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Rough-cut Mowers
The right tool for the right job is a rule to live by, especially if you have brush, heavy weeds and grasses to clear. That said, not all rough-cut mowers or rotary cutters are equal.
An Easy Thanksgiving Banner
Pin two triangles wrong sides together. « More of The Craft Hub » Tags fabric , sew , stitch With a 1/4-inch seam allowance, stitch the two triangles together. Because the fabric is layered, this might mean only three to four cuts.
Practice Farm Safety First, Last, Always
Farming is one of the most dangerous professions there is. About 125 people die in tractor accidents each year. Rollovers are the most common type of tractor accident. It's time for a truly sobering blog entry.
Keeping Your Fields Tree-Free
Having spent more time than I care to count waging the war against encroaching trees, I've experimented with using many different tools and techniques for keeping them under control and have finally settled into a rhythm that is fairly simple and straightforward.
Plum Tree Problems – Why A Plum Tree Is Bleeding Sap
It's best to contact anin your area. Disease often enters the tree through the damaged late winter/early spring for young trees and around mid-summer for older, established ones.
Lawn Care In Winter – Tips On Caring For Winter Lawns
Since activity on the grass will be low, the fertilizer will sit among the blades and slowly seep in, feeding them all season long.When you aerate and fertilize, make sure to move across your lawn in a crisscrossing pattern – if you move in a single...
Getting Attached To Your Equipment: A Primer On Tractor Attachments
Raised in rural north Georgia, Rick Sosebee spent many summers at his grandparents' farm working on small engines and learning mechanics from his grandfather, Vernon Sosebee, who owned Sosebee's Lawn and Garden for more than 25 years.
Corkscrew Willow Care: Tips For Growing A Curly Willow Tree
Keep reading and learn more about how to grow corkscrew willow trees.Before growing this tree, you should know where to plant curly willow. If your tree is near a fertilized lawn, it probably already receives adequate nutrients.Prune corkscrew willow...
Acacia Koa Information And Care: Where Do Acacia Koa Trees Grow
It is also the largest native tree in the state. Keep a wide ring of mulch around koa trees to protect them from physical damage.If growing in Hawaii, the conditions should be right for minimal care.
The Lawn Invaders: Yarrow
Yarrow spreads vigorously from underground rhizomes, but it also spreads readily through seeds to locations further away from its original colony. In fact, I'm beginning to think that "weed" is a good word for it, the way it invades the lawn.
El Segundo
Thinning Out Strawberries: When And How To Renew A Strawberry Patch
A tiller makes the job easy. Weeds reduce the amount of moisture and nutrients available to the strawberry plants.After thinning the plants, fertilize the bed with a complete fertilizer such as 15-15-15, 10-10-10 or 6-12-12.
Cherry Borer Treatment: Tips For Controlling Cherry Tree Borers
Read on to learn more about these unwanted pests.The larvae of the borers are responsible for cherry tree borer damage, as the pests feed on the wood, unlike other pests that feed on the plant juices or foliage.If your trees are affected by cherry tree...
Sweetbay Magnolia Care: Tips For Growing Sweetbay Magnolias
Sweetbay magnolia trees feature creamy white spring and summer flowers with a sweet, lemony fragrance and leaves that flutter in the slightest breeze to flash their silvery undersides.
Zone 5 Water Plants: Tips On Growing Water Loving Plants In Zone 5
These features can help solve water problems in the landscape. Plant selections for ponds need to be those that tolerate water all the time. Every year when I visit Rotary Gardens, I find that I am most drawn to a shady, boggy, lowland area and the deep...
Information On Pruning And Cutting Monkey Grass
Pruning monkey grass or trimming back monkey grass isn't too complicated. They ask themselves, “How low should I cut back my monkey grass,” or “may I mow it, or do I need to trim with clippers?” When you worry about how well you take care of your...
Growing And Planting Smoke Trees In The Landscape
This is simple enough. Therefore, be careful not to hit it with a lawnmower or other gardening equipment while gardening. Further,should help your tree be healthy as well. A lot of people prefer to use them as accent trees similar to the Japanese maple.
KuneKune Pigs
Some speculate the breed originated in Spain while others say it's of Chinese origin. Use: The KuneKune pig is a producer of sweet, succulent meat. There's a good deal of genetic diversity in the breed, but the typical KuneKune is stocky and solid with...
How to Prepare Farm Land for Planting
Use a disposable spoon to collect the soil easily and place samples in disposable food storage containers. The land is now ready for planting. Dig several holes in areas you wish to place crops.
Santa Monica
The Invaders: Milkweed
I spent another year cutting and pulling them, without reducing their numbers in the least. They were coming up in the lawn all throughout last year, and I expect to see them there this year, too.
El Segundo
Cankers On Trees: How Do You Treat Cankers In A Tree
What are tree cankers and what causes them, and how do you treat cankers in a tree once you see them? These tree species will suffer less stress and adapt well to the soil type, sun exposure and overall environmental conditions in your area.The avoidance...
Are Your Azalea Branches Dying: Learn About Azalea Dieback Diseases
Rhododendron stem borers have been known to attack any type of azalea. This article explains how to identify the cause of dying branches on azaleas and what you can do about it.If your azalea bushes are dying, look for pests.
Staking A Tree After Planting: Should You Stake A Tree Or Not
In fact, it is sometimes a really good idea. A bare root tree might not be at first, especially if it is tall, and might benefit from staking. When to stake a new tree? In yesteryear, people routinely staked trees they planted in order to provide support...
Why Remove Tree Stumps?
Roots begin to increase in diameter over time and this expansion will start to crack sidewalks, driveways and other paved surfaces. However, if the pipe already has a leak, the water from the leak can speed up the root expansion process, which leads to...
Santa Monica
What Would Cause a White Foam Discharge From the Side of a Tree?
Damaged bark gives the bacteria an entrance to the tree, while drought stresses reduce the tree's ability to resist infection. Removing vegetation under and around the tree removes the main source of spittlebug infection.
Santa Monica
Ask Martok: Keeping Sheep Versus Goats
Goats, however, can neatly clear your farm of pesky brush and weeds . Again, it depends! 4. However, you need sturdy fences to safely raise both sheep and goats, not just to keep them home but to keep predators away.
Treating Lawn Pests – Tips On Controlling Insects In Grass
If you find more than 15 caterpillars in a square yard, treat the lawn withfreestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });White grubs feed on grass roots and cause brown patches of grass., uneven watering and improper...
Lawn Watering Guidelines: Best Time To Water Lawns And How
You can test soil moisture by inserting a screwdriver, trowel or similar object into the grass. How do you keep a lawn lush and green, even during the long, hot days of summer? Read on for lawn watering guidelines and helpful watering lawn care tips.Here...