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How to Oven-Dry Figs
Use tongs to turn the figs every few hours to ensure that the figs dry evenly.Check the figs every one to two hours, as drying time varies from six to 12 hours, depending on the temperature in your oven and the size and moisture content of the figs.
Santa Monica
How to Keep Flowers Fresh by Freezing
One way to prolong their life and maintain their freshness is to store flowers in a refrigerated cooler at a temperature of about 34 degrees Fahrenheit, which is near freezing.Wash buckets and vases with a sponge or brush, hot water, dish soap, and a...
Santa Monica
What Is a Bleeding Tree?
Fungal infections are a major cause of bleeding trees in citrus orchards as well. Depending on the variety of tree, sap, resin or pitch can play the role of the tree's blood. The color of the gum depends on the type of tree.
Santa Monica
Diseases of Weeping Willow Trees
Black canker's fungus, Glomerella miyabeana, results in darkened areas of brown showing up on the weeping willow's narrow leaves. Various diseases can take their toll on the weeping willow, with some precipitating serious symptoms in the tree.Willow scab...
Santa Monica
Spiral Bamboo Plant
This process continues until the desired twists are achieved.Normal household conditions and temperatures will support a spiral bamboo plant. If a hydroponic plant begins to fail, try planting it in soil.
Santa Monica
Does the Wood of Lilac Bushes Make Good Firewood?
Woodworkers considered the lilac wood to be a "hardwood," suitable for carving and musical instruments. If you are pruning in the summer, after the bush has blossomed, cut the branches into firebox-long sections and store them in a dry place to season...
Santa Monica
Cause of Yellowing Leaves in Ficus Trees
The leaves will almost always regrow once the underlying cause of the ficus dropping leaves is eliminated.Ficus trees require regular watering. If the light intensity or temperature in the new location is different, then the water requirements will change.
Santa Monica
How to Ripen Avocados Immediately
Shut the microwave door.Set the microwave on medium heat or 50 percent, for one minute.Turn the avocado over. The traditional method to speed up the ripening, of a properly harvested avocado, involves placing the fruit in a paper bag and storing in a...
Santa Monica
How to Make a Wood Slab From a Tree Trunk
Depending up their length and width they make variety of table tops, interior and exterior walls and even doors. Round and oval slabs are easy, but a rectangular slab requires more experience in working with a chain saw.A chainsaw quickly converts a tree...
Santa Monica
Natural Spider Control Herbs
Scorpions and centipedes also try to avoid this strong herb for it's incredibly potent scent. If the strong scent of English lavender is too much in large quantities, French lavender has a milder scent that will still work for spider control.Rosemary...
Santa Monica
Colourful Ireland, Part 2
One theory is that Ireland not being a very wealthy country they had no money for signs and neon lighting so instead they painted them in bright colour so when you walk down the street you cannot miss your goal.Whatever the reason it gives a very special...
El Segundo
Small Black Flying Bugs in the House
The larvae feed on organic matter in the soil for a couple of weeks, eventually pupating and transforming into adult fungus gnats. When the intruder is small and black, suspect fungus gnats.
Santa Monica
Why Does Wood Spark in the Fireplace?
Softwoods such as conifers and pines are more likely to spark due to their high resin content. The embers smolder, often unnoticed for hours, and cause fires.Keep the fireplace and chimney free of creosote and other deposits.
Santa Monica
The Advantages of Living in the Countryside
There isn't as much traffic or smog or pollution from industry. Depending on where you live in the country, you can have mountain views, lake views, ocean views or pasture-like scenes right outside your door.Outdoor aficionados may prefer the country...
Santa Monica
Fruit Trees That Will Grow in Wisconsin
The apple is medium sized with an almost completely solid, bright red skin. There should be good water drainage. It is important for the trees to get the early morning sun as this helps to dry to early morning dew and lowers chances for diseases.
Santa Monica
Is the Wood From the Banyan Tree Useable?
The wood of the roots is thick and strong while the trunk and limbs have lightweight wood that is durable in water.The banyan is often planted around temples and is a sacred tree to Hindus and Buddhists.
Santa Monica
House Plants That Keep Spiders Away
The spiders that you might find indoors are adapted to living inside, no matter what the weather outside --and many even prefer it. Many spray repellents available on the market contain some portion of orange or lemon oils.
Santa Monica
Carnivorous Plants in the Tropical Rainforest
In fact, sundews comprise 25 percent of all carnivorous plants.Death lurks in the tropical rainforests -- even plants are killers here.Butterworts look the least like a murderous carnivore, according to the "Wisconsin Natural Resources" magazine, but...
Santa Monica
A Companion Plant for Watermelon
If you have enough space in your garden, growing your own watermelon puts this summer treat just outside your door. Allow about a foot between the corn plants so the watermelon plants still receive enough sun.Young melon plants are susceptible to insect...
Santa Monica
Outdoor Plants That Repel Ants
Since its dried purple-colored Lavender flowers are a primary ingredient in potpourris, the plant can serve double-duty as an ant deterrent when you dry cuttings and add to your indoor potpourri mixtures.Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) is a popular...
Santa Monica
How to Design a Floral Shop Layout
For these reasons and more, a floral shop can be a rewarding and profitable business. Furnish it with counters where employees can assemble arrangements. Place a smaller refrigerated cooler in the back of the shop to store extra flowers and arrangements...
Santa Monica
How to Care for a Palm Plant
Make sure the plant does not receive direct unfiltered light to avoid leaf burn.Provide a consistently warm temperature. Ensure that when watering, the pot is not left sitting in water, but is raised up on the gravel.Place the palm in an area that receives...
Santa Monica
Shrubs That Provide Home Security
Hardy in USDA zones 6 through 9, this is a slow-growing plant. One candidate is rugosa rose (Rosa rugosa), which grows in USDA zones 3 through 9. It flowers in winter when garden color is scarce, with yellow flowers followed by black berries.
Santa Monica
How to Get Rid of Gnats in House Plants
Using a shovel, remove about one inch of the soil's top layer. Spray the chemical on the house plants.Remove the top layer of the soil. Yet, there's a simple solution. In most cases, house plants are the culprit.
Santa Monica
My Favorite Violas
And they seem to appear everywhere, out of nowhere. Springtime is my favorite time of year, especially since that's when my springtime favorites-little wild violas and violets-pop up all over the neighborhood to rival their hybridized cousins, the pansies,...
El Segundo
How to Make Dried Rosemary Sachets
To get the most mileage out of rosemary, dry fresh springs and use the leaves in homemade sachets.Fragrant and soothing, rosemary is a great herb for sachets.Cut several branches from a rosemary bush, or buy fresh rosemary at your local market.
Santa Monica
My Ivy Is Losing Leaves
Insecticidal soap applications treat the infestations.Plants afflicted with anthracnose or bacterial leaf spot experience leaf dieback and leaf drop. If your plant leaves wither, turn black and then fall off, consider changing something in the environment.
Santa Monica