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The Pros and Cons of Carts for Riding Lawn Mowers
They can be a bit unstable over bumpy ground. If you've used lawn mower carts in the past, share your experiences and insights on their advantages and disadvantages. Cons Because these carts are small, they're not as convenient for large projects.
My Riding Mower Demonstrates The Value Of A Differential Lock
The main features are easy enough—the controls for the hydraulic lift, or for engaging the mowing blades on a riding mower —but other features (such as the differential lock, whose value I recently learned) see less frequent use, even if they can...
Riding Rio
We walked around the round pen as Lisa called out suggestions to me from the sidelines, telling me to keep my hands light and keep him moving. City Stock – Urban Farm Online rio, audrey pavia, horse, horseback riding Riding Rio Last Saturday, I asked...
10 Terms Every Farmer Should Know About Mowers
Hydrostatic This type of transmission is powered by hydraulic fluid and allows for seamless adjustment of tractor speed without changing gears. Do you know what terms such as "deck belt," "hydrostatic" and "zero-turn" mean?
Eat, Pray, Ride
After two days in this rural atmosphere, I was sad to have to get on the road to come back to the concrete and traffic of Southern California. Read more of City Stock » Tags agriculture , central california , san joaquin valley , three rivers , urban...
Christmas Horse Ride
My horses donned their Santa hats — a pre-Christmas tradition I first imposed on them several years ago. How times flies. Although we couldn't see them, it still made us happy, knowing they were nearby.
Rough-cut Mowers
They differ in horsepower rating, width of cut, trailing versus mounted and even safety standards. “With the motors we put on our rough-cut mowers, an ATV operator can often mow at higher ground speeds than a cutter mounted to or pulled behind a 40-horsepower...
Riding in the Rain
Audrey Pavia's blog – Riding in the Rain – Urban Farm OnlineAudrey Pavia, rain, horseback ridingWhile most urban farmers hide indoors during our rare rainstorms, I like to go outside and the rain.Today I took it to the extreme — I mounted up Milagro...
Riding the High Desert
I was glad the ride was short, though. Audrey Pavia Keeping farm animals in the city can be a real hoot. Just for good measure—and to prove to myself I could do it—I cleaned stalls when I got home, despite the pouring rain.
Weekend NATRC Trail Ride
California oaks and sycamores provided plenty of shade. I just couldn't rustle up a buddy to go with me, and decided that I'd muster up some courage and do it anyway. It was daunting, but I was determined to do it.
Riding The Urban Trails
And now, he's helping his little “brother” Rio learn to negotiate all the scary stuff. As he and I cruise the urban trails of Norco, we face all kinds of challenges. Spanish Mustangs are known for being smart, sensible and averse to wasting energy...
Get That Lawn Mower Ready
You can try to grind down the heavy side and rebalance, or better yet, spend a few bucks on a new blade. Take too much steel off one end when grinding out nicks and you could end up with a poorly balanced blade.
Last Ride of the Silver Sage
I am still grieving. Cooler climates can probably give it full sun with no problems. It probably got tired of the frequent transplanting, the collie lifting his leg over it, and the slugs chomping on it.
El Segundo
Fashionable Goat Takes a Train Ride
This city goat is all decked out for its daily commute. Http:// news Cari Jorgensen Posted: June 11, 2015, 4:10 p.m. EST It's winter in Australia, which means it's time to dig out your hats and scarves...
Lawn Mower Exchange Program a Success
It adds up: Lawn mowers (and the 800 million gallons of gasoline we purchase each year to fuel them) contribute 5 percent of our nation's total air pollution. According to Becker, the program will continue unfunded, with Midwest Recovery continuing to...
Seven ways to sneak bulbs into your landscape without your lawn\'s mower even noticing!
It didn't occur to me until preparing this article that I can use that strategy at home, too! Maybe I won't need to move to the Mediterranean after all.In containers, in windowboxes, in front of rocks, under trees—I'll bet if you look around this spring...
El Segundo
4 Mower Types To Keep Your Farm Well-Maintained
This makes it easier to cut clean rows in lawns without missing any grass. However, with a wide variety of riding lawn mower types to choose from, figuring out what type and size is right for you will require some research.
Did You Ever Want to Ride ... A Cow?
You can go along for the ride! « More Mondays with Martok » They also lick visitors who come to see them. You just need to know what makes cows tick. In Japan, at Ebino City's annual Cow Jumping Festival, cows jump 20-inch hurtles while wearing traditional...
Plow Snow With Your Lawn Mower Or ATV/UTV
A larger, heavier machine with superior traction might be required for these tough conditions, so if your lawn mower or ATV/UTV is on the small and light side, you might be better off with a plow truck.
Lawn Mowing Equipment: What Are The Different Kinds Of Lawn Mowers
However, they can cut taller grasses and weeds better than reel mowers. They also are available with mulching and bagging systems for clippings. The fan-like action creates a vacuum which sucks up grass into the blade's cut.
Chicken Gets Free Ride On A Roomba, Thoroughly Enjoys It
Does your chicken like to “help” with chores? Or is this her way of helping with the chores? Who needs to walk when you have a vacuum to take you around the room? Share your story in the comments below.
Datterini and Trombetti
It's a lifestyle choice with which I am quite comfortable. I'll bet I've mailed more than 100 packets of trombetti seeds to people in the United States. These datterini (little dates) tomatoes are essentially a type of cherry tomato.
Sharpen Up On Scythes
Peening is the technique to restore the blade's sharpness by hammering the cutting edge so that it's thin enough to cut effectively. While this might be a good option to restore an old or damaged blade, most scythe users choose to practice peening on...
Fertilizer Factor
« More Dirt on Gardening » Tags backyard , Fertilizer , garden , Jessica Walliser , lawn Of course, I don't have a walk-behind drop spreader because I've never had to use one. Looking back, I should have foreseen this problem when we planted the seed...
American Cream and White Horses
Photo courtesy American White American Creme Horse Registry History: The history of the American White and Cream horses begins in 1908, with the birth of a white colt that would eventually come to be known as Old King.
Make Mine Mules
Arrange to visit the mules you like in person and if you aren't equine-savvy, take along a friend who is. Mule shows include classes as diverse as: commonplace pleasure and speed events Or as esoteric as: Coon jumping (mules jump a tall hurdle from a...
Celebrating The Goose: Raising Geese
“The weather doesn't seem to bother them as long as they have a protective place from the wind and snow.” Although grown geese can fend off predators better than chickens or ducks, most domestic breeds don't fly well and even the crankiest goose is...