Instead, my father (who is much more skilled with construction projects than I am), fashioned a number of thin U-shaped wooden cradles that we attached to the posts. These cradles were designed to hold in place the planks that would comprise the guard...
All-aluminum trailers have higher resale values, but they cost as much as 50 percent more up front than a comparable steel trailer, and they have higher insurance rates. The gross trailer weight and the tow vehicle's capacity, as well as the connection...
Having this type of cart expands your riding mower from a mere lawn maintenance machine to a mini-tractor that can transport supplies and materials around the farm. If you own a riding lawn mower (and because you're a hobby farmer, you probably do), then...
SnoBoss Reversible for tight steps and stairs, the True Temper SnoBoss can be used as a snow pusher or a shovel and is ergonomic for minimal back strain. Granberg International 2. Netatmo Personal Weather Station Know what your ultra-local weather is...
During the peak of the weather system, a particularly large storm with high winds rolled through, and while it missed my farm for the most part, it did leave behind a few calling cards.
We've gotten some entertaining looks at gas stations and other stops over the years when the topper held a small menagerie. It's less of an investment than a tractor, and manufacturers now make attachments , including front-end loader buckets and manure...
Although your vehicle may pull and stop the trailer, in an emergency situation, the tow vehicle needs to mange the weight and the forces put upon it by the trailer, and not let the trailer take control.
The Nut Wizard, originally invented for harvesting pecans and walnuts, is a revolving, spring-wire cage on a handle. The proper tools make bringing in the harvest easier, faster and simply more fun.
Small-scale farmers can find plastic mulch layer attachments for their walk-behind tractors and for low-horsepower tractors. Following up broadcast seeding with a pass with the cultipacker will press the seeds into the soil.
If you're new to the farm and garden section, you might be surprised by the amount of livestock for sale on there, but you'll soon find yourself fawning over spring lambs and aching to raise show chickens.
L oad At Night For Morning Delivery For the longest time, we believed it necessary to load pigs in the early morning hours to avoid overnighting them in the trailer, but once we finally tried it, we never went back to 5 a.m. loads.
This repair can be made with a tungsten-inert-gas (TIG) welder or a metal-inert-gas (MIG) welder, which is far more common and easier to use. Step 6 Lastly, use the wire brush to polish the weld or blend-grind the bead for a seamless appearance.
If you make your own truck-bed hauler, make it stout! And always add a roof—you'd be surprised how high we can jump when we're afraid. Always drive carefully, accelerating and slowing down gradually, and watch those turns! Don't make your animals scramble...
A few grooming and training tips and a bit of patience will help you grow full, branching trailers with the potential to out-bloom any "regular" AV on your shelf. A neglected plant can develop such a long "neck" that it seems to crawl right over the rim...
I've got some tips on getting your trailer to shape up. You'll end up will fuller foliage than before, as well as a bounty of blooms.Flower stalks originate near an African violet's crown, so the more crowns on your trailer the greater its bloom potential.Trailing...
Here's what to know. As an extra measure of safety, I spray painted the 2-inch hitch fluorescent orange as a reminder when hooking up the larger trailer. These trailers are mainly for a gross weight of more than 12,000 pounds.
This article was written by Anna O'Brien, D.V.M., Germantown, Md., and vetted by Lyle G. McNeal, a livestock specialist in the Department of Animal, Dairy and Veterinary Sciences at Utah State University.
Read more of City Stock » Both rides were close to each other in southern California's High Desert, about 75 miles from L.A. We'd arrive at 7 a.m. on Saturday, camp overnight and then ride the other event the next day.
However, you may have inherited an ivy-filled garden or find this emerald-leaved beauty too hard to resist. It prefers warm, mild climates and moist, aerated soil, but it will grow (and most likely thrive) in most locations.It is the perfect gift for...
The non-trailers in baskets grow as if in their own indoor bed and provide surprises as some of them start to trail also.Making the selection to over winter seems less daunting now that I know more of my favorites will be “hanging out” with me this...
There wasn't much traffic, and it was a straight run down the freeway. I'd never hauled a horse trailer before, so that was my first challenge. I just couldn't rustle up a buddy to go with me, and decided that I'd muster up some courage and do it anyway.
Choose from a host of equipment for your small-farm sprayer applications. If possible, try the sprayer before you buy it. Regardless of the spray system type, size should be dictated by the size of the ATV, UTV or tractor to be used.
For example, if your horses are chewing a fence post out of boredom, noticing it quickly and adding supports to the post is a much simpler solution than replacing the entire post after it's been chewed in half.
We just put a 10-inch piece of metal roofing over the pile and weight it down with more wood so that we'll have dry wood if it rains or snows. Here are some of the basic rules you need to know: Take a chain-saw training class called The Game of Logging...
Tags farm , growing season Year-round—they aren't letting winter get in the way of their crops at their Michigan farm. Those who purchase year-round subscriptions to Green Wagon Farm will be able to pick up their choice of beets, carrots, Daikon radishes,...
"Girl" foliage doesn't get its name by being frilly or pretty (although it's both!) but from the history of hybrid African violets. I'd like to share some of my favorites with you, along with tips for getting them to look their best.
We just got another eight chicks so that our older ladies can train them. We held the chicks a lot; we wanted nice, friendly, happy chickens. Each chicken poked its head out, looked around and then jumped out, ran around, flapped its wings and started...