Just dig around the circumference of the plant with a garden fork or spade, prying upward as you go to loosen the roots.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Lift the clump carefully and brush off loose soil...
Today I will take you with me on a trail in uplands Reunion, namely the 'sentier de la Vierge' which stands for 'Virgin Mary's Trail' where we will enjoy a nice view upon Salazie circus as well as numerous natural encounters, mostly botanical ones of...
So I've been exploring ways to hide the fact that I am still planting more and more bulbs in our yard. It's tough digging holes around, for example, those shallow maple roots—grass won't grow there—so nobody, absolutely nobody, can object if you manage...
?Wonder how you are going to keep those house plants alive while you?re on vacation? Then, as long as there is water in the reservoir the plant will be fine. I had accumulated too many plants and invariably, I would miss one and it would die.
If you're looking for a great addition to garden beds or borders, or even something to add to a meadow garden, consider planting the easy-growing self heal plant (plant is commonly known as the self heal herb.
Before using or ingesting ANY herb or plant for medicinal purposes or otherwise, please consult a physician or a medical herbalist for advice. Self-heal tea is relatively unfamiliar to most modern North American herbalists, but scientists are studying...
Managing self heal plants, or rather eradicating them, is a difficult task. The question then is how to get rid of self heal weed and get back the lawn that all the neighbors envy.Self heal is also referred to as healall, carpenter's weed, wild sage or...
Pour into a wide-mouthed jar; cover. Storage is the same for other small onion types; refrigeration may prolong their keep. Egyptian walking onions are considered heirlooms, said to date back to at least the 1850s (), though their history is seemingly...
Because the stems break easily, your sedum lawn substitute may end up looking like a war zone, with smashed plants, and stems and leaves hither and thither.Birds and rodents can become a problem in a sedum lawn too.
You can mow the stand of mazus, or not, and if you want to keep everything tidy, edging around the mazus lawn is wise.In short order, you will have a lovely, completely carpeted former turf area dotted with white or purple-blue blooms.
Thereafter, minimize water application by half. Most of the sedges grow in a clumping habit. Sedge lawn substitute brings a modern, yet natural, touch to the garden. Loosen the soil to at least 6 inches and then rake it free of rocks, roots and other...
Ethanol in gas tends to evaporate, and what is left can really gum up fuel lines and the carburetor. If you did all that, all you will likely need to do is fill the gas tank, choke and start.
You can either purchase these plants or divide existing plants in the spring.Unnamed cultivars or species chamomile can be sown from seed and then grown in pots until large enough to transplant into the lawn area.
You can also dig the plants and move them to more desirable locations. Sprinkle the fertilizer on the ground around the plants and immediately rinse off any that falls on the leaves.
Cut apart larger plants, making sure to include some roots on each section. Thereafter, the plants require infrequent watering.In addition to irrigation the first year, fertilize the plants with a good lawn food in early spring and mid-summer.
Although meadow lawn turf offers countless advantages over a traditional lawn, it doesn't have the green, manicured appearance that most people are accustomed to.You also need to decide if you want a meadow filled with annualadd color and beauty immediately...
In this day and age, we are all more conscience of pollution, water conservation and the negative impacts of pesticides and herbicides on our planet and its wildlife. In 2007, the Ecosystem Design Group of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin,...
It can handle light foot traffic but in heavily passed areas, installor stairs. Actually it does, as well as steps, rocks, wheelbarrows, etc. In some areas of the country, moss in the lawn is the homeowner's nemesis.
Some cultivars to try in your thyme lawn include:You can also alternate varieties or create a pattern by planting aThe biggest problem with using thyme to replace grass is the work it will take preparing the site.
As a result, many gardeners are giving up traditional, resource-robbing lawns for low-maintenance, eco-friendly alternatives such as herniaria, also known as green carpet.It's hard to find fault with herniaria ground cover as lawn substitute.
The American manufacturers also never innovated much in this equipment sector—even in the last days of their production, Gravely still didn't have reversible handlebars—whereas the Europeans had adopted this eminently practical design in the 1960s.
Maintaining a lawn is a lot of work, and when you add up the cost of water,you'll find that it is also expensive. Pale pink blossoms appear in spring atop plants that range from 6 to 18 inches tall.) -These quick-spreading plants survive winters in the...
For instance,look right at home in a graveled landscape. All of these provide interesting texture and are available in a variety of colors and sizes that will fit into any landscape design.
Maybe you would like a vegetable garden, or kid friendly substitutes like a play structure complete with swings, slides and monkey bars.freestar.queue.push(function() { googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-300x250-ATF-1"); });Heavy foot traffic on your grass...
The plant stands up well in extreme weather, although it can look a little ragged and worse for wear during cold winters and hot summers. However, the plant can become invasive in some situations, especially if it is overwatered or over-fertilized.
Lawns can be deep and lush, but as every gardener knows, a beautiful lawn is both thirsty and labor-intensive. This group generally includes wildflowers; yet, wildflowers have many of the advantages gardeners seek when they go looking for lawn alternatives.require...
Ground covers can also add appealing texture, with some varieties having seasonal blooms and colorful fall foliage. Native grasses can be mown or left alone to create the appearance of aAnother option for your lawn includes the incorporation of flowers,...