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Weeping Cherry Tree Problems
Along with that elegance can come some problems. The fruits, though inedible for humans, attract many birds. Choosing the proper location can alleviate some other problems.Weeping cherry trees have a few problems to watch for.Aphids, borers, tent caterpillars...
Santa Monica
Is Spruce a Hard or Soft Wood?
Deciduous angiosperms like oak are hardwoods, while gymnosperms like spruce are softwoods.Softwoods like spruce have a simpler structure than hardwoods and the structure varies less between different species.
Santa Monica
How to Make Pine-Sap Salve
Native Americans make a salve out of pine sap to sooth mild skin irritations. Hit the cloth with a hammer until the sap pieces are broken into pea-sized pieces. Pine sap is sticky and hard to remove from clothing, so wear clothes and shoes you don't mind...
Santa Monica
How to Extract Oil From Cedar
Commercially it is produced either by steam distillation or by distilling the wood under pressure with carbon dioxide. The equipment for CO2 distillation is expensive and it is difficult to purchase a still to use at home due to federal regulations.
Santa Monica
What Are the Characteristics of Mahogany Wood?
It is commonly regarded as the world's leading wood for fine-quality furniture, cabinetry, sculpture, carving, interior trim and other applications.The mahogany tree can reach more than 150 feet in height and 6 feet in diameter.
Santa Monica
African Hardwood Tree Types
This diversity of habitat results in an extremely diverse population of tree species. It is indigenous to Madagascar and southern Africa. In West Africa, where it grows, it is called Acajou.Cocos nucifera is often called by its French name, Cocotier.
Santa Monica
How to Germinate a Fig Seed
Return the figs to the water for an additional one to two days. Distribute the mixture evenly over the surface of the growing medium in the tray.Water the seeds to settle them into the growing medium and encourage them to germinate.Place the tray in a...
Santa Monica
How to Identify Juniper Trees
Many people don't realize that juniper trees are a cedar tree because they are an evergreen, unlike the rest of the cedar family. Juniper trees leak a sticky, resinous sap from the trunk and along the branches.
Santa Monica
The Red Spear-Tip Fungus Mushroom Found in Mulch
The scent draws in flies and others who feed on carrion. Although extremely unpleasant for the home gardener who doesn't like the smell of dead creatures in their garden, this smelly tip has a purpose.
Santa Monica
Wood Fern Care: Planting Wood Ferns In The Garden
Read on to learn more about adding these fantastic fern plants to the garden.With their upright foliage and interesting color, wood fern plants are highly ornamental additions to the garden.
Are Elm Trees Hardwood?
However, describing the furniture may be slightly difficult unless you understand the qualities of lumbers such as hardwood and softwood and the divisions inside those classifications.Elm wood has historically been used for wheels, coffins and chairs.The...
Santa Monica
Do You Prune Plumbago?
Cut back long branches to a bud or lateral joint, and ensure that each branch is cut to a different length.Plumbago plants produce buds on tissue grown during the current season, which means pruning while the plant is actively flowering significantly...
Santa Monica
Ebony Tree Facts
Young ebony is illegally harvested by locals who favor its denseness for making charcoal.Ebony trees once existed from Senegal to Ethiopia and down to South Africa.Harvest-ready mature trees in many parts of the world have largely disappeared due to logging.
Santa Monica
How to Trim a Japanese Maple Tree
Use pruning shears to remove smaller ones.Stand up again, look at the tree, and see if removing the lower branches have exposed more of the trunk.Go back and cut more branches under the tree to increase the height of the trunk.
Santa Monica
How to Plant Gardenia Veitchii
Gently pat down the soil around the stem to remove air pockets. Remove the gardenia veitchii bush from its nursery container and place it in the center of the hole.Backfill the hole with the soil that you originally removed.
Santa Monica
How to Care for a Dying Weeping Willow Tree
This enables the willow tree to absorb nutrients from the soil without competition. Though willows usually survive drought, proper irrigation promotes health, making it easier for willows to recover from diseases and other problems.Apply mulch made of...
Santa Monica
How Do Palm Trees Survive Hurricanes?
The sabal palm is native to the southeastern United States and the wood of its trunk is so strong that it is often used to make wharf pilings, docks and poles.The University of Florida explains that palms grow differently from other tree species, such...
Santa Monica
How to Fill Holes in Trees
This foam will fill the hole, keep moisture out and help support the tree. It works well with trees that have suffered structural damage during a storm. Tree experts don't often recommend patching up a hole.
Santa Monica
The Parts of Trees and Their Functions
The crown is the powerhouse of the tree. The cambium is a thin layer where new cells develop to either become xylem, phloem or more cambium. From palm trees with their expansive, shallow fibrous root system to giant redwoods hundreds of feet tall, every...
Santa Monica
How Do Fungi Reproduce?
These slime molds may have been the evolutionary precursor to the fungi kingdom. This includes some yeasts that reproduce through cell division and other fungi that reproduce through fragmentation, where a piece of hyphae breaks off to form a new mycelium.
Santa Monica
Can You Burn Apple Wood in a Fireplace?
If you don't have a gas-jet fire ignition setup on your fireplace, you may need more than rudimentary fire-building skills — and some softer, faster firewood on hand, such as cedar or pine — to get a good apple fire going and keep it going.
Santa Monica
Is a Juniper a Cedar Tree?
Junipers and cedars are evergreens.Juniper is an evergreen with whorls of needle-like leaves.The confusion between the two genera is due to the common names of some species. About 60 known species of juniper are scattered around the world.
Santa Monica
How to Tell if It\'s a Morel Mushroom
Neophyte mushroom hunters sometimes mistake "false morels" for actual morels. Both the stem and cap on morels are completely hollow.Inspect the cut stem of the mushroom. Additionally, the stem of false morels is solid and continues all the way to the...
Santa Monica
How to Mix Epsom Salt to Kill Stumps
Home and property owners face the troublesome task of removing a tree stump following cutting down a tree. If you can see some of the stump's roots showing up from the ground, drill a few holes into the thickest part of each root.
Santa Monica
What Is a Lateral Tree Branch?
These main, structural lateral branches are referred to as the scaffold branches. They become the main branches that create the shape and silhouette of the tree canopy. These lateral branches and twigs, which arise from lateral buds on the sides of scaffold...
Santa Monica
What Is Okoume Wood?
Okoume lumber has little resistance to insect and fungal attack.Okoume accepts stain and glue very well but, even though soft, is only moderately easy to work by turning, carving, cutting or planing.
Santa Monica
What Is the Strongest Type of Tree?
In its native habitat, awe-inspiring 300-foot giants attest to this tree's enduring strength. The strongest survivors overcome through give and take. Use a sharp pruning saw, and sterilize the blade with household disinfectant before and after you prune...
Santa Monica