'm tempted by one that would help me take notes about my own plants over time. This week, while walking the aforementioned dog, I cut tree twigs and took them in my van. Davison from the University of North Alabama, was online and in my hand.
El Segundo
Breeds You Need: Finding the Right Livestock for Small Farms
Boers have long, muscular bodies set on proportionally short legs and sturdy horns that sweep back from the head. Their long, sometimes wavy, double winter coat makes them ideally suited for northern climates.
Beauty in the Air: Hanging Basket Gardens
Another thing to note is whether the location has reflected heat from light-colored walls or fences. The grass does not over-winter here in Zone 6, so I treat it as an annual. Dazzling flowers, graceful foliage, and dramatic form turn hanging pots into...
El Segundo
2011 Farm Policy Round-up
As the year draws to a close, take a look at some of the policies that will influence small-scale ag in 2012 and beyond. The Growing Opportunities for Agriculture and Responding to Markets (GO FARM) Act gives the USDA authority to establish a loan program...
Practice Farm Safety Year-round
Often, nature does not leave a big enough time period to get the work done, so farmers and farm workers feel the need to hurry, but it's important to slow down and think about the safest ways to go about your work.
Planning for Farm Fencing
In some areas where “free-range” laws are still enforced, a landowner must fence out the neighbor's animals, but in most places, it is the livestock owner's responsibility to control his or her animals with adequate fencing.
The Best Small Farm Tractors
Tractors with live power take-off features, the tractor attachments can be operated even when the tractor is sitting still, which provides the farmer with more versatility than the standard power take-off feature.Some tractors are good for certain types...
Santa Monica
Hummers at your window - a great gift idea!
The bottle feeder went on another pole at the other end of the house. On close observation, we felt that at least 2 of them were juveniles. They're inexpensive and so much fun! A hummingbird window feeder.
El Segundo
A Beginning Farmer\'s Checklist For Buying A Small Farm
Finding all this information can sometimes be a hassle, but it's work that will save you a headache, money and potentially regret in the future. Having your end goal in mind will help you have realistic expectations for your land and set the timeline...
Belfair Cattle: A Dual-Purpose Breed For Small Farms
Occasionally, a calf will be born pinto, and most have some white on the tail or a starred forehead. Both physically and temperamentally, Dexters are not ideal milkers—they typically don't enjoy milking, and the average yield reflects the common displeasure.
Buyer\'s Guide To Small Farm Utility Vehicles
“They are smaller, lighter machines, which is good if you aren't going to be doing a lot of heavy work.” A 2-wheel-drive machine is less expensive than 4-wheel drive, gets slightly better gas mileage, and some can fit in the back of a pickup truck,...
Can a Marigold Be a House Plant?
If you don't have a window that receives full sun, marigolds will also respond well to a grow light.While many people consider marigolds a warm-weather plant, marigolds can be grown indoors year-round.
Santa Monica
The Effects of Bottled Water or Tap Water on Plant Growth
This will contribute to excess nitrogen in the soil, creating an imbalance in nutrients. Watering your houseplants seems like a simple matter, but different types of water can have varying effects on plants.
Santa Monica
Party Favors From the Heart: African Violets and Handmade Containers
What could be better? Several shriveled for unknown reasons, and at least one time my tower of precariously rigged shelves fell down, creating a mess of leaves and potting soil everywhere.In the end, I wound up with enough violets that I could toss the...
El Segundo
Gardening Gifts A to Z
For an instant gift, go to the florist for some cheery yellow forced daffodils.- is one of the terms used to refer to tradtional Christmas cactus. This is a rose gift that will live on, unlike cut roses that wilt in a week.are the best gardening pants...
El Segundo