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The Reason for Soft Watermelons
Because of this, it is important to choose a watermelon that is as firm as possible before serving. According to the University of Georgia, a drop as little as a distance of 8 inches can result in severe internal bruising, and a 1-foot drop can crack...
Santa Monica
10 Reasons To Keep Geese
Goose down is a valuable stuffing for pillows and comforters, and it is heavenly soft. As you thumb through hatchery catalogs this spring, consider a few goslings to bring entertainment and assets to your farm or homestead.
4 Reasons Beginning Beekeepers Shouldn\'t DIY
You are already taking on a lot. It is approximately 5/16 inch. Plus, you'll be learning from seasoned beekeepers that care for honeybees in your area. Books about honeybees, their behavior and their social structure and anything you can find on the internet.
Top 10 Reasons for Urban Beekeeping
Not to mention, all the free honey! Health: Honey has antiseptic and antibacterial properties; manuka honey contains the antibacterial methylglyoxal and the acidity in honey keeps bacteria from growing.
6 Reasons to Keep Urban Chickens
That's, at least, the idea. Natural Pest Control Chickens are omnivores just like humans, but their tastes are a little less refined. Sometimes, they enjoy us, too. When your flock dines on these pests, the yard becomes a bug-reduced oasis, sprinkled...
Reasons For Rose Leaves Turning Yellow
This radiant heat causes heat stress and the lower foliage will turn yellow and fall off as the rose bush tries to protect itself and de-stress. A common cause of stress is. The ground or area below the rose bush is retaining too much heat, which then...
5 Reasons You\'ll Love Raising Chickens
Quiet, cooing, clucking activism. When you gather fresh eggs from the nest box each morning, they're still warm. The most dedicated foragers will scratch through what you dig up from the ground, spreading soil and cleaning out grubs and other pests.
The Best Flowering Perennials
It is commercially available through native plant nurseries, propagated by divided root clumps or seed. Native perennials such as Ceanothus, salvia, abutilon, yarrow, columbine and pawpaw, thrive in the natural climate and soil conditions of their native...
Santa Monica
The Best Antioxidant Vegetables
The Agricultural Research Service conducted studies that showed eggplants are high in chlorogenic acid, "one of the most powerful antioxidants produced in plant tissues" according to the agency.
Santa Monica
Beets Are the Best!
Another great cooking idea is to roast white turnips and cubed or small potatoes at the same time as the beets. Even if the oven temperature is low, the beets will just take a little longer, from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on size and then pierce one...
3 Reasons For Delayed Egg-Laying
My pullets will be 20 weeks old on Dec. The quality of the flock's diet also depends on its ability to “chew” the feed. Grit acts like teeth inside the crop, so the better they can grind up their food, the more nutrition they can absorb, just like...
15 Reasons You Need A Tractor
For heavy loads, a rear carrier might be just what you need, because it has more lift capacity and puts the weight on the tractor's more robust rear axle. Bigger is not always better, and a compact 20-horsepower garden tractor may well be more useful...
3 Reasons To Shop Local Nurseries
While these new garden retailers certainly provide convenience and lower cost products, consumers often pay a higher price in terms of poor-quality merchandise and overall shopping experience compared to dedicated nurseries and local garden centers.
11 Reasons to Keep Backyard Chickens
Making the final decision—well, that's up to you. Healthier Eggs Research has shown that eggs from free-range chickens are lower in cholesterol and higher in vitamins and minerals.
4 Reasons We [Heart] Native Bees
“Most are very docile and gentle and don't sting.” 4. “Before he started working with us, he never noticed them before. It is stunning to find out how many bees are out there.” He describes a cranberry-farming friend who takes his beer outside...
What Fruits & Vegetables Are Grown in Ohio?
Visitors to many of the state's orchards can pick the fruit to take home. In 2005, 8,500 tons of grapes were harvested in the state.Ohio has ranked among the top 10 states in apple production.
Santa Monica
Local Food Prices Indicate Value
“If local foods are a natural fit for some of these restaurants, then it would definitely be a good strategy to price the food higher, because there is an indication of value with fresh food.” Sharma says another important finding of the research...
Buying Tools: Price Versus Quality
However, I often struggle with buying a high-priced, high-quality tool versus one that will get the job done when it will be seldom used and lightly at that. A reader recently responded to a July blog post that talked about buying tools locally where...
Reasons Why New Growth Is Dying
Fewer roots means fewer nutrients and less water that can be transported, so these valuable materials often doesn't make it all the way to the tips of the plant once root damage is severe.Dying growth can be difficult to cure, no matter the cause.
There\'s Always a Reason: Companion Planting
They planted enough to feed the entire county, and none of it ever went to waste. I spent the better part of two days trying to remember their gardens. Perhaps if I were solely responsible for feeding myself and a family during the winter, I could call...
El Segundo
5 Reasons We Love Muck Boots
Yes, muck boots are a necessity for any farmer, but in case you need a little persuading, here's why we find them so great. I've paired muck boots with jeans (obviously), overalls, heavy winter snow pants, skirts, and—yes—even pajamas.
4 Reasons to Rethink Volunteer Crops
Plant Competition Certain issues come with allowing volunteers plants to grow where they sprout, including shading out your intentionally planted crops, overcrowding and stealing water from nearby crops.
The Best Mushrooms to Grow
They prefer a moist environment where temperatures range between 50 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Start morels in any type of soil if you live in a mild climate. Hardwood sawdust with grain and added nutrients is the choice growing medium.
Santa Monica
Ten Beautiful Reasons I Love Flower Gardens
Oh, and don't forget to recycle those plastic pots again next year.Flower gardening is one hobby that just keeps getting better every year. Plus, the more gardening friends you make over the years, the more freePlease don't pay 15 bucks for a simple bouquet...
7 Reasons To Choose Ducks Over Chickens
Bear in mind, ducks tend to drill quarter-sized holes in the dirt looking for bug larvae, but consider it beneficial aeration. Many towns and even cities are changing their laws to allow a small flock of chickens, but why not consider a few ducks instead?
3 Reasons You Shouldn\'t Own Horned Goats
It may just be badly injured, leaving you with the task of either euthanizing it or taking it for an expensive vet visit followed by a long and painful recovery. A friend of mine was recently trimming her goats' hooves when the goat sharply lifted its...
Dwarf Shrubs: Perfect Choices for Many Reasons
Soil conditions, level of moisture, light requirements, and exposure also play an important part in how well a shrub will perform.Another thing to consider is growth rate. For many of us, it's not too soon to be thinking about planting shrubs when the...
El Segundo